Hey girls thanks so much for checking on me! I had a bit of a cry but a really great talk with DH yesterday morning and you're both so right, things are def looking up! I had a bunch of symptoms I didn't get into but I'm fairly certain I had a chemical, which of course is sad, but is still heartening bc it means I can get pregnant! So we're counting it as a huge step in the right direction and look forward to seeing what my body does on its own.
jmack how was hanging out with your niece?? That's gonna be so fun when she meets her cousin, your little one, soon!!! And omg - I am so so glad I'm not gonna have morning sickness on that flight! My phobia of throwing up would have kicked in my claustrophobia and would have been a disaster!
sunny that's amazing that you have such fun distractions!!! I really have such a great feeling for you too, this month is gonna fly by toward your bfp!!