That really sucks Kara. I do not miss real winters!
And yeah, I hate December already too. My furnace went out which is bs bc we just bought our house. Well all is good bc we have a home warranty. So I'm told, all you have to pay is the $75 service fee....WELL nope! They only pay $10/pound towards freon and my outside unit takes 9 pounds. So we also have to pay $450 for them to take out my perfectly good freon, fix the part that's broken, then put new freon in, wasting the freon that was already in there. It makes no sense. And it sucks to shell out money right before Christmas. And I'm sure my electric bill is going to be outrageous since the part that broke caused my AC to turn on instead of heat and blew freezing cold air allllll day while we were at work.....not to mention that the service man turned on our emergency heat which probably costs more too. Damn you winter.