I am so sorry hun. That first month is just the pits literally. I was so relieved when I got my 1st period because in part it felt like I could move on. At least the line is getting weaker though so you shouldn't be far off ovulating. Although don't feel down if you are TTC in this 1st cycle after a mc and you don't catch. I have been reading that it's pretty common to ovulate but an egg not be released. Sorry. But at least you are giving your body time to heal.
I got my period 4 weeks after my mmc. It lasted 7 days which is unusual for me.
Things that I have been doing.
Prenatal Vitamin by Zita West 3 times per day
Liquid Vitamin E 5 drops once per day
Omega 3 Fish Oil high in EPA and DHA 1000mg 3 times per day. Thins bloods and balances the hormones.
Vitamin B6 1 tablet. Also known to help balance the hormones.
Agnus Castus / Chasteberry 2ml twice per day. Hormone balancer.
Drinking lots of water and redbush tea for the antioxidants.
Drinking lemon and ginger tea to help with vaginal ph and to thin the blood.
Since day 8 of the cycle. I have been having twice daily a mug of raspberry leaf tea. Known to help strengthen the thickness of the uterine lining or so I believe lol ! But a lot of women rave on about it !
Fruit Smoothie. With berries, possibly half a banana but I try to limit the intake of bananas as they are very mucous forming. I put in nut butters, flaxseed, coconut oil and milk it up with almond milk.
I try to have a green juice daily for the correct vaginal / mucous PH. I use organic spinach, carrots, celery, lemons, cucumber.
Organic Chicken twice per week.
Fish also twice per week. Usually, salmon fillets.
Lentils twice per week.
Beans once per week.
2 organic eggs every other day.
I try to cook as fresh as possible in fact I don't try I do ! I make all sauces from scratch. I have done now for a long time. I do eat chocolate eek. I think you need a bit of naughty for the soul !!
Since my mc I have had a session of reiki and acupuncture. I try to meditate daily as well as do a daily practice of yoga. However, as i have been sick now for almost 3 weeks performing yoga has been out of the question so walking a lot has been the only type of exercise I have gotten.
My sleep is pretty terrible right now. Mainly due to this rotten head cold. However, I think the acupuncture is shifting it. Feels better today but I am incredibly tired.
I am writing this to note daily. How I am feeling. It's kinda like a blog but not really. I just thought I'd note down everything if I do have success and get a BFP at least others can see what I had been doing.
Today my OPK test is darker than usual. I am sure I will ovulate on Saturday. Here's to hoping and praying anyway.
Have a good day fellow trying to conceive-rs !
Chrissi xxx