Hiiii everyone! Ok I just went back to read and thank you so much for your sweet messages, you girls are seriously the best!!! 💕
jmack what is going on??!? I know you've done a test but your lp is never this long right?? ahhh!! I know what you're gonna say but temps are meaningless when your af is so late ahhhhh!!!!
sunny YAY for a nice dark opk, and early at that!!! So exciting!
amber sorry about af hon
steph gl this month!
afm so obvi I got af, she came during one of our flights home and it sucked so bad!!! We finally got home and I just went into hibernation. Luckily I was able to do the Day 3 testing and I just heard back from my dr. and it's not the worst news but def not the best. My FSH levels are a little higher than ideal (12.5 versus under 10), but my AMH levels are super encouraging. She said considering my age and the FSH levels, she recommends an appointment with an RE and I totally agree. She said a lot of women in my position opt to go straight to IVF and after doing some reading I def see the logic of that. But for the financial aspect we'd be starting tomorrow, most likely. DH is super on board with moving forward with an RE and is very reassuring. These test results have quite the way of making you feel like there's something crazy wrong with your body! My dr. did say that plenty of her patients get pregnant naturally with these kinds of numbers so I'm just trying not to fall into the black vortex of worst case scenarios.
Wow sorry for my novel of an update! I'm happy to be back and chatting with everyone, I need to do some serious catching up! ❤