Thanks CT.. I hope it’s real! I normally (when I was getting positives before) could never get much on an ic, so it’s hard for me to get too excited.. and it’s early so...we shall see!
I did another with smu because I have a ton of those wondfos... looks a tiny bit darker. It’s still one you have to have the light hit right on but I can’t ask for much on 9dpo
Amber- that’s exciting! Will that be 11 weeks already?!
It's official! "A VERY strong positive" they said! So now we go back to them on March 15th at seven and a half weeks pregnant for a scan. I still don't really feel a great deal of any type of emotion, but I think that is self preservation after the hell of past year. My husband is very happy so that's great! For now, I'm just looking forward to being able to do a bit of exercise again!
Very strong sounds awesome. Those are the kind of things you wonna hear for sure.
My opk is still pretty strong. No temp rise yet. I guess tomorrow. DH is having trouble getting the job done though. A failed attempt this morning. Sigh.
No I'm not sure exactly how they're tests work, but she was saying that if it comes up very faint then they send it externally for precise figures, but if they get a strong positive then they don't worry. In any case, I trust them! I sometimes think knowing less can be better for the mind! Well, my mind anyway.
So excited for you TB everything crossed, temps looking gorgeous!
I know just how hard it can be Dream, but like TB said, do try not to fret. You've got a couple in already which is great.
That's amazing Steph So glad it worked out. I'm sure it'll start feeling a lot more real when you go for your heartbeat check in less than a month! Have you told your family yet or will you wait?
Tb, is it time for SMU yet? Can't wait to see your FRER.
Dream, sorry about your failed attempt this morning. But looking at your OPK, it seems that there's still time so I wouldn't worry at all.
FRER showed nothing. Maybe a hint of something but even after staring and tilting it was hard to see so I’ll wait until tomorrow. iC looks about the same. I’m a bit confused because I thought FRER would pick up before my IC but I’m only 10 dpo so I’ll keep trying
Maybe try one of those Walmart cheapies? You've had success with those in the past right? It's still very early so I'm sure it'll look better tomorrow or the day after.
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