TTC #3 wanting a buddy


Mummy of 3 :)
Mar 28, 2011
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Hi everyone I've already tried on the ttc thread before I relised that there was a section for ttc buddys & didn't get much of a response so thought I'd try here... I'm 21 engaged to the father of my children who I've been with for nearly 7 years now. We have a 5 year old boy & a 1 year old girl & have been ttc for 3 months so far I have no idea how many dpo I am as this month I got abit confused lol but I'm due af/bfp on 13th April not realy got my hopes up this month as it tool me 1 & a half years to concieve my daughter so I'm expecting it to take at least that long! Anybody similar looking for a ttc buddy?
Hi Camlet!

Im 22 and have been with my man for 5 years. Have a little boy who's almost 4 and had a m/c in '09 :(

No idea about dpo myself but due af mon/tues :D Dont think this will be our month either as its my first af since coming off the patch... and although i got preg straight away with my son took a yr of ttc before had m/c.

Similar stories, hope we can be buddies and have my fingers and toes crossed for u!
Hi mum88 thank you very much for your reply! so sorry 2 hear about your m/c *hugs* I got pg quite quick with my son to but as I said with my daughter it took about a year & a half! I would love to be your ttc buddy :) I'm not realy very good at the whole charting my ov so I just make sure I know roughly when I'm ment to ov & then I normaly get ovulation bleeding which I know means I'm ovulating at some point near that but don't know when lol so we just make we dtd every 2-3 days & hope we get it lol useless I know but it's the only way I can ttc stress free & without getting 2 obsessed lol xx
Thats great, nice having someone in the same boat!!

I haven't a clue about ov i must google it and try figure it out! U get ov bleeding? I never had that...

I know wat u mean about getting obsessed, im already going through all my lil lads baby clothes and getting excited :D
Hehe it's so hard not to get excited isn't it especialy when you've got all little clothes & stuff around already lol ovulation bleeding is when you spot tiny amounts of blood that are pinkish or brown (sorry if tmi lol) near when you ovulate & apparently it's to do with the folical being broken or something like that when the egg is released the only thing I don't know & can't seem to find any information on is whether that means I've already ov'ed or if I'm now ovulating or if i'll ov after :S lol don't worry to much with my 1st 2 I didn't realy know much about ovulation & tbh found it more relaxing not knowing all the signs ect as it can make some people even more obsessed lol xx
Hey ladies! Can I join? We are currently on our 11th cycle of ttc number two. A bit of a shock considering number one caught the first cycle! I had a chemical last cycle :( My OH works away so we are unable to try every cycle. We won't be able to properly try again until June but I am charting and using opks anyway. I have an appointment with my doc in May to have some testing done!
Hey ladies! Can I join? We are currently on our 11th cycle of ttc number two. A bit of a shock considering number one caught the first cycle! I had a chemical last cycle :( My OH works away so we are unable to try every cycle. We won't be able to properly try again until June but I am charting and using opks anyway. I have an appointment with my doc in May to have some testing done!

Hi you are more then welcome to join us!! Sorry to hear about your chemical & good luck with your doctors appointment :hugs: well ladys it looking like I'm out this month I couldn't resist & took a first response test & got a :bfn: :sad2: it was only 2 days early so I don't think there's any chance at all :( it's so frustrating as I got all the signs from my last pregnancy but still got a :bfn: stupid body was obviosly playing tricks on me again :( so nothing else to do but wait for the dreaded af again :sad2: well I hope both of you are have better luck than me this month?! Any new signs for either of you ladys? Good luck & lots of :dust: :dust:
Aw Camlet!!

Im sorry u must be feelin so disappointed!! I wont raise ur hopes but on my first i was a few weeks in and had to have bloods to confirm as home testing wasn't detecting hcg level...

Anyway dont get discouraged focus on may!!

Im waiting on af today/tomorrow but I dont feel any different except a little tired but im renovating a house so that explains that!!

Chin up!! xx
Hey ladies! Can I join? We are currently on our 11th cycle of ttc number two. A bit of a shock considering number one caught the first cycle! I had a chemical last cycle :( My OH works away so we are unable to try every cycle. We won't be able to properly try again until June but I am charting and using opks anyway. I have an appointment with my doc in May to have some testing done!

Hi, welcome!

Its very hard when everything happened quickly and easily first time isn't it?!

But if we've done it once we can do it again! Sorry to hear about your troubles, not long now till May and hopefully you will get some answers!
Aww good luck & hope af stays away mum88 & I'm ok now I've gotten over it & will just be patient & wait for af to either turn up or not but I'm not gonna get my hopes up for her not turning up & even if/when she turns up there's always next month & I've done it before so I know it WILL happen I've just got to learn to be patient lol xx

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Yep you're totally right!! The more stressed we are the longer it will take!

How did ur little lad manage with the 4 year gap with his sis? Im worried bout my lil lad, he'll be about 6 at this stage!!
Well it was realy easy when she was newborn but now she's getting around he doesn't realy like it as much my little boy has autism though & bowel problems so it's alot harder & he realy doesn't like it when she makes any kind of loud noise or does somthing she's not supposed to but other then that they get on realy great & play together alot because of his mental delay he loves all her toys &Vthere sort of on the same wave length he loves helping out with feeding her or passing me her nappys ect so its all aload of manic fun in my house lol I wouldn't have it any other way though :) xx
Ah it must be hard for him, toddlers can be so loud and in your face at the best of times! He's a great little helper to u isn't he?! Is he talking.....dont mean to pry u dont have to talk about it if u prefer not to, ive only read about autsim although my cousin is on the spectrum, just learning difficulties and adhd which makes it a very busy house too!!
Yes he is a great little helper sometimes to much though he does like to tell me how I'm doing things wrong & I should do it like this lol!! Don't worry I don't mind answering questions about him yes he is finaly talking he started saying his 1st words at 3 & started talking in sentences just before he turned 5 he still needs speach therapy & nobody realy understands what he's saying as his pronouciation is not very good but he is getting there he also didn't start walking until he was just over 2!! He's such an amazing little soldier who's been through so much in his little life he's also got hyper mobility & slight brain damage from having meningitis (the bowel problems are also caused by this) & has been through so many enemas, MRI scans, blood tests ect in his 5 years he realy does make me so proud of him & how far he's come!! You would never think it either he's such polite quite happy go lucky little boy & everybody who meets him absolutly loves him :) xx
Wow Camlet, it sounds like you have an amazing little boy on your hands!! What a little trooper! I am a teacher and have met some etraordinary kids over the last few years. It's amazing how they adjust, much more flexible than us adults at most times!
I worry about age gap too sometimes. I really wanted to have another before Casey was 2 but that's not going to happen now :( Hopeully it won't be much longer. I'm already thinking about starting ttc sooner after number two!! Talk about getting ahead of myself LOL.
:) wow a teacher that is an amazing job! Did you always want to be a teacher? I'm training to be vet nurse atm which was always my dream job since I was 5 lol aww I was exactly the same I'd just given birth 2 my daughter & said to my fiancé I could easily do that again haha & then as soon as we brought her home we decided we wanted another 1 asap but delayed it a bit for very complicated reasons that would probably fill a whole page to explain lol & now I wish we hadn't! As for worrying about age gaps there good & bad points whether it's big or small gap & as you said kids are amazing at adapting so don't worry to much! :hugs: xx
Wow Camlet he sounds amazing!! Such a brave little soldier!! They go through so much dont they and seem to take it all in their stride!! In comparison to adults who lie down and die with a head cold!!! The dreaded meningitis...that must have been a horrific for u!

I feel bad about the gap there will be as im the youngest in my family seperated by a 22 yr gap between the oldest of my brothers and a 10 yr gap between me and the next one! I always wanted my kids close but got pnd and took me a long time to come round...

Looks like we're all gonna be May buddies, bfn this morning and can feel cramps brewing :(

Chin up and baby dust to all!

Cathy x
Hi mum88 I'm not gonna lie the meningitis was the most scaryest things I've had to have ever been through in my life especialy as I was only 16 & had nobody but my fiancé for support & they tried to tell me nothing was wrong at 1st & to take him home but I refused as my instincts where telling me very different & sure enough 10 minutes later he was covered in the rash & rushed to intensive care they all have told me I saved his life as he wouldn't have survived if I had gave in & took him home!!

Thank you for your reply on my other post I realy appreciate it :) I'm feeling loads better now after df took me & the kids out to the zoo just the destraction I needed! Big :hugs: sorry to hear about your bfn hopefully we will have better luck next month!! & at least we will still get to be may buddys now lol :)

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Wow that is terrifying!! 16, u are lucky u were so in tune with him!! Hospitals are so dangerous they dont listen to the mummies half enough!!!

Ah Im glad ur feeling better! Sounds like a lovely day did the kids have a ball? Haven't been the zoo in ages but the weather is miserable here at the min! Hope it dries up soon :D

Here's to May!
Yeah they absolutly loved it my daughter loves the fish more then anything else & my little man loved the penguins we got to feed the elephants which was amazing but my lil boy was terrified of them & cried his little eyes out!! The weather here has been realy hot lately it's been lovely! :) well here's to may!! :)

:dust: :dust: :dust:

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