Hi! This is my very first post. DH and I are TTC #1. We're both 30 and this is my third cycle of trying. Currently 10dpo and going crazy! Going to test on Saturday. My body always has little twinges and symptoms every cycle, so every month I say to DH "I think it happened!" And then BFN and AF arrives. Especially stressful because I have a long cycle, a little over 6 weeks each time. So I'm always WAITING. Though I did think I had IB at 4dpo. A little drop of brown once when I went to the restroom. And a couple of days ago a really sharp pain in my ribs that lasted until yesterday, but maybe not related. It's comforting to read everyone else's journeys and know that no matter how hard I try, I just won't be able to tell if I'm pregnant or not until I get to take the test. Nice to e-meet you ladies!