Hey ladies-
Popping in here because always up for chatting about Clomid experiences

I'm on my 8th cycle TTC and 3rd with Clomid. Have had an HSG that was all good and my husband's SA was fine. First cycle did 50 mg and my follicles weren't maturing so they stair stepped me to 100 mg and I triggered. I had a really short LP with what I believe was implantation bleeding and then got my AF the next day (it was 9 DPO). Last cycle, I triggered on CD 16 after 100 mg of Clomid and used Progesterone suppositories, but i was very stressed out and anxious the whole cycle. Wasn't hugely shocked to get AF based on that, but had gotten my hopes up because I had indents on my FRERs that I thought were faint positives. I just went for monitoring today on CD 12 after another round of 100 mg and had 3 lead follicles: 15, 15.5, and 17.5 with good lining. I'm supposed to trigger Tuesday morning (and O Wednesday night) and BD from Tues-Fri. Progesterone suppositories start Saturday night at 3 DPO. Hoping that 3rd time is a charm - all of the monitoring and meds are exhausting.
How are you ladies doing?