TTC and Beyond!

Hmmm-just youtubed some breast pumping videos. Quite an eye-opener!! Lol, I didn't know it like super suctioned your nips like that, yikes!! Lol
I'm a-okay with laboring in the hospital instead of at home. I'm calmer at the hospital in the event that baby decides to come faster than I'm prepared for. I like to get to know my nurses throughout the day.

I've had pitocin both deliveries so far and didn't experience any of the common concerns that several ladies have mentioned here. I have no complaints against it. I've had an epidural twice and have no complaints there. With Hannah, I had my own little pump where I controlled how much or little of the meds I got. With her I had back labor and there was no way I was handling that pain on my own. With my first, I was afraid of the epidural so I asked for IV meds instead and that was far worse in my opinion. It made me so groggy, felt like I was on fire from the inside out, I felt like I couldn't breathe and it did nothing to take the edge off the pain. So I'm totally okay with an epidural.

I'm okay with pelvic exams starting during my 3rd trimester and during labor. I'm okay with an episiotomy if need be (I've had one and tore once and honestly didn't notice a difference in healing time or pain level.) I never once felt like I wasn't in control of my labor or delivery either time at my hospital with all these interventions.

My first delivery I had so many people in the room because I felt guilty kicking them out when it was "go time", last time it was just me and OH and my mom. This time I'm hoping it's just me and OH.

My hospital does immediate skin-to-skin (most hospitals do now anyway), has lactation consultants on hand at all times, lets me make the rules about who can come in and who can go out and they enforce it for you. I'm okay with whatever the standard vaccines are at birth. I'm okay with the hospital bathing her (after we transfer over to postnatal unit.)

The only thing I'm not okay with & unprepared for is a c-section. I know I've experienced a "regular" delivery twice so at least I have that but that's one of my favorite experiences about being pregnant is delivering my baby. I have a feeling this one's breech and because she's my last & it's completely different from all my previous pregnancies, I feel like the delivery is going to be different as well and she's going to wind up breech and I'll wind up needing a c-section lol.
I agree about the pain med vs. epidural.. If you can't handle the pain then get an epi bc I've seen firsthand that IV meds suck and make you want to fall asleep (just gets you high) and that's the last thing I'd want while trying to enjoy the experience of birthing my child! Do you know she's breech or can you feel her feet down there more than w/ your other 2? Jaxon was breech, it was awful.. The lightening crotch was INTENSE.. Lol!

Sounds like a great plan though.. I bet it is smart to get to know the nurses. Although the last thing id want is to be sent home, it's a 30 min drive, so I'll call beforehand to see if they think I sound ready haha.

Oh and did your waters ever break at home? Jw if its common, my mom said it happened to her with all of us so I wonder if it will to me. I've also heard it can be bad for the cord or something.. Anyone know about that?
And Kara yes pumps suck your nipples off! It took me at least 30 mins per side and they were numb by the time I finished!! Lol so I can't imagine how little gums will feel :/
I agree about the pain med vs. epidural.. If you can't handle the pain then get an epi bc I've seen firsthand that IV meds suck and make you want to fall asleep (just gets you high) and that's the last thing I'd want while trying to enjoy the experience of birthing my child! Do you know she's breech or can you feel her feet down there more than w/ your other 2? Jaxon was breech, it was awful.. The lightening crotch was INTENSE.. Lol!

Sounds like a great plan though.. I bet it is smart to get to know the nurses. Although the last thing id want is to be sent home, it's a 30 min drive, so I'll call beforehand to see if they think I sound ready haha.

Oh and did your waters ever break at home? Jw if its common, my mom said it happened to her with all of us so I wonder if it will to me. I've also heard it can be bad for the cord or something.. Anyone know about that?

Regarding the epidural vs no epidural - if the pain gets to be too intense, it can actually slow down the laboring process. It gets to be too intense and you're struggling to deal with it on your own, you're stressed or worried or whatever you want to call it and it will slow your body down from progressing. There are many women who were adamant against an epidural but they weren't progressing. The pain got to be too intense so they finally "caved" and got the epi and were able to relax mentally, thus their body relaxed and progressed the rest of the way. Not guaranteed it will happen that way or any other, I know every single pregnancy, labor & delivery is different but whenever I see someone adamant against an epi, I try to encourage them to be open to the idea because it may actually help you. And if you get through the process without one, good for you too :) But I will always be okay with it and if I don't need one, then yay for me too lol. This time around I'm going to try & go as long as I can before getting the epidural and will hopefully just be able to get all the way through without it but I'm not holding out hope on that one lol.

I just wonder if she's breech because I've never had a breech baby lol. Just like I've never had an anterior placenta until now, never had placental lakes until now, probably have never had a breech baby until now too. Plus I don't feel any movement above my belly button and it's all down way low. Everyone I've talked to said that happened when their babies were breech but we'll see. I have an appointment next week so I'll ask if she can tell. I have a scan coming up soon to check the placental lakes, just need to make the appointment so I'm sure I'll find out then regardless.

And no, my water never broke at home. With Autumn, they broke it roughly 3 hours after I was admitted to L&D. With Hannah, I had a slow leak that caused me to be admitted but they had to break the other bag of waters in order for my labor to progress (I kept stalling out because nobody bothered to break that bag of waters, they were contemplating c-section until they got another opinion and THAT doc basically told them they were stupid for not realizing I'd had another bulging bag, waiting to be broken lol.) I'd imagine it could cause cord prolapse (having your water break at home) but I think it depends on a hundred different factors.

And Kara yes pumps suck your nipples off! It took me at least 30 mins per side and they were numb by the time I finished!! Lol so I can't imagine how little gums will feel :/

LANOLIN WILL BE YOUR BEST FRIEND. Take a tube to the hospital. Accept the fact that you will likely have chapped, cracked and bleeding nipples to start out and that will in turn cause your baby to either drool, spit up or poop out some bloody-looking "stuff" but that's just because they ingested the blood from your nipples. A nipple shield was a life saver for me but we also had latch issues that I never got help with.
This made me snort with laughter.
I love how different we all can be with our views but still so supportive for one another :hugs:

I'm SO exhausted. I slept 10 hours last night, stayed up for 5 1/2 hours then took a 3 hour nap! Just woke up again lol. Dh is getting me tortilla soup from his mom's house. Mmmm.
And cant believe im creeping around on 7 weeks!!! 9 sleeps until our u/s!! 4 of those sleeps ill be in disneyland. :)
I'm sad - i have a gorgeous dress from J Crew that I bought and never wore and now I don't think it's going to fit ... DH suggested keeping it (it still has tags on it) as my "after the baby goal dress".


It's so beautiful but it's cut so cleanly that I can't have lumps and bumps.

I do like a goal... I'm already thinking about what I'm going to do to get in shap after this... pretty sure DH is going to be very supportive with looking after babs while I work out because he knows how miserable I am when I feel lumpy.
I agree with the "goal" dress idea. I have a super snug body dress from Banana Republic that I got into post-baby (after I'd lost all my weight), tried it on for church Sunday and it deffff doesn't fit anymore with this bump.. like at alllll. Haha. So we were selling a bunch of our old stuff to a resale shop (DH went from a medium to a large, poor baby can't get over it, he had to get rid of almost everything) and I decided I'd keep it instead as a target goal for when I'm postpartum. It's a grande idea.

I saw in an article in a Fit Pregnancy mag in OB waiting room last week.. it said in HUGE letters: When you are looking at the scale every week- "REPEAT AFTER ME: It's NOT me, it's the BABY!" All you can do now is be healthy. Save P90X for your MILF days ;) (I can't wait to get back into shape, it will feel soooo good! P90X is my savior.. it has worked WONDERS for me in the past) Just gotta wait 9 months.. Lol once your bumpie comes along, you'll embrace being a fattie. I wear skinny belts above my bump with all of my dresses and over-sized sweaters, helps it look more rounded so that I have proof that I don't just eat like a cow for no reason.

OMG speaking of eating... Idk what kind of craving you girls have (do share! I don't think I've heard many!!) but I found my #1 snack! Okay first off, I HATE pickles, but this is really good, my mom's "recipe" she used to make it when we got home from school for a quick snack. People at my work look at me like I'm crazy when I'm making it, but it's soooo goooood. Strongly recommend.

-Layer thinly sliced salami in a row, overlapping them, so they're in a line. I go from one side of the plate to another. Will use like 12-15 slices lol.

-Mix up a dollop of Philly cream cheese and Ranch mix (not dressing, the concentrated mix in a packet, used for veggie dip etc.) This will make a delicious ranch spread. Slather it across your line of salami, in the middle.

-Place SWEET PICKLES in a line on top of the cream cheese and salami, roll it all up, and slice into segments! (Will make like 7/8 little roll-ups) Et voila!

They would be great for a party tray too, with toothpicks in each one. But I looove them for a quick (I want to say healthy lol) snack at work. SOOOO yum. I swear. Lol
That sounds yum! I really crave nothing, I wish I did!! Lol

The other night DH was like what do ou want? Ill go get you anything!! I saner him to the store...for a bag of Caesar salad LOL. Preggo fail.
I'm sorry lol I just had to post this... BEST CAESAR dressing EVER.

DH and I have grilled chicken caesar salads with mushrooms and mozzarella like twice a week bc this stuff is so frickin good! (you can get it at Walmart, anywhere really I think) Lol also highly recommend :)

Omg I'm craving one now too.. deffo stoppin by the store for some romaine on the way home. Nom nom nom.
i am just hungry all the time. i will eat almost anything - no cravings or aversions yet.
I only have "cravings" when I'm HUNGRY. Like I was just craving a caesar and STEAK (I crave red meat when I'm hungry.. idk why) and then I went and made a bowl of oatmeal, hot preggo tea, and a clementine and I'm perfectly fine again. Will be full for a few hours at least lol. I just have to shove healthy food down my throat before I give in to sweets and other stuff (Sour Patches I crave at nighttime..). I find when I let myself get really hungry is when I end up eating bad because I waited so long. Like lastnight we were going to make paninis with good stuff, but DH waited too long and I said OK I'm STARVED- go get me a Whopper. Lol. Not smart.
I don't really have cravings, but I could eat oranges all day. They are my go to snack right now.

Ugh I had the worst gas pains all night and could not sleep. Completely miserable
I am SO SO pissed right now. The day I found out I was pregnant, I was pretty much in a panic. I found out 20 minutes before I went to work. I called my Mom at home but couldn't reach her, So in the privacy of the bathroom, I told my direct coworker. I begged her (and asked) like 100 times to PLEASE not tell anyone and I wanted my Boss to hear the first time from me. So just last week she told me that another coworker was interested in buying my treadmill off of me ( I need to get rid of it to make space for the baby's room) and so I sold it to him. Well today another guy comes up to me at work and whispers "Congrats!" and i was like "uhhh.." and he said "Oh i know it's a secret" and i said "who told you?" and he said "danny (the guy who bought the treadmill) he said you were making room for a baby"

UHHH. I didn't tell Danny anything, so I know my coworker did. Now I know when you tell someone there is a chance it will get out, but we are pretty close and I know A LOT of stuff about her (like how she's cheating on her husband) and I don't go around running my mouth. I just really don't get why it's SO HARD for people to keep their damn mouth shut!!!! I know if I say something to her she will just lie, so instead I posted a vague post on facebook that I KNOW she will know is about her. I don't want to start work drama but I want her to know that I KNOW she's telling people. Luckily I am telling my boss tomorrow (if she doesn't already know)
Oh Britt that would piss me off too. Actually the same thing happened to me. I told a coworker who was also TTC so we would compare notes, tests, etc. She swore she wouldn't tell anyone but did anyways bc they were HER close friend. I flat out told her it was my news to share and not tell people. She did the same thing after we looked with the ultrasound. She went around telling people that it was a girl based off what she saw. Luckily I found out about that the day before my scan so I just let it go.
maternity clothes sale on gilt!

loving the sheer chevron tops and the knit sweaters.
Still can't see much but doc thought she saw the start of something inside.

Pete was with me and he is so so so happy!

Next US next friday.

Still no MS but general feeling of "meh" in the morning. Very very very thirsty.

Boobs not sore really at all most of the time. Some pain now and then. My midwife friend back home told me to stop stressing. I'm following her instructions.


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Yeah Britt I ttly feel ya on that one... rude and inconsiderate beotch!!! Lol. Good thing you're 12 weeks, but omg. Some people just haaaaaave to have something to talk about, something that makes them feel special.. And obviously she said "shh, it's a secret" to him or he wouldn't have said that. Rude, rude, rude.. I would tell her when you went to tell your boss, he and 2 other ppl ALREADY knew and she ruined your big reveal and make her feel really bad for spilling YOUR BEANS. Sorry hun, I wanna kick her for you :/

AMELIA!!! YOU HAVE A BEAN! D'awwww... at 6 weeks we couldn't see a fetal pole either, but by 6+5 we could. You'd be surprised at how much they grow in a week. FX'd you can go see its little heartbeat next week :) <3 SO exciting!!

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