Did you mean BFP or BFN pip? I've got the excitement on pause until I receive confirmation!
Just wiped and some bright red blood with a little clot. Think I'm out now.
Oh well. Best get a BBT ordered and starting temping for Dr Poppy!
Pip x
Thanks ladies.
Puppycat please don't be upset.
My life is already blessed because of the people I already have in it. Having a baby with my OH would be the cherry on top of the cake for us. A-wishin and a-hopin that things were different won't change what they are. I'm a very determined person and if it is meant to be then you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll make it happen!
Poppy - I've tried our local Boots and Lloyds and they don't do BBT. I'm looking on Amazon now. Which would you recommend: farenheit or celsius?
Pip x
So im out for another month.. my lp i think is too short for when im oing.. think i may call the dr and see what she says.. will talk more later..
so down..
Fingers crossed for you Em. Looking good.
I'm 11DPO and another with fmu. Not a sniff of pink. If it wasn't for the spotting on Thursday I'd think I was imagining it.
Pip x