Truthfully, I'm not sure why I chose to sign up for baby&bump today. October will mark 3 years that my husband and I have been ttc our first. I was bummed & frustrated the first year but I kept telling myself a year is not that long. My husband was in the middle of residency (hes finally finished but doing a 1 year fellowship) and so I thought maybe we were both a little stressed. After the first year we went to a fertility clinic, we were both tested, everything came back fine except they found 3 small polyps on my uterus. (which apparently is not a big deal but can cause problems with implanting) in February 2016 I had them removed, quick easy outpatient surgery. I convinced myself this was our problem so we decided to try on our own for a few months. (in the midst of this, my bro in laws new gf got pregnant, as did my sister - so it gave me hope) the 2 year mark came and still nothing, so I deceided it was time to go back to see our fertility dr. I scheduled to begin IUI but after the first ultrasound, they found another small polyp (they can reoccur in 30% of people) which had to be removed before any treatments began. So in January 2017 I had that surgery. I was cleared for my first round of IUI & 50 clomid in March 2017, which produced 3 follicles. I am well aware that IUI often does not work the first round or 2 so I went in thinking that once I got the ball rolling, everything would work out in a few months. I did not become pregnant after the first round, and was very hopeful when my dr & nurse said my results were excellent & then when I went in for my day 2 ultrasound, they said my lining was too thick & i could not proceed that cycle. Unfortunately, my husband and I were just putting our home on the market, as we were moving from PA to NC in july and we were under major stress so I opted to pick back up in NC. Over the entire last 3 years, we continued to try on our own, use OPKS ect. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility which honestly is the were not sure answer. I will be scheduling to start all over again with a new DR in NC and I am very hopeful that this will be our year 17-18. I'm just really frustrated that we haven't been able to get pregnant on our own in 3 years, and we keep running into major road blocks with starting treatments. Thanks for listening.
PS. if one more person with a baby says to me "we are going to try for #2 in march and get pregnant in april because we are obviously very fertile" i will prob stab my eyes out.

PS. if one more person with a baby says to me "we are going to try for #2 in march and get pregnant in april because we are obviously very fertile" i will prob stab my eyes out.