TTC and Beyond!

Ooh thanks Molly I'll look into it.. never used Zulily but ik they have great deals!

Speaking of clothies, what are the softest/best absorbing brand? Anyone know? Before I buy I want to make sure we've invested in the best, last thing I want is to buy a bunch and end up not using them and needing disposables, which we'd need to buy.

Whoops, the ones on Zulily today are disposables. Free of any chemicals, etc. Even though we are cloth diapering, I want to have disposables on hand for travel or emergencies, etc.

As far as the clothies, I bought a lot of BumGenious pockets and all in ones, and some Thirsties as well. I have bamboo and hemp inserts. I buy most all mine from They always have sales and send you free diapers when you spend a certain amount. I obviously dont have experience with them yet, but have asked a million questions and read a ton. Hemp is supposed to be awesome for absorption as an overnight insert into pocket diapers! :thumbup:
Oh and must sign up! Every morning at 8am sharp I'm on there seeing whats new for the day lol.
Haha I have a Nomorack login, I love their deals too, but it's just clothes haha.

We have 250+ newborn diapers (with cord cut-outs) that we had for Jaxon.. so will probably just use those until they're gone.. Also disposables for nights once they get older (I hear clothies can leak if they're sitting in them too long..) but thank you for your recommendation.. I have only been recommended BumGenius and Thirsties as well! Now to pick between the AIO's, 4.0's or Elementals (organic)... jeeesh. Lol. I think we're going to ask for mostly diapers and wipes at my work shower, then little outfits and whatnot at my family/friends shower. How lucky are you though, ik you have everything mostly ready for a boy so you won't need much! Are you going to keep Silas' room decorated the same for this baby? Oh and have you decided on Gabriel?! I want to add baby names to the front page :)
Dang it.. I just went back through a gazillion pages of names and can't find Julie's or the correct spelling of Kara's..

So will you girls post your names if you have chosen? I have what I could remember on the front page already, but a few are missing middle names and I may have spelled Makenna wrong :/ I tried so hard but there are a thousand pages lol..
Well ladies, I had my review today and it went awesome. Best review I've had in a long time. I also told them about baby! Well.. sort I said "I've got something I want to tell---" and my bosses boss yelled out "CONGRATS!!!!" LOL. I guess he figured that there wasn't anything else i'd be saying. It was a really nice moment. They both seemed genuinely happy for me. I assured them it wouldn't affect my work and that i'd be back after baby. So all in all, it's been a great day so far!
OH had an interview today for an inventory company. He used to do inventory at this other company (RGIS) and this was an interview for their "competitor" (PICS.) The guy interviewing him is actually someone he used to work with at RGIS. He said he knows how great OH is at the job so he would do his best to make sure he gets full-time hours (this guy is a district manager for PICS, they're not doing full-time at the moment.) Starting pay is $12/hour but they do a 30-day review in which you get your pay bumped up if you're good at your job and he said he knows OH's real good so he thinks he'll get bumped up to $14-15/hour easily. He said top counters are at $16/hour and OH could likely get there with time.

He'd work there Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday which means he can do Target on Wednesday and Thursday. He's going to do both jobs for a little while, a month or so, to see if we need him at Target still or if he can quit Target entirely and have at least 2 days off a week. I can go down to part-time hours at Target, evenings, thank GOODNESS. He'll start the beginning of January.

Apparently his old company (RGIS) is falling apart. This other company, PICS, has taken over a lot of their clients/stores that they inventory. They do things completely different and are far better at it which is why they're taking over so many clients. They expect RGIS will no longer exist in the next 2 years. Thank god I saw their post on Craigslist. Thank god OH knew this guy from before.

The only thing that scares me is that inventory season is only for several months. OH said they have clients ALL over the place though so there's always work. I just know that hours eventually slow down. Giant Eagle (grocery store chain) starts their inventory in January and I wanna say most of the inventory goes through April and then it starts slowing down. But OH said the guy told him they have stores all over and he'll make sure he gets full-time hours but then again, he can always still try to find an evening serving job or something.

The goal is to make rent, pay bills, put food on the table and have money to save/for extras and not have to constantly have a baby-sitter for the kids. The ideal situation is for me to stay home with them but until he gets a "real" full-time job, I don't see that happening but that's okay.

Now we have roughly 2 hours until we sign the lease & get our keys. Hoping to paint the apartment tonight so that the fumes can air out before Hannah gets there and it dries before we move furniture in.
Glad your bosses took the news well Britt!

Amanda, good luck to your OH sounds like that new job would help a lot. And yay for new apartment!

AFM, 13 1/2 weeks, woke up and was a little worried because I hadn't felt sick all night or gotten up to pee or had back aches or gas, then as soon as I get up and out of bed straight to the toilet I went to throw up. Unfortunately didn't get a chance to empty my bladder beforehand so the violent heaving lead to me peeing a little. Vomiting and peeing yourself, oh pregnancy is so glamorous...
Thanks ladies.

LOL Ashlee - just wait until the snissing starts. I'm so terrified to sneeze whenever I'm at work because I've totally snissed there once already this pregnancy.
Bahahaha Ashlee I have ttly done that like ten times this AND last pregnancy!! Haha ikr... and sooo it begins, motherhood ain't purty lol ;)

Waves- That's soo, so awesome!! What a relief! My DH is waiting for a call back for a 2nd interview at a car mega mall right down the street from where we live, so I hope he gets his job too! His brother is a car salesman there and we know the family who owns it well, so I hope those both work in his favor too lol. Oh and they are letting you paint your apartment?? LUCKY! Ours is already coffee colored (thank God, I just hate plain walls, it adds a splash of elegance to the little shit-hole lol) but I asked about painting for baby or whatnot and landlady said noooo way. That's awesome though. I bet you are feeling wonderful right about now. By the time you really get settled in, in a month or so, you can start nesting your heart out and she'll be here not soon after that! So exciting!

LOL @ "snissing".. yes that and during extreme laughter.. it is inevitable!!
Waves - that's terrific news.

Sorry for the ick Cassidy (at least you have symptoms!)

Britt I have my fx that you get past the gagging and can start enjoying food again!

Mirolee keep snacking!

I had sex this morning for the first time since we found out we were pregnant... I mean, that's not too hard since we don't live in the same state... but it was a big deal, you know?

And it was awesome! although I was so nervous i couldn't enjoy it very much once it got penetrative because I was so worried.

When I wiped after there was some blood - not spotting exactly... and it was all mixed up in the progesterone cream that I still have to use every day... but the cream (which is obviously white) was pinkish and there was a darker spot of blood. I'm not too worried because I'm not cramping and I checked my cervix and it's still high and slammed shut...

But it would sure help me relax if I knew this was normal- have any of you had the same after sexy-time? I know spotting is normal and I've long suspected that I probably have spotted a little bit but the daily progesterone isn't letting it make it's way into my underwear (it's literally like a thick plug.. sorry gross).

Help? I know I'm going to keep checking my undies and tp all day today.

In other news we've narrowed our boy names down to 15 from about 40...For some reason I'm more than 50% thinking it's a boy... mainly because it's been so hard to find good names that go with "Yaron".
I have never really bled in early pregnancy after sex, only when I was like 36 weeks last time, but I think that was due to my mucous plug coming out finally lol. But I will say again.... I bled my entire uterus out this pg from 6-8 weeks (clots and all), around my baby's sac, and still all is well. Bleeding in early pg is so, so common- 1 in 4 will experience bleeding in early PG- (just Googled it for you ;)) so try not to worry honey.. When is the next scan? I can't wait til you can see that lil beanhead and relax haha. Mirolee too (the 18th) and Julie is finding out gender for sure that day too! Exciting stuff coming up :)
VJ, no PY Jr. in your future? i explicitly told OH there was to be no junior - his name is a (Russian) mouthful, and we're not going to do that.
it's kinda fun that (right now) we have our names sorta picked. literally, we have three names, can be used for boy or girl, in some combination. now i'm just interested in which order we'll choose!
i have not had a post-coitus bleed, dear, sorry i cannot help.
i had grilled ham and cheese for lunch - we are fortunate to have a full cafeteria with grill on-site, so i had them grill the ham first before putting it on my sandwich (smart, eh? hehe). but after lunch i am feeling ..... not really full in my belly, but in my throat, kinda gagging. i'm chewing gum, feeling a little better..... hm.... and mild headache all the time.
VJ, no PY Jr. in your future? i explicitly told OH there was to be no junior - his name is a (Russian) mouthful, and we're not going to do that.
it's kinda fun that (right now) we have our names sorta picked. literally, we have three names, can be used for boy or girl, in some combination. now i'm just interested in which order we'll choose!
i have not had a post-coitus bleed, dear, sorry i cannot help.
i had grilled ham and cheese for lunch - we are fortunate to have a full cafeteria with grill on-site, so i had them grill the ham first before putting it on my sandwich (smart, eh? hehe). but after lunch i am feeling ..... not really full in my belly, but in my throat, kinda gagging. i'm chewing gum, feeling a little better..... hm.... and mild headache all the time.

I asked Pete if he wanted a Peter Jr for a boy or Peta for a girl..

(and I quote) "fuck no".

The bleed wasn't bad and I have no idea how recently I bled... it could have been when I exercised... I'm not sure. I'll probably not have penetrative sex again until I see my doc.

Next scan is next Friday the 20th - two days after you Mirolee... I could have gone in on Wed but I want to have the most time possible for the babe to develop and grow so we see something on the US.
Makayla May for us Morgan :) GAH! I can't wait to meet her!

Amelia- no after sex bleeds for me but I'm super conscious of taking it easy and staying away from pound town lol
Okay Kara I've got her added to our list!! I love seeing the names, so cool! I can't wait eitherrrrrrr lol.
I'm hoping we have a girl since DH and I aren't agreeing on boy names right now lol. It's my primary reason for wanting a girl. I'm not into the juniors, I told DH it's not happening lol. I was a little annoyed because when we told DH's grandparents about the baby, they were like "well, we always name the babies in our family after people in the family or people we care about" well, that's nice, but this isn't your baby and I don't want to do that so I don't really need the input. I don't know, I just get annoyed with it because it seems like on both sides of my family they've just overdone the naming after other family members and DH's family as well(his brother, step dad and step grandfather all have the same name) I'd like to bring new names into the mix. Names are just one thing that I really don't want people telling me what to do lol.

Amelia- I haven't had any bleeding after sex though I've read it can be pretty common. I usually get sharp pains in my cervix after for a bout an hour or so though.
Anyone know Nikki's princess Alia's middle name? Nikki if you see this post plzzz ;)

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