I'm also thinking boy for you Amber, don't know why

I guess there's a 50/50 shot that we're right so the odds are pretty good lol. Oh and boys also have slightly lower hCG values than girls, and considering your test was a bit light when it first started
Dream, very brave of you!! Sounds like you have a fun day ahead tomorrow
Sarah, any reason to suspect endocrine problems? Good luck! Red pills are progesterone suppositories for luteal phase support during the two-week wait.
Tb, what the hell?!?!!!!! Don't you just wish you could glance inside your ovaries for a second to find out what's going on?
Jmack, good luck today!
AFM, 16DPO results came back, it's 733! More than tripled from 221 at 14DPO. Really happy about it. They don't do scans until the 10th week so I still have almost 6 weeks to go, unfortunately

If this morning's near mental break down out of anxiety was any indication, I'm not sure how I'll survive the next 6 weeks!