Mine is on my left side, right on my pubic bone and a little above, and went from a stitch to an ache to little flutter/bubble feelings? Then yesterday I had a huge increase in cm, a migraine...I think any change in my hormones affects me like crazy. yay.
What time is your appointment? Good luck and keep us posted!
sunny I think I'd always feared that I'd be in this boat so I feel very matter of fact about it, it's weird. I def hope we both don't need it though! I did some digging around and it looks like Spain (and a bunch of other countries) has a similar set-up as well, so it seems there are a lot of options out there. Speaking of options, we've put ourselves on some waitlists and I think our plan is to have multiple consultations to get a feel for where we are. After doing some research, I was so relieved that my AMH actually is super encouraging and as you said, FSH is less reliable. Do you have a deadline in mind when you'll start looking into things more?