Haha Stella we are often cheery on this thread
Dream that is soooo gorgeous! Loving the beautiful wedding pic too! My husband and I are very excited for this bed - we've gone from a double to a super king (hope I did my measurements correctly!! I'll take a picture tomorrow

We went bed shopping the other weekend when my back was in spasm so I was like the salesman's dream "ooooooooooh woooooow, you look like you're in lots of pain" with pound signs coming out his eyes!
As for TTC, yes that is on hold. I said before we did the first part of the IVF that if it didn't work this time, I would go back to uni and retrain, because I know that my husband in an ideal world would keep going and going so we decided to make sure we were on the same page before starting. He is very supportive of me going back to uni, but it is quite sad knowing that it's not exactly what he wants. He wanted to create kind of a "5 year plan" of what to do moving forwards because he said he didn't want to be constantly asking me when we will try again. He gets that it has been hell, and of course it has been for him too, but he knows that it is different when it is actually your body going through everything, and I'm the one who has continuously pumped my body full of crap for the past however long.
So our loose plan is that I will (fingers crossed) get a place at uni, qualify in two years, work for a year or so and then we will rethink TTC. If I'm being completely honest, the thought of trying again for a biological child at this point is not something that excites me as much as looking into adoption. I am well aware that my views may change over the coming years. My husband is very, very open to adoption (and always has been, as opposed to me), but I think he would want to "use up" our remaining seven embryos first. I really admire those women who can go through IVF after IVF in the pursuit of their dream, but I have come to the realisation over the past year that it's not the same for me. And I don't think it means I want children any less, rather than I'm not necessarily willing to put us through what could be endless heartbreak with relatively low success rates.
It's hard to bring it up with my husband sometimes, because I know that his entire future happiness rests on us having a family. But for now we have a loose plan and I am feeling excited about the future. I just hope he is too.