TTC #2 with PCOS


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
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Hi ladies :hi: I was diagnosed officially with PCOS a few years ago (even though I have known for quite some time). I took metformin and did 3 rounds of clomid to conceive my first child over a period of a year. He was born in Feb of this year. Since having him, my husband and I have NTNP... its kind of an unspoken thing that we are moving towards TTC. I have started temping to see if I ovulate again. We desperately want to conceive naturally this time instead of all the medications. I was wondering if anyone was in the same or similar boat?
Hi Hun not in the same boat really took me nearly a year to full pregnant the first time but lost baby at about 7 weeks then took me another year to full pregnant with my now 2 year old and been try for 10 months for number 2 haven't been to doctors so don't no if I have anything wrong with me haha but when I had a early scan with my daughter they found a cysts. So I no all to well the long wait it can be to full pregnant lost of baby dust to u Hun xx
Hey I'll join in. We are wtt #2 until January. I conceived my loss on femara and since it ended in a loss I refused to do any more fertility meds. I think that because fertility meds force your body to do something it isn't ready for, that I ovulated a weak or bad egg. I conceived dd using Vitex. It didn't work for me this time around so now I'm using inositol and a low carb, dairy free diet. I've been ovulating regularly for 4 cycles now with it!

I conceived dd first full cycle on Vitex (after it ended a 100+ day cycle). Hoping it happens quickly again. Vitex is an herb and inositol is a b vitamin so they're not medications. They are capsules, but more along the natural line.

Low carb and dairy free really really really help with pcos symptoms. It sucks and it's hard, but if you want to avoid meds that's a great place to start. And exercise. 30 mins a day 5 times a week does wonders.
I'm ttc #2 also wroth PCOS. Took 19 months to get pg with our daughter. I had "unexplained infertility" at that time. Was diagnosed PCOS a few months ago. So I take metformin and this is my first cycle of Femara. We tried for 2 months using Vitex and red raspberry leaf tea capsules but according to my doctor after a 21 day progesterone test, I hadn't been ovulating. CD11 today, dr said I should ovulate around CD14. So keeping my fingers crossed!
Hi :) mind if I join in? I was diagnosed with PCOS a few months ago when I stopped taking the pill and my period didn't return.

It took me 11 months to conceive my son with 2 mcs along the way and I had a lot of problems in pregnancy. In January me and hubby decided to TTC number 2 and now 9 months on I have only had 2 periods in that time. The docs have been pretty useless too.. sent me for tests and said I definitely have PCOS and haven't asked to see me since. Now i don't know how I feel about the whole situation.. whether I want to TTC or not xx
Been ttc #2 for 19 months now.. had 2 miscarriages in that time.. First appointment at the fertility clinic on the 28th this month, CANT wait.
Hi ladies! Thank you all for joining. So sorry to hear about all of the losses :( Hope we all get out sticky bean soon. Kylasbaby- I was thinking about trying vitex! I have heard nothing but good things about it. Has anyone else tried it too? What CD is everyone on?
I'm on CD33 and been getting cramping on and off for about 5 days. Did a test on Wednesday and it was negative. That would of been cd28 and I used to be on a 30 day cycle when I was regular. What about everyone else? X
Are you temping or just counting CD? Still could be a positive if you O 'd late! I am on CD 20. If I have a normal cycle, I tend to O on CD 20.. but it doesn't look like that is the case :nope: I have been temping and it looks like my hormones are way off again. Feels it too, been having lots of anxiety.
Hi ladies! Thank you all for joining. So sorry to hear about all of the losses :( Hope we all get out sticky bean soon. Kylasbaby- I was thinking about trying vitex! I have heard nothing but good things about it. Has anyone else tried it too? What CD is everyone on?

It was a miracle herb when I took it for DD. Ended a 100+ day long cycle and next cycle I conceived. Ovulated cd20 after not ovulating for a long time. Sadly it didn't work for me when I tried taking it again a few months ago. But I highly recommend it. It works great for some people and doesn't do anything for others. You just don't want to do it if you have regular cycles as it will mess them up.
I am also ttc #2 with PCOS. I got pregnant with DS on our first round of Clomid. Fast forward we started ntnp when he was 4 months. After a year I went back and got more Clomid. Had a chemical the first cycle, tried naturally a couple cycles and got pregnant after taking Lydia Pinkham, another chemical. Since then I have done 2 more rounds of clomid and one femara with no success. We are going to be hitting 2 years in November.

I am currently on a break from meds and focusing on my diet and taking supplements (prenatal, vits and lydia pinkham). I am hoping if we don't get pregnant by November of doing another clomid round and hopefully all my positive changes will give us our rainbow.
I am also ttc #2 with PCOS. I got pregnant with DS on our first round of Clomid. Fast forward we started ntnp when he was 4 months. After a year I went back and got more Clomid. Had a chemical the first cycle, tried naturally a couple cycles and got pregnant after taking Lydia Pinkham, another chemical. Since then I have done 2 more rounds of clomid and one femara with no success. We are going to be hitting 2 years in November.

I am currently on a break from meds and focusing on my diet and taking supplements (prenatal, vits and lydia pinkham). I am hoping if we don't get pregnant by November of doing another clomid round and hopefully all my positive changes will give us our rainbow.

Fingers crossed for you!! praying you get your rainbow! I have never heard of lydia pinkham, is it an herb?
It is a combination of herbs, its main ingredient is black cohosh. Which can be dangerous if used after ovulation. I took it days 1-12 and stopped. Ovulated all on my own that cycle. So I figured it is worth trying again.
Are you temping or just counting CD? Still could be a positive if you O 'd late! I am on CD 20. If I have a normal cycle, I tend to O on CD 20.. but it doesn't look like that is the case :nope: I have been temping and it looks like my hormones are way off again. Feels it too, been having lots of anxiety.

No not temping. I had my first period last month after not having one in about 6 months. Me and OH just decided that we won't take any precautions and if it happens it happens. I don't even know if I ovulate but I've been really crampy for days and tonight I feel sick and got a banging headache. I get really anxious too :( been under a lot of stress in my job as well so that's not really helping :(
Are you temping or just counting CD? Still could be a positive if you O 'd late! I am on CD 20. If I have a normal cycle, I tend to O on CD 20.. but it doesn't look like that is the case :nope: I have been temping and it looks like my hormones are way off again. Feels it too, been having lots of anxiety.

No not temping. I had my first period last month after not having one in about 6 months. Me and OH just decided that we won't take any precautions and if it happens it happens. I don't even know if I ovulate but I've been really crampy for days and tonight I feel sick and got a banging headache. I get really anxious too :( been under a lot of stress in my job as well so that's not really helping :(

I have been feeling the exact same way :( The anxiety makes me think my hormones are off.. but I guess stress can do it too. I get excited every time I have cramps! :haha:
Are you temping or just counting CD? Still could be a positive if you O 'd late! I am on CD 20. If I have a normal cycle, I tend to O on CD 20.. but it doesn't look like that is the case :nope: I have been temping and it looks like my hormones are way off again. Feels it too, been having lots of anxiety.

No not temping. I had my first period last month after not having one in about 6 months. Me and OH just decided that we won't take any precautions and if it happens it happens. I don't even know if I ovulate but I've been really crampy for days and tonight I feel sick and got a banging headache. I get really anxious too :( been under a lot of stress in my job as well so that's not really helping :(

I have been feeling the exact same way :( The anxiety makes me think my hormones are off.. but I guess stress can do it too. I get excited every time I have cramps! :haha:

Aw what Cd are you on? I still haven't come on. Did a test after a 30 min hold and it was negative. Going to try again with fmu in a few days if af still hasn't shown. Still very crampy but that could be a sign of AF. I just don't know these days lol
fx! Have you had any other symptoms? I hate not knowing.. that's the only reason I am temping again. I am on CD21 now.. I potentially ovulated.. I guess we will see how my temps are the next couple of days!
I've not had any symptoms as such but been feeling nauseous and been getting cramps and I've been going to bed 2 hours earlier than normal every night. Could just be a coincidence though. Fingers crossed for you hun :) keep us updated x
hopefully its not a coincidence! It looks like I did ovulate, but I wont be convinced until my temp stays high the next couple of days. I am cautiously excited but have no expectation of getting pregnant. I will just be thrilled if I had a "normal" cycle.

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