TTC #1 on cd19 looking for buddies


TTC our first
Mar 16, 2012
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This was my first month trying without much planning. More planning next month if AF shows up around May 6th. Looking for friends in the same boat or just who would like to share support!
Hi Scarlet, I am on cd19 and am in my first cycle of ttc for baby number 1 too! We haven't really been on the ball about 'planning' or 'trying' this month either and I'm starting to worry that we let this month slip through our fingers, but I'm still fertile, so we're going for gold one again tonight!

How are you feeling about this month? I'm a little out of sorts, my cycle is not very regular anymore and I'm worried that work and life stress could be messing with ovulation.

Fingers crossed for us both :D
I dunno, its possible we could have BD on a fertile day since I didnt check ovulation. I'm not sure how long my LP is. If is average chances are we started the BDing about 2 days too late but to be totally honest (TMI ALERT) my hubby is a "pull-outer" so the fact that he's stopped doing that is a big step in the baby direction for us
That is definitely a huge step! Those little guys will be present and swimming in the right direction ;)

I have convinced myself to expect to see AF around the 7th or 8th, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too early... but now, the idea that there could really be a little ball of cells multiplying inside me is starting to creep in.

I have a feeling we may have bd'd a little late, because looking back, the day that I noticed ew mucus, I didn't test because I got home too late from work for it to be worth it. Then the following day, which we did bd, I no longer had the ew mucus. But I'm not sure if that is hormonal, or just due to an increased volume of sex!?

Still, this is the 2ww for us now. I'm trying not to start counting down the days until I can test though... I don't want to become too obsessive, it tends to happen with me :(

Are you going to test or just wait to see if AF turns up?

Happy Friday! xx
I'm going to test on May 6th AF or not, The last two months I tested on the 5th and then got AF on the 6th, but I want to test either way this month because some of the supplements I want to take, you cant take when pregnant. Also, I've had a stuffy nose the last 4 days, which I'm saying is the weather but I dont have any other cold or sinus symptoms! Needing to take something to clear me out but afraid if its a early pregnancy symptom vs. a cold symptom that I will ruin everything... We're hoping to conceive in 3 months or less because our wedding is actually next August and we're hoping my body will be able to fit back into my wedding dress by then! LOL
Hehe, Congratulations on getting married too! Why do we put so much stress on ourselves though? I'm getting married this summer too... twice! The first will be the legal ceremony with just close family, here in Italy, hopefully in July. We were meant to go to the twon hall this morning, but slept in and now I'm not sure if we'll make it :( The second will be in August, just a symbolic ceremony and the real reception with our family and friends, but still a smallish do.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind postponing the wedding until after a baby, but my OH is really set on marriage first, which is odd because he's not religious or usually traditional, but we all have to make compromises right? This is one of mine and I'm happy to do it... but the stress isn't great. I'm trying to remember to let it all wash over me and that stressing doesn't change anything. *breathe*

Remember that stress won't help you conceive, so don't put too much pressure on yourself to conceive in these 3 months, take it easy and be kind to yourself :)

It's funny that you mention a stuffy nose, because I've had early morning and late evening stuffy nose and I've been worried that I'm getting ill, but have no other cold/flu symptoms. I'm also super flatulent, which is normal, but have no sore boobs. Last month, I am pretty sure I didn't ovulate because I saw no ewcm and none of my opks came up positive (just super feint lines) but I had intensely sore nipples from cd21-24/25. This month, not a hint of soreness in the boob area. I wish I'd tracked more symptoms along with temping since January.

I say hold off on the remedies, stock up on extra vitamin C and use steam to help unblock your nose. This way, if you do get a bfn, there is no way you can second guess your actions and blame yourself in silly ways.

I used one of those implantation calculators to try and work out the most likely period I'd start experiencing symptoms and now I can't decide whether to take a test from 'the most likely' day for implanting or not. I'm SO impatient it's unreal and as much as I'm hoping it's just because it's the first month and I'm excited, I think it's just going to get worse each month :\

But enough of that, more *positive thinking* because that is what gets you places :)

We're both going to see BFP very, VERY soon :D
Still got a stuffy nose :( Cant breath at ALL. going to try a hot shower right now. Havent even eaten breakfast yet (12pm) because I cant chew and breath at the same time!
I feel like I am getting a little bit of a sore throat this evening, my stuffy nose is about the same (one nostril ok the other is stuffed up). I also feel really thirsty... but not sure if this is just because I haven't been drinking enough.

I've also been having twinges in my right lower abdomen on and off since I ovulated. Still no sore boobs... this cycle is strange!
Seriously having like the same symptoms as you LOL, it started with only my right nostril being plugged and would alternate between both and back to just one! When am I able to blow my nose my mucus is clear so its likely not an infection, I randomly have twinges in my right side. My sore throat is gone but my throat is very dry and itchy from not being able to breath through my nose. I have NO boob pain, which for me is kind of unusual as I should be experiencing PMS about now LOL. but do have abdominal twinges, also though, I think I am constipated... UGH

I have done every non-money related thing I can do to clear my nose, shower, hot tea, i already had some vapor rub so I tried that and cough drops, ice. It just wont clear up at all. it wont even get runny!

I still feel like its way too early to test since I didnt opk I'm not exactly sure which day I ovulated I'm just estimating it was between April 18 and 24th. We dtd on the 20 22 and 24 didnt really plan those days, didn't realize I could have been fertile til after, but implantation calculator guesses that I ovulated on the 22 which would only put me at 6dpo, which I guess would make more sense because last month we dtd on the 17th and I think the 24th and we didnt end up pregnant. Sorry to give you my life story LOL.
Hey, you can tell me anything and everything about your life if you want! That's what we're here for no? Support and friendship :)

This morning my throat was way more sore and I had some sticky mucus in my throat too, but now it's all cleared up and I feel fine. Still a little stuffy, but nothing bad.

Usually, at this point in my cycle constipation sets in, so we'll wait and see. I had a couple of short headaches yesterday evening, above my right eye. I seriously RARELY get headaches of any sort, but this could just be exhaustion. We have a long weekend off work at the moment and it seems to be that wheneven I relax fully all the aches and pains seem to show their faces :\

The stuffy nose thing, if not illness, is related to progesterone and swelling of blood vessels, at least that's what I remember. So, hang in there, it could be a FABULOUS sign of a bfp brewing :D

Do you check cm? Although I opk, I find that cm is a better indicator of my cycle. That can be helpful for tracking dates (also more than temping too!). If you did ovulate between the 18 and 24, you stand a good chance of a bfp with the dates you dtd! fx'd :D We're one day closer!!!!!
I'm going to do all three, cm, opk and temp. I already started temping just so I could have a bass line of what normal "might" be.

Today my left side is cleared again but my right is still completely plugged. Still no other cold symptoms. Once yesterday I did get a very little bit of yellow mucus so I guess it could be a sinus infection, but usually for me sinus infection are much worse. Also I read that both allergies and sinus infection are common early pregnancy. Either way, its very annoying. 6days feels like forever! ugh.
So today I used Saline spray and Nasal spray and NOTHING! I feel like I have something STUCK up my right nostril!
:( That sucks so much! Hang in there :)

My stuffy nose has almost disappeared, but my throat is sore again :(

I also had some trouble sleeping last night. Fine to fall asleep, but then woke up at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep again. Needless to say I am exhuasted today :( But going to meet some friends and drive to France for lunch, so that should take my mind off it all!
I wish I could drive to france whenever I have a bad day LOL
haha, well we're staying in the mountains for this long weekend off work and france is only about half an hour away from here. It was my first time to that part of the country and it was really pretty, but it didn't really take my mind off everything.

In fact, it made me think about ttc even more. Every time I saw a child or children's clothing in a shop, it just amde me wonder what is going on in my uterus.

Bring on 8dpo, I'm going to test early just to get it out of my system!!

Today I've had a heavy womb, so to speak. I feel full and heavy down there. But not as bad as I felt last month. So unsure of what is going on down there, I hate the not knowing!!
Ugh, so stressed, I had a horrible day. DH and I got into a little "fight", and I am a nanny so my everyday is watching other peoples children and wishing I had my own! I'm like a 40 hour a week mommy to other peoples toddlers. I do love my job though

Today I have yellow mucus so I guess I do after all have a sinus infection, lost my voice, still having light to moderate cramping in right abdominal area. Thinking it could be pms, I dunno, super weepy today, but that could just be because of the fighting.

Dont want to waste anymore tests so trying not POAS before Saturday morning but REALLY having a rough time with it. LOL
Aw, Hun, I hope you're feeling better when you read this. I hope the fight wasn't about anything too serious. I spent the whole week around OV acting like an insecure child and fighting and crying with my OH... you aren't the only ones having a rough time xx *hugs* xx

You're a nanny? I'm a nursery teacher :) I'm mummy to 16 toddlers mon-fri, hehe. I love my work too, but Italian children are tough. Esepcially the ones form rich families (the school I work in is private).

I'm sorry to hear it's an infection plaguing you :( The thing I hate most about early pregnancy symptoms is that they are so much like pms symptoms, how can you tell the difference?!

If I am 28 day cycke this month, af is due on Saturday, if I am 30 day cycle then af is due next Monday and I still don't have any recognisable pms symptoms. Usually by now I am constipated, sore boobs, hormonal, mood swings, acne breakouts, the lot up until about day 25, then I get a few days respite before af finally shows up. Nothing this month. I am sooooooooooo hopeful for a bfp and a lovely sticky little bean!
Still feeling awful.

I should get Af Saturday but I usually start light spotting earlier, sometim e 2-3 days on and off before full flow, this is a recent thing for me, having like 5 light days an only 1-2 light to moderate days. Just another thing I am trying not to worry about.

Hoping for the best for both us FX for bfps. My hubby is VERY excited to get more active in trying this month as he was sending me text yesterday asking me all the details of my cycle for MAY. I think its kind of cute but Im worried that attitude wont last long. LOL.
Hey, I gave in and tested today, but it's negative. I figured it would be, either because it's too early or because I'm not pregnant, but a little tiny bit of me was hoping for a bfp, of course!!

But I am not too disappointed, I think I just needed to get it out of my system, after a whole 4 days of symptoms spotting!!

Now that I am back at work, I feel my mind is taken off ttc a little bit, but I am also acutely aware of everything at the same time. Basically my mind is having to work twice as hard to keep up with itself :(

I usually get some spotting the day before af comes, but not necessarily the day before it's due. My cycles haven't been regular for around 5 or 6 months now and it sucks. Although I am hopefuly for regularity once more, after my 28 day cycle last month.

Sigh. I'm getting tired of waiting now and just want to know either way... here is to our last few days!! fx'd even harder (is that even possible? ;)
I'm out for sure, af arrived bright and early this morning to ruin another day!

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