TTC #2. Buddies, anyone? :)

Thanks ladies :) hopefully all our positives come soon!

Keep me updated Courtney!

So I'm pretty sure af has shown herself today. It's a day early, and that's unusual for me I am usually like clock work. It was very light this morning and nothing all day since. We shall see if it picks up tomorrow, but looks like I'm out this cycle, but hopefully next cycle will be the one! I've heard a lot of good things about pre-seed and using soft cups so I'm going to give that a try next month :)

Good luck to you ladies!

I too have heard amazing things about Pre-Seed. I'm sorry AF reared her ugly head; she's horrible isn't she? Always crashing an amazing party. ;) Do keep in touch, won't you? I'd love to hear about your TTC journey and would be ecstatic once you announce your BFP. Good luck and lots of sparkly baby powder!

Lots of baby powder to you too! And I will definitely keep in touch and I hope you to the same. :) how is this cycle going for you so far?
On Tuesday night I got a + on an OPK, and the next morning which was Wednesday morning my Clearblue Fertility Monitor peaked! I was on CD18 yesterday. I tested throughout the day with OPKs and it was positive still. All of today's OPKs are getting fainter and fainter. I'm assuming I ovulated sometime yesterday, presumably last night. What do you think? If so, that makes me officially in the TWW! I am still getting EWCM though, so don't know what to make of that.
I think you are right. From what I know ovulation takes place between 12 hours and 2 days after you get your first defection of a surge. So estimation of ovulating last night is probably pretty close. As for the ewcm, I didn't really notice any myself this cycle either and I wasn't sure what was going on with that. I'm hoping that the pre seed will make up for whatever cm I'm not producing myself.

And the two week wait begins! It's such an exciting time thinking about the possibility. But also stressful and consuming lol at least for me. But I will be thinking about you and hoping that you get that bfp!
Thank you Courtney! I will be thinking of you also. Let's keep each other updated, yes? :)
Hi Ladies, can I join you?I have an almost 20 month old, and we've been ttc#2 since August. (Had a chemical in October, and since then my cycle has been kinda all over the place ovulation-wise...)I'm on cd11 today and usually O between days 14-19...
Hi Ladies, can I join you?I have an almost 20 month old, and we've been ttc#2 since August. (Had a chemical in October, and since then my cycle has been kinda all over the place ovulation-wise...)I'm on cd11 today and usually O between days 14-19...

Hi Yoshy; welcome!

It looks like you're in your fertile days. How exciting! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss in October. Here's to you conceiving a healthy babe this month!
Hi Yoshy; welcome!

It looks like you're in your fertile days. How exciting! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss in October. Here's to you conceiving a healthy babe this month!

Thanks Moonbeams!

I'm hoping we catch the baby fairy this month... I dunno though cuz I'm starting to get the beginnings of fertile CM, but the first time DH and I can dtd is tomorrow night because for religious reasons we aren't intimate during my period and for 7 days afterwards...

It usually doesn't cause a problem, but occasionally I have been known to ovulate early (the month of my chemical I O'ed on cd12 or 13...)

So we'll see...
:yipee: Hi ladies, my DH and I are TTC #2. #1 was born super quick. #2 is taking some time (been TTC since Sept). No chemicals no nothing. found out I cant ovulate, so doc gave me clomid. I currently just finished round 2 of pills. I am CD 10, very fertile :happydance: :) BD every night.

I OPK (w/FRER) yesterday and this morning. Both :bfp: but very faint. I feel nothing, no signs, no EWCM ughh so frustrating
Since I'm not really tracking anything, we've just been BDing twice a week for this cycle. We've DTD on CDs 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 24, and 27. I've been having cycles around 40 days, so we're hoping we kinda got it covered. I'm CD33 today. I hope to keep up with you ladies! :)
We're taking things without stressing this month, with the assumption that this won't be our month.My ewcm seems to last like 2-3 weeks the past few months, so other than temping, it's really hard to tell when I've ovulated.My temps have been all over the place the past month or two cuz I kept getting sick, so I can't even figure out what's normal for me anymore...
Hi Yoshy; welcome!

It looks like you're in your fertile days. How exciting! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss in October. Here's to you conceiving a healthy babe this month!

Thanks Moonbeams!

I'm hoping we catch the baby fairy this month... I dunno though cuz I'm starting to get the beginnings of fertile CM, but the first time DH and I can dtd is tomorrow night because for religious reasons we aren't intimate during my period and for 7 days afterwards...

It usually doesn't cause a problem, but occasionally I have been known to ovulate early (the month of my chemical I O'ed on cd12 or 13...)

So we'll see...

Keep us updated, Yoshy! I just got back from holiday in Hawai'i, hence the long delay in replying. Any new news?
:yipee: Hi ladies, my DH and I are TTC #2. #1 was born super quick. #2 is taking some time (been TTC since Sept). No chemicals no nothing. found out I cant ovulate, so doc gave me clomid. I currently just finished round 2 of pills. I am CD 10, very fertile :happydance: :) BD every night.

I OPK (w/FRER) yesterday and this morning. Both :bfp: but very faint. I feel nothing, no signs, no EWCM ughh so frustrating

Hi Faith! Did you mean you got a positive on an OPK or on a HCG First Response test?!?!
We're taking things without stressing this month, with the assumption that this won't be our month.My ewcm seems to last like 2-3 weeks the past few months, so other than temping, it's really hard to tell when I've ovulated.My temps have been all over the place the past month or two cuz I kept getting sick, so I can't even figure out what's normal for me anymore...

Okay just read your most recent post. If you can, perhaps you can give OPKs a try? The cheap ones found on the internet helped me a lot; in fact it gave me a positive before my Clearblue Fertility Monitor showed me a peak.

As for me, Hawai'i helped keep me sane during the TWW, but now that I'm back home I've been symptom spotting like crazy. I have tons of cervical mucus; on some days it's creamy white, then it's wet yellow. I've also been having a metallic taste in my mouth every day at certain times. I don't want to get too excited, but that was the first symptom when I fell pregnant with my first. I caved in and took a test at 9dpo this morning, and it was negative. I refused to look at it after the allotted time, since I don't want to drive myself crazy. The husband thinks I should test on Sunday, but I think I'm going to test tomorrow. ;) Am I crazy for testing so early???
Okay just read your most recent post. If you can, perhaps you can give OPKs a try? The cheap ones found on the internet helped me a lot; in fact it gave me a positive before my Clearblue Fertility Monitor showed me a peak.

As for me, Hawai'i helped keep me sane during the TWW, but now that I'm back home I've been symptom spotting like crazy. I have tons of cervical mucus; on some days it's creamy white, then it's wet yellow. I've also been having a metallic taste in my mouth every day at certain times. I don't want to get too excited, but that was the first symptom when I fell pregnant with my first. I caved in and took a test at 9dpo this morning, and it was negative. I refused to look at it after the allotted time, since I don't want to drive myself crazy. The husband thinks I should test on Sunday, but I think I'm going to test tomorrow. ;) Am I crazy for testing so early???

I wouldn't say crazy, I'd say setting yourself up for disappointment.

I do the same thing every time though...

I could try OPKs. Last time when I would use them I never got positives, (although once I started temping I didlscovered I'd been trying too early in my cycle as I ovulated quite late then.
Maybe I'll order some internet cheapies and try them next month...
:yipee: Hi ladies, my DH and I are TTC #2. #1 was born super quick. #2 is taking some time (been TTC since Sept). No chemicals no nothing. found out I cant ovulate, so doc gave me clomid. I currently just finished round 2 of pills. I am CD 10, very fertile :happydance: :) BD every night.

I OPK (w/FRER) yesterday and this morning. Both :bfp: but very faint. I feel nothing, no signs, no EWCM ughh so frustrating

Hi Faith! Did you mean you got a positive on an OPK or on a HCG First Response test?!?!

I used a frer but realized it could of been from the clomid. Then on Thursday i took a opk and got a high peak test. Last night i took another frer amd the test line was darker than the control line. Ugh i feel like my cycle is all wacked out!
Okay just read your most recent post. If you can, perhaps you can give OPKs a try? The cheap ones found on the internet helped me a lot; in fact it gave me a positive before my Clearblue Fertility Monitor showed me a peak.

As for me, Hawai'i helped keep me sane during the TWW, but now that I'm back home I've been symptom spotting like crazy. I have tons of cervical mucus; on some days it's creamy white, then it's wet yellow. I've also been having a metallic taste in my mouth every day at certain times. I don't want to get too excited, but that was the first symptom when I fell pregnant with my first. I caved in and took a test at 9dpo this morning, and it was negative. I refused to look at it after the allotted time, since I don't want to drive myself crazy. The husband thinks I should test on Sunday, but I think I'm going to test tomorrow. ;) Am I crazy for testing so early???

I wouldn't say crazy, I'd say setting yourself up for disappointment.

I do the same thing every time though...

I could try OPKs. Last time when I would use them I never got positives, (although once I started temping I didlscovered I'd been trying too early in my cycle as I ovulated quite late then.
Maybe I'll order some internet cheapies and try them next month...

Yoshy, you should try the IC OPKs. I like the Wondfo brand. I tested this morning and it was a BFN. I'm not discouraged though, since I had what I believe to be implantation bleeding. When wiping after using the loo yesterday, there was the tiniest speck of orange on the toilet paper. It reminded me of rust, if that makes any sense. That happened twice yesterday, and I just feel so calm and at peace. Here's to testing again tomorrow!
Just wanted to update everyone: I tested this PM and got a BFP!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

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