Rachel-Love the letters! Personally I love polka dots lol
Nikki-I'm glad you are feeling better!
Amelia-Are you getting another scan or anything soon?
Waves-I think she sounds crappy, I don't think it's just hormones. They should have already had your glucose test scheduled a while ago, which makes me think they aren't on top of things. Claiming you don't need to come in to check the placental lakes bc you went to l&d???? That's just stupid, they were checking for that and haven't been the ones to see them this whole time. She's familiar with them, she should be checking them. Plus she doesn't give you a chance to ask questions?! That's the worst!!!! I hate doctor's who seem to have no time for you, don't tell you everything and don't ask if you have questions. Our doc doesn't really do or say anything unless she is checking something that hasn't already been checked, she just lets us ask questions. I have never felt rushed. She always waits until we say we are are out of questions before she leaves lol I wouldn't blame you at all for leaving and going back to your old doctor.
Just curious, has anyone else had their cervix measured? They did an internal u/s at our apt the other day and measured how long my cervix was. She said it was something newer they are doing and they especially want to do it since I have twins. Just curious if it's common practice.
I am starting to feel babies more and more everyday! I can feel more kicks and am starting to feel more of them from the outside. DW still hasn't really felt one, but I can't wait for her to! With two in there, I feel like there is pretty much something happening in my belly all day lol