So sorry ladies. I have a very hard class this year that’s been stressing me out and being fully pregnant and the two older girls and switching schools and having the hard class was just challenging to do much of anything extra lol
My guess date was November 13. I had prodromal labor for THREE WEEKS. At my 38 & 39 week appointment I was dilated to 3. My OB decided to plan a weekend out of town to go pick up a truck from a dealership out of state that he ordered a year ago lol. I said “umm no! You’re not allowed to go out of town until this baby comes” (if you remember, the first two he said “don’t have this baby this weekend- I’m going out of town” and I had them both the day after he said that. )
He said “oh you’ll have her before that”.. then I decided to schedule an induction for after due date, just in case, to have something. I made it to the induction and I was so sad. I cried in the morning in the car on the way to the hospital. I really wanted my experience to be like my previous ones. And the prodromal labor was like a tease. Anyway. I decided to do things my way if we were doing this at all.
When we got there, they said we will get pitocin started and I said “nope. That’s last resort.” It’s the only thing about induction that I was very clear on. I didn’t want any pitocin unless it was a must. The nurse was like ok… they tried to do Iv fluids and I said no, you can do a saline lock but no fluids. Then she wanted to do the wired baby monitor and I asked “does this have to stay on the whole time?” And she said “well..yeah” and I said “yeah…that’s not going to work for me. I need to be able to be up and moving around” she was then like well, we could possible do monitoring every hour for 20 minutes, we will see what your doctor says” I think getting irritated because I was denying everything she was trying to do but .. I also didn’t care. So I said they could break my water and we could go from there. So they did that at 6:35am. My OB came in and did a final sweep at 7:15 which started contractions immediately. He left to do a surgery (which worried me that he’s gonna miss this one anyway lol) I was able to not be monitored the whole time too. So I sat on the ball for a while and listened to my gentle birthing/hypnobirthing stuff. Side note: for this headband on Amazon that has built in wireless headphones. It was PERFECT. Then things started picking up and I tried a new technique I learned about with squeezing a comb in your hand during contractions. Basically the theory is that 1. There are some pressure points that the comb can activate that help with pain and 2. Your brain can really only prioritize one pain source and your and nerves are closer so the focus goes to your hand. It actually seemed to help a lot. I threw the comb across the room once I hit transition though haha I got on the bed and laid over the ball during this time and did the light, deep moaning which is just all instinctual. Finally, I said “well I’m feeling a little pushy, but it’s not time” she asked if I wanted to be checked but I said no more checks please, I’m following my body at this point. They were super receptive, thank goodness. They asked if it was time to call my OB but I said not yet. Then another contraction or two I said “yeah you need to call him”. He came literally running in and as he is gloving up, I start pushing.
Girls… this time I peed and pooped SO MUCH! It got me really in my head about it and messed my pushing up. My husband asked them not to coach me while pushing because I just go with my body’s cues and it was silent. But not in a way that I was happy with. No encouragement no quiet talking to each other. Absolutely silent other than the guttural sounds that come out while my body automatically pushes. and then knowing I was pooping and my OB whom I have a good long relationship was Finally there, I got messed up in my head for a minute and couldn’t do it effectively. Then I finally snapped out of it and pushed her out. So I pushed for 15 minutes this time, which felt like an eternity in comparison lol but all was well. She had a true knot in her cord but it wasn’t tight or a problem. No tearing. The girls are obsessed. My oldest is so sweet and just in love, my now middle child, is just obsessed with baby! Lol