TTC and Beyond!

Britt- Harper and Charlotte are also becoming popular. I love Harper too, it's on my list. And I know what you mean about maternity pants, I bought 2 pairs of over the belly leggings and I'm in love lol. DH was shopping with me and he said "preggo ladies know how to dress, all this stuff looks super comfy! " lol

Ooo Morgan I love all three of those boy names!

Mirolee, don't blame you for wanting baby to have a name from your family too. Totally makes sense to me

LOL at DH!

I LOVE Harper, Charlotte, Georgia and Eleanor for girls names. OH hates all of them. I have a feeling that we will have a hard time picking names.
I'm just afraid i'll pick something I like and then it'll become widly popular like my name. Every one I know is named "Brittany" and it's so annoying.. on the other hand, I don't want to name my child something so off the wall people never pronounce it right, and/or they get made fun of.. so.. it'll probably be simple classic names for us.
That's what happened for us.. Mila was my #1 faaaavorite name (Jaxon was called Mila before I found out he was a boy :blush:) but then I looked at a list for on-the-rise babynames of 2014 and it was like #4 :/

Oh and btw I am making "White Trash" tonight and thought I'd post the recipe for you preggos.. SO YUM. I'm also making some for Xmas eve dinner :)

White chocolate chips or discs
Chex cereal (whatever kind you like)
Mini pretzel sticks
Mixed nuts (or my fav- honey roasted peanuts!)
M&M's and Reese's pieces
Craisins if you'd like, a nice holiday touch

Simply combine ingredients in a bowl and dump the melted white chocolate all over the mixture (I drench mine in WAY more white chocolate than in that pic lol). Toss lightly until well-coated, then spread the whole mess out on parchment paper and set in a cool place until it sets up. Then break it into pieces et voila!
A sweet n' salty HEAVEN! :xmas14:


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VJ, same in Russian. perhaps we could translate the spelling to a Y instead of a G.... but neither of us is sold on that idea....
oh my, afternoons are far worse for me than any other time of the day. really, NOT BAD AT ALL in comparison, but i def get a mild head ache, weird light headedness if i stand too quickly, weird heart poundings, mild aversions, and then bam! suddenly starving must eat 3 granola bars right now!
i went spinning today at lunch - nice and light, like riding a bike outdoors. felt really good since i was sore from my weight lifting on wednesday.
having pizza tonight at a friends house - we so rarely have pizza, esp store bought pizza, that i'm pretty excited. so is my belly. :)
Those sound like perfect symptoms, hope they're reassuring you! I have heart palpitations that are super intensified during pregnancy. Sometimes they are scary, like a churning, skipping feeling. Normal too. You can get an EKG done just to be sure :)
I have an ECG scheduled on 12/23.. blah. I have mitral valve prolapse and they want to make sure my heart will do okay with pregnancy. I'm not really worried about it. The MVP hasn't bothered me in 10 years, but the doctor wants to be sage and check it out.
I am such a registry peak-er too! DH tried to change my password on my registry so I couldn't look at it, but I got to it first so he didn't know the password anymore to change it.

Well, went to the doc today... she spent time reviewing all my past ultrasounds because she wasn't totally sure what my date should be because I started going to her at like 28 weeks and because my cycles were always irregular. She decided to keep my date at Jan 18 (where my first US dated me). So she said she REALLY believes Alia will be early, but she put a date on a 39 week induction. She said I will come in Jan 13 at 8pm to start the induction and baby would MOST likely be here on Jan 14th, if she doesn't come earlier on her own. Anyways, Im excited for everything!!!!
Sooo exciting Nikki!!! Can't believe she's gonna be here so soon!!
Eeep, fell too far behind here! Just popping in to wish everyone well and hope all is going well (or well enough)!

Waves, hope your baby flips and you don't have to do breech or a c-section! FX'd![-o<

Nikki, so exciting she's almost here! :flower: Hope you don't need induction and she comes earlier on her own!
My "white trash" turned out great.. Having a bit for breakfast as it wasn't ready last night. Up at 7 a.m. on a Saturday because I had to pee and had weird dreams and now of course can't go back to sleep :/ I hate this.. My one day to sleep in and it's impossible.

First dream I had when I woke up at 2 am for my nightly loo trip was that we went to the doctor and they forgot to figure out gender (we're suppose to find out Thurs.) and I left and came back like "Wait! You were supposed to tell us and forgot!" the lady told me- sorry you'll have to wait til next month (kind of like last time we went, she didn't even try, just said 'well she's being difficult we'll figure it out next time'.... Like it wasn't important to us to know..). Next one that has kept me from sleeping in, I woke up and had to pee again at 6:50 and realized I had just been dreaming about standing at the McDonald's counter, rattling off a stupidly long burger order. "a buffalo McChicken (don't exist, so preggo I even DREAM of buffalo sauce lmao) with cheeeeese and uhh fries and sweet and sour..." LOL its just so funny to me that when we wake up during REM we get a peek into what our minds really do when we're turned off, and it's great to know I dream of ordering McChickens. Lol oh my gosh.

Taking Jaxon's tree to him today, will post a pic when we do. Unfortunately we have to upgrade to the dreadful IOS 7 to update my Instagram acct... I'm so mad about that, I hate how it looks, but I suppose I'll adjust lol.

Aww & now Marley is kicking away as I type.. I can finally poke where I feel pressure and she'll kick back. I'm so in love! <3

Have a wonderful weekend loves! :xmas3::xmas15::xmas9::xmas12:
Holy crap...I haven't been on pretty much all week and I was so behind! So, some of this was from days ago lol Sorry!

My birth plan before finding out it was twins:
-Home birth or birthing center
-Water used to help with pain relief, no epidural

Now that we are considered high risk bc of having two in there:
-Giving birth in hospital so both babies can be monitored and make sure all is ok, still prefer to be able to walk and move around as much as possible
-Hopefully will go into labor at home and be able to labor there for at least a little while
-Still hoping for vaginal delivery with no epidural
-Prefer not to get an episiotomy
-Skin to skin right away (when 2nd baby is born, 1st baby will go to DW for skin to skin)
-Breastfeeding asap
-Delayed cord clamping if possible
-I want to do the first bath, leave vernix on for a while so it can be rubbed in

That being said, there is no telling how our birthing experience will go. I am considering having in iv port put in place and an epi catheter in place, bc if baby a is delivered naturally but there is a complication with baby b and they need to get him out quickly then I would be put under general anesthesia. That is probably the worst case scenario for me bc I wouldn't be awake for the birth and couldn't do the skin to skin until I woke up.
I am not against epidurals, but I like to be in control of my body and feel what is going on. Obviously I've never been in labor before, so I know there is alway that chance I will loose focus and need it to relax. I think every woman is different and should do what is best for her and her baby.
I do not like the idea of being induced, but when it comes down to it I will decide what is best at that time.
As far as who is in the room, DW will definitely be in there. I plan to have my mom in there as well. She is good at making me feel better and keeping me calm. Plus, if we do end up having to have a c-section and the babies have to go to the NICU (which will happen if it's before 35 weeks regardless), then I will want DW to go with babies and my mom to stay with me. Our doc said I could have 3 people...not sure if I want MIL in there or not. It's going to be so crowded and hectic anyway (we have a team in there for each baby), I feel like I only need my mom and DW. I may have to play it by ear as we get closer. It may depend on how they are delivered.
My mom will stay with us for the first few weeks so that DW and I can focus on the babies. I'm sure MIL will be in and out as well. She is a neat freak though, so I'll give her cleaning duty lol With two, there is no way I am not taking the extra help! My plan is to be a milk machine...

Kara-Your bump is so cute! As far as the mucus it. Seriously, google images will tell you all you need to know!

Ashlee-I'm sorry you've had some crappy days where the zofran didn't even work...I had those days as well. They are horrible!
Lol to the peeing yourself when you vomited...A few Christmases ago, we all got really sick. My mom pooped herself while she was puking over the point, it could be worse lol I'll take pee over poop any day!

Mirolee-I still get scared every time I wipe. I have been very moist this pregnancy, which is very weird for me lol Every single time I check for blood just in case...
I get the same thing with the heart palpitations and the all of a sudden needing to eat right now!

Nikki-We looked into doulas. The one I really loved charges $1300, which is just too much for us right now (with twins on the way and not knowing when I might go on bed rest). There are others around us who are around the $700-800 mark. We aren't sure if we are going to use one or not bc of money.
For what to bring to the hospital, they told us the other night on our tour that they have everything baby needs until they leave. So there isn't really any reason to bring diapers, wipes, etc. They told us the pillows suck too! lol I will be bringing my own, plus my own blanket to make it more comfortable.
I can't believe it's getting so close for you! So exciting!

Morgan-You need to do what is comfortable for you. I agree about telling her they will only let 3 people in there bc it's a higher risk delivery. Everyone we've talked to in our classes at the hospital says they will back up whatever your request is. Even if you get to that day and tell them you don't want her in there, they should be able to make something up to tell her for you and will have your back. They want you to be comfortable.
Your poor sister! That's horrible that she blames herself. He could have gone at any second, it doesn't matter who was holding him. Maybe he wanted to wait until his aunt got to hold him and then he could let go...:)
I have not had any cravings...I ate a lot of the same foods for a while only bc those were the foods I could stomach. I've been getting smoothies a lot. Easy way to get my fruit and protein in...I haven't eaten a lot of sweets which is weird for me. They leave a gross taste in my mouth, so I've avoided them more. It comes and goes though.
The pickle snack you mentioned...DW used to make something similar. She used dill pickle spears and cream cheese wrapped in ham. I'm not a big pickle fan, but they were pretty delicious!
Good for you going against the grain of the family, it's boring to pass on the same name all the time! Plus ann for everyone?! So boring! I do not like juniors and I want my kid to have their own name and identity...

Rachel-I don't think it's ever too early to meet with a pediatrician. If you plan to meet with a few different ones, I'd think it would be better to meet with them earlier than later to give yourself enough time to figure it out.

Cassidy-I had a pouch really early on. In my 5th week it got to where I would unbutton my pants...Between baby and bloating, it makes it so uncomfortable! Start taking pics now if you haven't already started! If it is'll be ok lol We weren't really planning for it, but it is what it is. We are scared of the lack of sleep we will get and the financial responsibility, but we are so freaking excited to have two little babies to love!
Hangover is exactly how I would describe the morning sickness I had. I was exhausted, couldn't think straight and felt nauseous all the time. I didn't want to move. That was the best way to describe it to DW, picture being hung over all the time but you didn't get to drink lol

Amelia-Are you speaking of the movie with the little people in it? I love that movie! I call DW Willow all the time and she gets really pissed. She has a really big mouth though, especially when she was a kid. It always makes me think of
So glad your scan went well! Can't wait to see the next one :)

Britt-Stupid co-worker! I'm sure one of my co-workers started telling people before I gave her permission. I missed several days of work though, so I was ok with people starting to find out. I didn't want them to think I was just a slacker lol
Maternity pants are wonderful, right?! lol I started rocking mine pretty early and didn't care what anyone thought!

Waves-You are so tiny, but your bump is so big! lol It cracks me up how low it is :) I'm glad you are both ok after the fall...
I also used to work for RGIS. I HATED it!!!! I only worked there a month or so and couldn't stand the hours. If you can handle the hours and the tediousness of the job, it doesn't pay too bad...I hope it all works out for him!
Morgan-I forgot to address names...We have two of each picked out:
If both are boys: Jackson Alexander and Grayson Lucas
If both are girls: Jordan Lynne and Olivia Rae
If they are one of each like we think they are: Grayson Alexander and Olivia Lynne
So, hopefully we will know for sure after our apt Wed! I still like Grayson Lucas, but DW wants Grayson we'll have to see on that one. I do not like it when twins have to have their first names start with the same letter, but I think it'd be cute to have the middle initial the same.
Love your names Julie!!!

Morgan- Hahaha your dreams crack me up. I woke up this morning after having a dream that I went over to my mom's house for dinner, drove home and got on FB and she had announced my pregnancy (even though I've already told her a million times that I will let her know when she can). I called her and seriously ripped her a new one. Holy shit, i've never been SO PISSED in a dream before! Lmfao.

AFM, I think we’re going to take the big plunge and announce on Christmas! At this point, if something was to happen I KNOW that I am going to be a fucking massive wreck and I would rather people just know instead of having to explain to everyong why I am hating life if that was to happen. I ordered this expecting ornament. We’re The Byrds, so I had to be cheesy and do it. I want to take a pic of us making a candy cane heart over my belly and then a picture of this hanging on the tree with text on the bottom of the pic reading ‘Baby Byrd expected August 1st, 2014!’ Eeeek. It’s all becoming so much more real. I really hope everything goes well at my scan or I am going to be totally crushed.


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Lol Julie that was my thought when it happened. My little sister had the same thing happen once. Your names are super cute <3

What a sucky dream Cassidy. Wow! I'm surprised that you're gonna announce before 12 weeks! You were so adamant about waiting before. Sometimes I wish that people had known about my last pregnancy because I was pretty miserable after and also it's hard to see my friends that are going to be having babies in a few weeks and thinking about how I would be giving birth in two weeks if I hadn't miscarried and dealing with that without everyone knowing. But Of course I'm so so grateful to have this baby. But believe me I know how hard it is to keep that secret when you're so excited and want to shout it from the rooftops! I love your idea though, sooooo cute. I hope that you see a nice cozy been with a strong heartbeat at your scan!
I know I wanted to wait until 12 weeks but I just think about it more and more and if I was to miscarry after my 8 week scan I am going to be such a wreck. Probably miss work, be extremely depressed. I'd just rather everyone knew why I didn't want to speak/see anyone, etc. instead of being bombarded with questions. After I see my babe at my scan I am going to be so attached. If the scan didn't go well, obviously we won't let people know. But if it goes good we're just gonna do it. What's meant to be will be, and I actually think if it did happen it would help me to reach out to other women I went to h/s with, etc. that I know have been in the same situation. I still believe this pregnancy is going to go fine. But am ready for it to not be a secret anymore. I don't like secrets lol and i'm really bad at keeping them.

I'll be 8+5 when I announce if all goes good at the scan.
Waaaaa. I have the flu. Like legit influenza. Tested positive for both strains :( I'm so irritated. Got it from work. Now I have to take tamiflu. Lol I did 3 tests to make sure it was really positive. Just like POAS again....

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