TTC and Beyond!

Ashlee- My MIL (who we've ya know chatted about.....) said YOU BETTER keep "Anne" as the middle name, it's a TRADITION (Jo Anne, Leslie Anne, Aubri Anne)! Same with my father-in-law. His name is Rich.. Richard is the boy name that has been passed down 5 generations. Aaron's real name is Richard Aaron, but he would rather be dead than be called by his first name lol.. even in HS his face would turn bright red if a sub called "Richard?!" Lolol but yeah, they were mad when I named our son Jaxon Aaron. Scruuuuuu them all!!!
"pound town"- hahah hilarious!
another thing about names: in Russia, they make the surnames masculine or feminine. i've told OH that i'd like to just stick with his last name, and not change it, but i dont know how he feels about that. in the long run, i bet he agrees.
I'm hoping we have a girl since DH and I aren't agreeing on boy names right now lol. It's my primary reason for wanting a girl. I'm not into the juniors, I told DH it's not happening lol. I was a little annoyed because when we told DH's grandparents about the baby, they were like "well, we always name the babies in our family after people in the family or people we care about" well, that's nice, but this isn't your baby and I don't want to do that so I don't really need the input. I don't know, I just get annoyed with it because it seems like on both sides of my family they've just overdone the naming after other family members and DH's family as well(his brother, step dad and step grandfather all have the same name) I'd like to bring new names into the mix. Names are just one thing that I really don't want people telling me what to do lol.

Amelia- I haven't had any bleeding after sex though I've read it can be pretty common. I usually get sharp pains in my cervix after for a bout an hour or so though.

Thanks girl - I just had a bathroom break and there isn't anything there so I'm hoping that was it... I want to enjoy sex - especially since I rarely see Pete and won't get to see him much during January until I move back. He's been so incredibly patient.

Preggo orgasms are amazing btw :blush:

Oh I feel you with the naming convention family thing - my grandfather was Nick (in Ukrainian), my cousin is Nick, Pete's dad is Nick and Pete's middle name is Nicolivich (son of Nick). FML. Thank goodness I don't think there is much expectation. Pete and I have never really done things "conventionally" so I think if I told my parents we were naming the kid "Doorknob" they'd be like... "Really? Oh, ok".

We love South American names and Pete was born in Brazil, so Javier was really high on our list... Javier Yaron... "Havy" for short...BUT we are genuinely concerned that the kid is going to look like Pete (dark skin + hair)... Pete was like... I don't want people thinking he is Guatemalan. ROFL. Whenever Pete goes to Mexico for work people assume he's a local which irritates him a little.

But I love it. Along with Xavier and Zachary. As of this morning we *might* be close to agreeing that one of those two names... or potentially both those names will be our bean name.

I was like... "well Yaron is going to put him at the end of the class roll call anyway" and Pete was like ... "may as well be fully committed to that". ROFL.

Other option is Ezra.. apparently we like X and Z in our names.
my BF is also an -ovich middle name!

Yeah super russian - Pete's dad's family is Russian - so Russian in fact, his grandfather was stationed in China to help the Chinese develop Communism... that's where Pete's dad was born.

This family is a bunch of friggen Gypsies. Scottish, Italian, American, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Australian and Brazilian.
Amelia, I LOVE Xavier. My best friends son is Xavier Henry and I adore it. His dad is Puerto Rican and its a super cute name for him. He has dark skin and dark hair and is a total ladies man, at the ripe old age of 6. They pronounced it the french way, though, so it is kind of like "ex-ahv-yay"
Morgan- DH's brother, step dad and step grandfather are all Richard too! They call gpa Dick, step dad Rich and his brother Cole(his middle name) just annoying to me. And also, Anne is one of the names that gets passed around on my dad's side. Anne is my grandmother's name.

Amelia- Totes agree on preggo orgasms, they're the best! Even DH is agreeing that preggo sex is the shizzz lol. I am also a fan of the X names. Our last name is Hendrix, so I want X in the first name. My first choice for boy right now is Xander(zan-der) but DH is fighting me on it. I want to kick his ass... I also kinda like Xavien. Ezra was on my list too lol
Pete was like... "it reminds me of X-Men" and I said "honey.... it's a saint's name".

He came around.

Xavien is gorgeous. My bro's name is Alexander... so no go, otherwise we'd be there too.

I adore Ezra. I read that name in a story in highschool and fell in love.
Haha I have a Nomorack login, I love their deals too, but it's just clothes haha.

We have 250+ newborn diapers (with cord cut-outs) that we had for Jaxon.. so will probably just use those until they're gone.. Also disposables for nights once they get older (I hear clothies can leak if they're sitting in them too long..) but thank you for your recommendation.. I have only been recommended BumGenius and Thirsties as well! Now to pick between the AIO's, 4.0's or Elementals (organic)... jeeesh. Lol. I think we're going to ask for mostly diapers and wipes at my work shower, then little outfits and whatnot at my family/friends shower. How lucky are you though, ik you have everything mostly ready for a boy so you won't need much! Are you going to keep Silas' room decorated the same for this baby? Oh and have you decided on Gabriel?! I want to add baby names to the front page :)

Yes we have decided he will be Gabriel :) We have not touched Silas' room since he passed. I didn't have the strength to, and still don't. It's a touchy subject around the house :(
Pete was like... "it reminds me of X-Men" and I said "honey.... it's a saint's name".

He came around.

Xavien is gorgeous. My bro's name is Alexander... so no go, otherwise we'd be there too.

I adore Ezra. I read that name in a story in highschool and fell in love.

Haha DH thought of X-Men too with that name.

He's not sure about Xander because of one his best friends is Alexander and likes to be called Zander. He thinks it's weird, I don't. I don't know anyone actually named Xander. I'm wondering if he'll go for Xavien, he might just think it's too weird :?. We just don't agree on boy names. I had never heard Ezra then the last year or Two I heard it a couple times and really liked it
Yeah I agree.. I keep telling DH we'll use Jaxon's blue Avent bottles, his receiving blankets, tub, washclothes, everthing we can (we've put a cute pink plush carseat cover on our registry so that we can use his, too) and DH doesn't like the idea. I even said we'd use some of the baby "dresses" (you know onesies with the hole at the bottom for easy night changes..) that my mom bought for him, they're yellow ttly unisex, but he hates the idea. I just don't want to waste things we'll never use. And of course we'd never reuse the important things.. his little Polo button-up shirt, his onesies/socks/hats from the hospital etc.. but he still hates the idea. Understandable I guess. I still can't imagine having a baby in general though, bringing one home. I think putting her into her carseat and leaving will be the worse thing since his funeral, we watched so many families hauling their babies out of the NICU, saying hmm "wish that was us". I still just can't imagine..
I love love love it, sounds very elegant! Pronounced "Mih-cayle"? Awhhhhh I remember you were just asking us for name opinions and brainstorming, and now she's almost here!! Haha I can't wait to see lil smush's face! Have you seen any more of your mucous plug?? That's always good news :)
Slept alllll morning except waking up every 2 hrs to snack because im constantly starving.

When I actually got up I puked my guts out. I wake up feeling hungover every morning now. The roon spins.

Names are going to frustrate the hell out of me. Kevin has like completely turned down my 2 favorite boys names, archer or rowan. Grrrr.

Amelia our scan is the same day :)
Oh Morgan, I can't even imagine... but if NOT using them is helping Aaron grieve and work through his grief.... perhaps he will change his mind once Marley is here. She isn't a replacement, she is a healing balm.

Nikki - that is SUCH an adorbes name - AAAA-DOOOOO-OOOORRRRBBES (must be said in Oprah's voice).

Cass- YAY for scan day. I'm nervous-excited.

I feel you on the "shit hangover" - I don't have MS but I do have the "ick I feel hungover" on and off now until I get a coffee and a banana into my head. I feel bad for the dogs - morning walks are not often or as long as they used to be - mainly because I need to pee/just don't feel up to it.

Morgan, thanks to your story about Richard, ahem, I mean Aaron ;) I *THINK* i just sold Pete on Javier Xavier or Javier Zachary- telling him if the kid doesn't like Javier when he is older he can go by Xavier or Zachary... Pete's mom is "Dalva Tonie" and she goes by Tonie so it's fairly normal for him. Eeeeep!

I can't wait to be a Watermelon.
Isn't it awesome getting all the wonderful feelings of a hangover without the drinking part?! lol

Kevin and Chad are so similar and you and I are so similar lol. We love all the same names and then they hate them and are stubborn lol.

I can't freakin wait for your scan!
LOL I just said "adorbes" in Oprah voice aloud in my cube... hahaha I'm srsly giggling right now.

"Can't wait to be a watermelon" Lol again.. It is so awesome, I can't wait to get there either. Try to keep yourself busy, busy for the 1st tri though.. Seems like you're just waiting, waitinggggg to hit 12 weeks so your uterus is over the pubic bone and you can finally start to look for a bumpie lol.

"Hungover" is the PERFECT term. That's what I told DH, Imagine waking up everyday feeling like HELL without the Jack the night before.. It buhhlows.

And yay for name discussions girls.. Haha Cass tell him he can have 110% reign over the middle name if he plz, plz, plz lets you use one of your (ttly awesome modern and strong, yet unique and quirky- LOVE EM BOTH) names. Or use Amelia's idea and say he can be called by his middle name if he wants (and then never let that happen LOLOL). Haha I am still fighting with DH over Willow. My reasoning is that the willow is my favorite tree. It's the most flexible and graceful tree in nature and nothing can break it - no wind, no elements. It can bend and withstand anything. I love that sentiment and I want that for her. DH says it just reminds him of the little black girl "Whippin' her HAIR BACK N' FORTH" if you know that song.. LOL. My excuse for that is- "omg that's Will Smith's daughter though.. they're classy!" lmao.

Mirolee and Julie Weds, Me Thurs (to verify gender), and Amelia and Cass Friday! WOOT WOOT!!! :)
I recall a gorgeous children's movie called Willow.

And the book the Wind In The Willows.

It's fucking gorge.
Right now I'm really loving Callia Lynn and Zuri Lynn for a girl. I also really like Harley Lynn, or Lyana Lynn. Azalea Lynn. Lmao. I like a lot of girls names. Willow has always been on my list too! Boys names are harder :(
Cassidy i LOVE those names! Azalea is so pretty and has a bit of spunkiness with the Z.

I agree boys are FAR harder.... our girls names are easy.

Stella Adele/Adeline is top but we have a few solid ones to try on for size
Calliope (Pete's fave - Poppy for short)

Our girl names are a mile long and we love almost all of them.

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