Amanda- So sorry your doctor was a jerk. I would definitley complain and never see that one again. The doctor at my last apt was just like that and I was asking her questions as she ran out the door. Then saw her in the hallway as we were leaving and she didnt even acknowledge us. I will never see her again and pray she is not my delivey doctor. Have fun with your two girls and sorry about the flat. That is the worst! Love all your bump pics!
I just need to vent for a minute so forgive me:
Working in retail during the holidays flat out sucks. Working retail during the holidays while 7 months pregnant (40 hour weeks/8 hour shifts) also sucks. Working retail during the holidays while 7 months pregnant after having a huge credit card security breech hit your company sucks even more. So there's that.
Hannah spent two nights at my mom's house because Tyler & I both worked early morning shifts that overlapped & we didn't want to drag Hannah out of bed at 3:30am so I could take him to work to use the car when I needed to go into work. We picked her up last night and Autumn came with so that she could spend 2 nights here, I'll take her home Monday. On the way home, it's pouring rain and we hit this huge pothole that Tyler didn't see until the last minute. Immediate flat tire. Nobody sells you just one tire and we certainly can't afford 4 brand new ones. Nor can we continue to drive on a donut in the winter. Hopefully my mom's neighbor (a mechanic) can get us just 1 tire and change it for us or something.
While Tyler's struggling to get the lug nuts off the flat (they were really stuck on there for some reason) in the pouring rain, I turn back and see Hannah has an explosive diarrhea diaper that leaked through her clothes. We're not anywhere that I can take her inside to change her diaper/clothes and the car was full of us and suitcases and with it pouring rain outside, I just had to let her sit until we got home. Once she did, she threw the biggest tantrum when we tried to change her.
Then this morning after breakfast, Tyler realizes the couch that Autumn slept on reeks of human pee. Autumn is still in a pull-up because my mother is too freaking lazy to try and get her out of them (yes, she's 8 years old and still has accidents... they say she'll outgrow it but I think my mother could help things along.) Autumn wore a pull-up to bed so I'm not sure why it would smell. So I text my mom asking if Autumn's ever peed through a pull-up and she said sometimes, if it's a defective one or something like that but that she thinks it was probably our cat. She has been insisting our cat is peeing everywhere since we moved into their house even though it smells like straight up HUMAN pee and there's an 8 year old in the house that pees the bed still. She swears Cat's pee smells like human pee and not a cat's. Google tells me that's not possible. And to add to that, we've NEVER had an issue with our cat peeing or spraying outside of her litter box. She pooped on the floor ONCE when we first took in my friend's cat because we kept her (our cat) in our bedroom that night and totally forgot to bring in her litter box but that's the only accident in over a year of owning her. But my mom is so insistent that my cat is peeing everywhere and refusing to admit that she/Autumn have a problem they need to take care of. Not only that, we've only been out of the house a week and if you ask Autumn when she last had a bath she says, "I don't know."
I literally feel nauseous from the stress right now. I just can't wait for Christmas and Christmas break to be over with. For January to get here so my hours get reduced at work and Tyler starts working the job paying him $13/hour.