Oh yours turned out so much cuter than ours

I love it!
FINALLY got internet at our apartment. We had it yesterday but my laptop refused to connect. AT&T tried saying my laptop was defective and it would cost $100 for a tech to come out and try to fix it. My cousin came by today while I was at work and in less than 2 hours got it up & running for me, thank goodness. I have so many things to post on Craigslist for sale and things to apply for that I needed the internet so I'm just a bit
too excited to be online lol.
Had my 28 week appointment on Wednesday with a different OB in the office (mine was there but didn't have any openings this week apparently so I had to see a different doc.) It was single-handedly the worst prenatal appointment I've ever had. I was nearly in tears when I left the office although I'm sure some of it was hormones lol.
I've gained 23lbs total so far (only 1lb since my last appointment 3 weeks prior), Leah's heart rate was 141bpm. The doctor measured my fundal height but didn't tell me what it was. I would have asked but she didn't give me a chance to ask ANY questions. I'm supposed to get another ultrasound between 28-32 weeks to follow-up on my placental lakes but she said because I had a scan last week when I went to the ER/L&D (for a fall) that I don't need this next one because they didn't note anything about the lakes from the scan last week. Well that's probably because they were just checking that the baby was not in distress and that my placenta didn't tear or anything like that. I know the lakes aren't a cause for concern really but I'd still be more comfortable with a proper follow-up where they're ONLY checking for those, you know? Everyone suggested I call my OB and ask if I can get the referral for it anyway so I just might do that.
This stupid OB did mention that on that scan last week that Leah is measuring behind by a week and 3 days or something like that so I need a growth scan at 35 weeks to make sure she's growing okay. I know that's not uncommon and I had the same "scare" with Autumn who turned out being a very normal birth size but it still scares me that she might be small. The placental lakes can cause IUGR (from what I've read) so her measuring small scares me - another reason I want to get a proper follow-up on the lakes.
The doctor didn't even note that I need my glucose test done so when I was making my next appointment with the receptionist I asked her if I was supposed to get the referral form for it. She asked how far along I was and when I said "28 weeks" she told me that I should have already had it done and gave me the form. No appointment necessary so I think I'm going Monday before work.
Anyway, this doc never asked how I was feeling (like they've all asked me at each appointment) and never let me ask questions, just walked out of the room after she told me what she had to say and I didn't even see her in the hall once I got out there to stop her and let her know I had questions. I don't go back for another 4 weeks (I'll be 32 weeks then) and I'm so worried about Leah being breech & not turning or something ridiculous like that. I posted in my local mom group on FB and apparently this particular doctor is known for being impersonal, rude, short, not helpful. I just felt so let down after that appointment I considered switching practices entirely and going back to my very first OB from my first pregnancy because he was great and gets great reviews all the time. But I don't know if I'm being too hormonal about it all... although so many local women have left the group I'm with now for the same reason/s I've contemplated it so I know it's not just me.
Anyway... enough rambling from me I guess.
Congrats on a great scan Cassidy