TTC #1- Looking for buddies!

Sunny-after doing some calculations we decided Prague actually might be a better deal for us. We are setting up an appointment with Gennet now (earliest isn’t until April!) Did you have ALL of your blood work done before hand (the STD screening and such) or do you just need it done before ER?

How’s everyone doing in here? I think I may have gotten a positive opk this morning, so I’ll start temping to confirm.

Amber congrats on making it to the 2nd trimester!
cT- you about ready??? You have what, 4 weeks to go?
I started my OPKs this morning, very negative though. Not expecting a positive for a few more days.

I took my temp this morning at 7am and I normally take it at 5am so I discarded it. It was a huge jump.

When does your summer break start TB? Assuming you'll be looking to travel during that time.
Officially done May 25. Too many snow days lol but I’m in my cousins wedding on June 9, so we will want to leave ASAP after that.

I’m kind of shocked to be Oing so early without any meds.. maybe the thyroid and metformin is helping? I’m actually terrified to get a positive on my own now. How sad is that?

I hope this is your cycle Dream!
Hi Ladies! You all seem like such a tight knit group and so supportive and kind to one another. Do you mind if I join you?
I'm 32, DH is 28, TTC #1. We had a pregnancy scare a couple of weeks ago that ultimately turned out to be really whacky hormones. We haven't ever talked seriously about kids -- it's always been an open ended ??. My husband, though, it turns out, was really unhappy with that BFN. I realized that I was more put off by the surprise of it more than anything. So we had The Conversation... long story short, the pills are out as of last week, just finished the withdraw bleed and leaving it at NTNP to give us a chance to ease into the whole thing. I am back and forth between excited and panicked; obsessing about being pregnant and thinking "nope, this is too intense", lol. I really have no idea what to expect. So we'll see!
Hi Stella. Welcome. There's always room for more in our group. Here's hoping your TTC is simple. FX
Welcome, Stella. These girls really are the best, you’ll be in good hands!

Oooh exciting news about Prague, TB- is your appointment another Skype consultation, or you’re actually going there in April?

I had the best weekend with my old rugby team mates! So glad I booked today off work though :haha: I feel like two days recovery is necessary when you’re over 25!

Hope everyone is doing good :hugs:
OPK negative today. I do feel slight tightness/pulling though so the surge may be coming soon.

Sounds like fun Steph. Even worse when you're over 30 lol.


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Tb, ah that's so cool! Wouldn't it be funny if we were there at the same time? I'm planning to start bcp's after this cycle and go for my FET the cycle after (probably May, so a couple weeks before you). I'll let you know when my coupon voucher post is ready so you can grab one too.

I did all (except for all the stuff you already have like AMH, LH, FSH etc.) my bloodwork when I was there for my first scan. STD's for both of us and all the required stuff to make sure you're okay to undergo anesthesia.

Yay for early positive OPK! Looks like O-day is today?

Dream, hope you O soon too. Would be nice if we'd all be in the TWW together.

Hi Stella, welcome :)

Steph, haha so glad you had fun with your old team. Can you imagine how many days off you need when you're "our" age (in your 30's) lol :haha:

AFM, started testing last night (CD 14) and it was pretty dark. This is usually what my + look like, but I'm not sure. Before IVF I didn't O until about CD 21, the cycle after (the chemical) I O'd on CD 14. Last cycle was weird. Normally my OPK's look even lighter than Dream's when negative, but last cycle they were pretty dark right from the start. I kept testing because I didn't get a temp rise until after it was (finally) about as dark as the control at CD 20. Not sure what to make of yesterday's OPK.


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Steph it’s true, it gets worse when you hit and move beyond 30 lol but so glad you had a good time!

I *think* I ovulated this morning so hopefully a temp rise tomorrow. I normally only have 2 days of positive opk but I had one this am.. but then I also had some pretty harsh Ovary pains im hoping was O. I had a good little dip so fingers crossed! I didn’t take anything except the thyroid stuff and metformin but both are supposed to help regulate hormones and cycle so...? I hope if I am Oing that my lining is ok.. can you take Estradiol and progesterone at the same time?

Sunny I bet you are getting ready to O.. will you test again this evening? That would be fun if we are all in the tww together. And yes I’d be interested in that coupon lol they sent an email about having all the blood work done before the skype consultation so I wasn’t sure. That would be so neat if we were there at the same time! I was going to try for the end of May because the last day was going to be May 18, but with snow days it moved to May 22 and I’m afraid of not getting back by the 9th. How long were you there for again?
If I were to do it again, I think I would stay for a shorter period of time and do some of the scans in the US. If you'd go with a setup like that and let's say you start your cycle on the 15th of May, you'd have a scan at CD 6 or so at home, maybe another one at day 10, and go to Prague right after. If you're anything like me (and Steph) you'll need more than 2 scans anyway, just like your monitored cycles when you weren't quite ready to be triggered yet.

In a scenario like the above, you'd have enough time to do a complete fresh cycle (5 days from retrieval, 6.5 from trigger) and be home by the 9th. It could work :D

Stella, FET= frozen embryo transfer. Tb, Steph, and myself have all either done a round of IVF or are seriously looking into it :)
I had 3 days in a row of positive opks, then no temp rise today and negative opk... ugh! Whhhyyy

Sunny- thanks! If I wasn’t IN the wedding I would just say forget it and go early but I would hate for me to go and then not be able to show up when I could just wait another week. Plus knowing how I respond to things.. I probably still wouldn’t trigger until CD 21:haha:
TB - I bet your rise is coming tomorrow. Sometimes I feel like my temp rise is delayed. Sigh, never simple is it?

CD14 over here. OPK not positive yet but that's alright. FF puts my fertile window starting today. So we've started the BD.

I also have acupuncture this afternoon. I like when my appointments workout right before O, gets me geared up mentally and hopefully physically as well.


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dream- I hope you’re right! Acupuncture sounds so nice. I miss going!

So this is for Steph and Sunny- what are your thoughts on PGS? I don’t really want to do it, but if it’s worth doing then I may. I just don’t know if I have enough information to make an informed decision ( I have had two clinics suggest it due to my losses)
Hi all my name is Sarah. We are TTC as of January. I stopped BC and went to have my annual visit. We got the results back and found out I had pre-cancerous cells. I had a biopsy and was told I would have to have the cone procedure done. Luckily the results came back and I only had to have the cryotherapy done. I had that done last Thursday and get to deal with "defrosting" for 7-10 days. We are going to start really trying next month. I also have thyroid issues (which I take meds for) and was once told I had PCOS. Not sure how true that is because the doctor was kind of a whack job. I hope I can join in your group and learn new things from everyone. It has been 10 years since I had my first child and things are a little different now being 32. Any tips or suggestions that you may have, I would love to hear!
Welcome Sarah! I had the cone biopsy done for the same thing about 11 or 12 years ago. It wasn't fun, but it wasn't too terrible.
Did your doctor say why they thought you had PCOS? Also, has your cycle come back normally since coming off the pill? You may want to get OPKs to make sure you know when you are ovulating :) Good luck!
I had 3 ovarian cysts removed about 7 years ago and then was having break through bleeding so they said I had PCOS. I went back to my favorite doctor and he just upped my BC and everything was better. Period have returned to normal. A little wacky this month it lasted 7 days when normally is 5. What ovulation kit do you recommend? I keep track with my phone app. And not really sure how to do the whole temperature thing. 10 years ago I just kept my legs up in the air after DTD and got pregnant. We tried for 6 months and I started taking prenatal vitamins 5 months into trying and was pregnant the next month. This time is so much different. ����*♀️
I usually buy a pack on Amazon called Wondfo. They are just little strips but they work great. You can get several for very inexpensive and some come with a pack of pregnancy tests too.
They are good to use because 1.Even with a regular cycle, you might not be ovulating right at the half way mark (CD 14) and 2. Even if you normally ovulate on CD 14, you might not every cycle. It is just good to have an idea. Temping is just a way to keep track of your cycle and identify patterns. For example, I usually get a dip in temperature the day before or the day of ovulation. You can also confirm ovulation with the temp spike and prepare for AF with the temperature plummet. Or for better news, potentially see a temp dip in the middle of the tww that could be implantation.
Wonderful. Thank you so much. We will start actively trying when the dr clears me. I’m ready for it too. These last few months have been very stressful. Go back on the 5th for my check up to see how the freezing went. Sending lots of luck your way too. I have read a few of the past post.
Good Luck Sarah, and welcome. FX the doc clears you and you can get down to business.

TB - How come you stopped acupuncture? cost? I've cut back since my benefits ran out. I used to go weekly and now just every other week. Still feeling great benefits though.

AFM - CD15 OPK slightly darker today. I think if I test this evening it will be very close then positive by tomorrow. The BD'ing continues as per usual.


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