TTC and Beyond!

30 weeks today (well technically now yesterday.) It's been pretty crappy though. I woke up with a little headache. Took some Tylenol and went back to sleep for a couple hours and it went away. Woke up, ate some breakfast and then started doing the dishes.

After a little bit I started to feel faint and nauseous so I had OH bring me a chair. I sat down for almost 10 minutes til I felt a little better, stood up and washed another cup. Felt like I was going to throw up everywhere so I went and stood over the toilet.

Not even a minute later I felt really fuzzy and faint, vision went dark and blurry and I felt like I was going to just fall down or black, broke out in a cold sweat and couldn't feel my limbs. I ran and laid down on my bedroom floor and still felt like I was going to throw up everywhere. OH brought me a bucket and water. Laid there for 20 minutes, feeling like garbage and eventually took a nap when my toddler took hers.

I still feel a little off but not like I have to throw up or anything like that. I'm borderline anemic but always have been and never felt like this before. Nor did my OB see any need to start supplements. My BP has always been on the low side of normal as well. I eventually went and checked my BP at the drug store and it was normal (125/78), took some prenatals & iron supplements but still feel icky and have another headache. I've felt nauseous on and off ever since. I posted about it on my local mom group on FB and everyone said it sounded like preeclampsia but since my BP is normal, I highly doubt it. It was just so weird and I'm not a fan of it at all. Still debating whether or not to call my OB.

Comparison of 29w (left) and 30w (right)... Don't really notice any change

Comparison of 10w, 20w & 30w
Waves- Love the belly pics! & I have the same faint feeling problem but have had an EKG (for my heart palpitations) and been told I don't need supplements or anything either. I can't stand for long or I feel faint, was the same way last time too, I don't get it. Oh and I checked our your blog and I am ttly trying that chicken n' dumplins recipe! Looks super cheap and easy, and is DH's favorite so thanks so much!! I'll tell you how it goes lol. Oh and be careful if you've got snow too today, I slipped and pulled a belly muscle this morning (didn't crash but it def pulled something) lol.

Girls I just cannot believe how fast time has flown. How is Cass 9 weeks and Waves 30?! Nikki is getting ready to pop! I mean I just can't believe that Jaxon was born less than 3 mos from now, and Marley could very well come at the same time. He was only 3 weeks early, and my mom said all 3 of us came a month early.. I just feel like WOW.. wait, hold up.. Am I really ready for this? Like I wanted to get to the next month so bad these last few, so I'd have a belly.. but now that it's here and itching to death from all the stretching, I just want to slow it down! I can't believe I have to plan my shower soon.. And soon after pack my hospital bag. After this appt my bi-weekly appts start.. Just holy moly I didn't realize how fast time would fly while I'm working and taking care of things.. so many things to do now that we're married and living away from family (and help). Before I know it, it'll be Valentine's day. Then only 2 months to go, omg. Lol okay I'll shut up now, I just can't believe she's growing so fast and I have so much mental preparation to do.. 2 days until Viability Day. Thank the Lord!! :cloud9:
As I mentioned before, car seat is in. We also have that mirror so we can see her without turning around when driving. I keep looking in the mirror and find myself smiling thinking how I can't wait to look in it and see her!
Amanda will you re-post your blog link? I can't find it when Googling (13bythirty?) and want to send aaron that recipe to make me tomorrow lol.
Waves- Love the belly pics! & I have the same faint feeling problem but have had an EKG (for my heart palpitations) and been told I don't need supplements or anything either. I can't stand for long or I feel faint, was the same way last time too, I don't get it. Oh and I checked our your blog and I am ttly trying that chicken n' dumplins recipe! Looks super cheap and easy, and is DH's favorite so thanks so much!! I'll tell you how it goes lol. Oh and be careful if you've got snow too today, I slipped and pulled a belly muscle this morning (didn't crash but it def pulled something) lol.

Girls I just cannot believe how fast time has flown. How is Cass 9 weeks and Waves 30?! Nikki is getting ready to pop! I mean I just can't believe that Jaxon was born less than 3 mos from now, and Marley could very well come at the same time. He was only 3 weeks early, and my mom said all 3 of us came a month early.. I just feel like WOW.. wait, hold up.. Am I really ready for this? Like I wanted to get to the next month so bad these last few, so I'd have a belly.. but now that it's here and itching to death from all the stretching, I just want to slow it down! I can't believe I have to plan my shower soon.. And soon after pack my hospital bag. After this appt my bi-weekly appts start.. Just holy moly I didn't realize how fast time would fly while I'm working and taking care of things.. so many things to do now that we're married and living away from family (and help). Before I know it, it'll be Valentine's day. Then only 2 months to go, omg. Lol okay I'll shut up now, I just can't believe she's growing so fast and I have so much mental preparation to do.. 2 days until Viability Day. Thank the Lord!! :cloud9:

Good luck with the recipe. It's super easy and tastes so yummy. I can't believe you're already getting to bi-weekly appointments. I'm still 4 weeks between mine lol. I go back at 32 weeks and imagine I'll start my bi-weekly ones after that. If not, I'm going to probably murder the whole OB practice for being so terrible (even though they were great with my last pregnancy lol.)

I'm totally not prepared for this baby at all. I thought it'd be no big deal until I'm getting so much closer and I'm really freaking out. I don't think I'm going to be able to handle 2 under 2 (even though Hannah turns 2 a month later lol.) Hannah gets into everything so if Leah's cluster feeding, how am I supposed to keep Hannah from destroying everything in sight while OH is at work? No sleep because of a newborn is one thing because you have the option to sleep when baby sleeps but not if you have a toddler on a schedule that only naps 1-2 hours a day lol. I'm preparing to lose all sanity by slowly losing it as Leah's birth approaches.

I have absolutely nothing here for her. I have SOME clothes but the rest are at my mom's to be washed because of all the stains on them from Hannah spitting up as a baby. I tried finding new things at Salvation Army the other day and found a single NB-sized onesie. Everything else was too big or too expensive (I'm cheap when I shop there lol) or the wrong season in the sizes I needed.

I still need to register with the hospital. Contact my insurance company about the breast pump. Plan this stupid baby shower that nobody is going to attend. Wait for our tax returns so I can buy everything else we need still. Diapers, wipes (fortunately I'll always have those on hand because of Hannah lol), everything. EVERYTHING.

Okay... well before I freak out anymore, I'll just end this here lol.

Amanda will you re-post your blog link? I can't find it when Googling (13bythirty?) and want to send aaron that recipe to make me tomorrow lol.

No problem :)
13 by thirty!???!! haha, i think *thats* a typo ;)
Do you ladies think it's a bad a idea to start stocking up on diapers and wipes early? I was going to start getting them now as I see them on sale and my mom was like "Well, what if you end up not liking them!?" How different are different brand diapers? Not trying to sound like a smarty pants, but I really don't know! I want to get a little stockpile going for essential things now but my mom always makes me second guess myself!
Do you ladies think it's a bad a idea to start stocking up on diapers and wipes early? I was going to start getting them now as I see them on sale and my mom was like "Well, what if you end up not liking them!?" How different are different brand diapers? Not trying to sound like a smarty pants, but I really don't know! I want to get a little stockpile going for essential things now but my mom always makes me second guess myself!

not a bad idea. But I would agree with mom, buy a bunch of different brands and different sizes. I'd also say buy smaller packs then huge packs because babies can be allergic to brands. My girlfriends baby would get a bad rash with pampers, so she does huggies. So I agree, with mom. For our shower we did a raffle, if u brought diapers you were put into a raffle. Therefore we got lots of different brands and sizes of diapers to start us off. I was also advised to only buy one box of NB diapers cuz they grow our of them in less then a week they are in size 1. Hope that helps.

oh also, only open one brand of the lest amount, so if baby is allergic you can return the other boxes.
Britt- no clue! Lol

Waves-love the bump pics!

Morgan- I'm so on your level today! Had my monthly appt this morning! Fundal height is perfect, 9.5lbs gained so far, got my paperwork for my GD test and then we start every two weeks appts! She said at my next appt shell book me all the way through delivery...whoa!! Have to call tonight and schedule baby class and hospital tour. Shower is all set for March head is spinning! SOOO exciting!
Thanks Nikki! That's a good idea! I just wanted to get some stuff over the next 6 months so we didn't have to worry about it as soon as the baby was born. haha.
Do you ladies think it's a bad a idea to start stocking up on diapers and wipes early? I was going to start getting them now as I see them on sale and my mom was like "Well, what if you end up not liking them!?" How different are different brand diapers? Not trying to sound like a smarty pants, but I really don't know! I want to get a little stockpile going for essential things now but my mom always makes me second guess myself!

I agree with what others have said about this. I personally love Pampers Swaddlers and the Target Up & Up brand. My daughter had a reaction Huggies and Luvs leaked really bad for us but we have no complaints with the Swaddlers or Target ones. Target ones are ridiculously cheaper than Pampers/Huggies anyway :)

Waves-love the bump pics!

Thanks dear :)
Bahahaha LOL preggo brain um yes maybe that's why I couldn't find it!!! Haha I have no clue what I was thinking! But okay I've got it now.. lol thanks.

Kara- So exciting!!! My MW gave me my lemon-lime glucose drink to keep in the fridge til the 16th....... I have to see it every time I open the door lol SO not looking forward to it, but at least I don't have to sit there for an hour. So exciting though for you! I think we'll do our shower late March, Jaxon's was going to be April 7th but now round 2 I feel like that's pushing it a bit late.. Maybe something around his birthday, so that day can be a double celebration and I can spend it with loved ones and not being sad!

We have 250 newborn Pampers w/ the cord cutouts from Jaxon, and on my registry I put 2 150 ct. packs of size 1&2 Pampers Baby Dry (I've read they're good for night time, so they aren't waking up due to a soggy bottom). But I also have a 5 diaper BumGenius starter pack and some other organic cloth diapers that looked comfy on there.. Oh and cloth diaper liners, for solids so you don't have to soak and scrape. I've done so much frickin research so I hope they work out for us.. But I plan to have lots of 1&2 size disposables just in case. Gma bought us a pack of 700 wipes and my mom bought 15 packs of sensitive wipes and a warmer, so think we're good there. I swear I can barely think of anything I really NEED as of now, that's a pretty good feeling. Now to get mentally prepared.. lol.
Britt-I agree with what Nikki said. I think it's ok to stock up, but keep receipts maybe. I don't think it hurts to have a stock pile though. My MIL has bought a few boxes of diapers at Goodwill, so you girls should check that out too!

If you girls haven't looked at Goodwill for baby things, you should definitely check it out. We have found brand new outfits for a dollar and like I said, MIL found boxes of diapers for cheap too.

I can't believe you girls are doing bi-weekly appointments. I am scheduled for every 4 weeks until April, then it's every week. I'm considered high-risk, so I don't know why I don't get them more often. The only difference is my doc always does 4 weeks, even with singletons but she doesn't do u/s every time...she will with me though.

Waves-I would call the ob just to be sure. Better to be on the safe side...My friend was completely freaked out when she was pregnant. Her daughter turned 2 in Feb and second daughter was born in April. I know it was hard for her for the first few months. I think she had some baby blues too, she ended up taking some medicine to help. Sorry, I know that's not a good story lol It did get much better for her though. Will your mom help you or anyone else? Can your mom take Hannah for some of the time to make sure you can get some sleep? I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty scared about having 2 newborns...I will have Ryann for 2 weeks, my mom for a week or two and then my MIL lives nearby so she'll be around if I need her.

I can't believe how quickly time is passing either. I wanted to badly to speed up this pregnancy, but now that it's getting close I need it to slow down! Our baby shower is a week from Saturday, so I'm excited about that. Since I'll be going on maternity leave that will give me time to get some things done. I'm scared of how uncomfortable I'm getting though...I know that's going to slow me down a lot. Plus there is no telling when these babies will come! I'm only 80 something days away form the average twin birth (35 weeks)!

I forgot to post this weeks pics...I think my belly looks lower than last week and sticks out a little more. That would be the reason for it feeling so much heavier all of a sudden!

Julie, I can't believe how quickly time is going past! You're already 22 weeks...crraaazzzy! I can't wait to meet your twins!
OMG I am going to just throw my phone! I keep writing responses on it and it will not let me post!

Julie- Your bump is so cute and it looks like you dropped? Is it too early since you are having twins? You look a lot lower and I bet you are feeling a lot pressure down there.

Rachel- Have you had any swelling? I had preeclampsia with my daughter and never had any of the symptoms you talked about. I think the swelling and a headache that will not go away even with tylenol and caffeine are two definite signs. I would tell the doctor what happened if for nothing else to put your mind at ease!

I want to buy some diapers, wipes, etc before Evan gets here too. We should let each other know if you see any good deals or coupons out there!

I feel so far behind this pregnancy too! My soon to be nursery is a complete mess. We have tons of clothes from my sisters but none are washed and put away. I was planning on getting the dresser out of Alyssa's room to put into Evan's nursery but she told me the dresser is HERS and he can not have it...So now to find a new dresser!

I kind of feel like an idiot today. I was having some uncomfortable cramping and contractions for the past few days so I called the doctor and they had me come in. I guess contractions normally start between 26-30 weeks for a second pregnancy and is completely normal. My cervix is high and closed tight. The doctor was so nice and I do feel better but still felt like duh you should have known!
Sarah- Lol I hate when that happens to me on the phone, I'll write a novel and lose it 3 times and just give up and go to bed hahaha. :dohh:

Love the belly Julie! I just CAN'T imagine how that feels.. does yours itch like crazy too?! I keep my cocoa/shea in my purse for when I need to re-apply, it's awful and I've only got one in there!

Our OB does bi-weekly visits after you complete your glucose test and are into the 3rd trimester. I also need ultrasounds to make sure she's growing properly bc I guess the bleeding could cause IUGR, even though she seems to be doing fine n' dandy. So I think I will have one more monthly after this one (25w on the 16th) so the next is at 29w and then 31, 33, 35 and then they start weekly from there! I also am setting up my birthing plan at the appt after this month (at 29w) since I am trying for VBAC.. they're having a doctor and MW meet with me to discuss options.

-Delay cord clamping
-NO forceps (after reading that AWFUL article on FB! No forceps for this girl, no way!)
-No meds until *I* say so
-I want to be able to be moving around at all times, using gravity/on all fours etc.
-Breastfeed immediately
-No paci/bottle
-APGAR evaluation on my chest and I think that is all ;)

Oh other than if I say "so and so" needs to leave.. they BETTER go bc I will not stand for people overstaying their welcome while I'm trying to give BIRTH lol.. I hope this is peaceful and goes as planned. I'd like it to be a somewhat enjoyable/memorable experience. No drama, no stress. FX'd lol.
someone asked me this weekend about my birth plan, and i said, "i plan on going into labor, then going to the hospital, then having a healthy baby come out of me". i'm sure i'll have more opinions further down the line, but right now, i'm going with the "no plan, plan".
Thanks girls! I just can't believe how quickly it grows. Pretty soon I'm not going to be able to roll over or walk lol I called my doc today and she wants me to come in so she can document my changes before she approves maternity leave. So I have an apt on Wed. Now I just need to decide if I'm going to work 1 more week or 2...I just can't wait to be away from that dreadful place and at home thinking, planning and preparing for the babies!

Sarah-I don't know if I've actually dropped or definitely looks lower. Besides my belly feeling really heavy up front, nothing feels different. Olivia's head has been down low basically in my vagina for a while. Grayson was head down at the last ultrasound too. I hope it's nothing to worry about...too early for labor preparation!!! I'll ask at my apt next week.
Do not feel like an idiot! It's always better to ask and make sure. Plus, there are lots of pregnant women who call their docs all the time, they are used to it! lol I basically managed an ultrasound every 2 weeks in my first trimester bc I would call about everything lol We haven't been to l&d yet, but I've considered it a few times. I'm sure it will happen at some point.

Morgan-My belly actually hasn't really itched at all! I have a few stretch marks, but don't really get itching. Sometimes it hurts where the stretch marks are, like the skin is being ripped...which it basically is lol I lotion once or twice a day with my aveeno I've always used.
Sounds like a good birth plan! I need to sit down and go through mine. I've discussed several things with my doc but I want it down on paper. I am very well prepared for whatever happens...I could end up in an emergency c-section, but I would like to labor naturally. I hate not knowing what will happen, but as long as I get healthy babies out of it I don't care! lol Sounds like we want many of the same things...

Thanks Kara! My mom keeps telling me I look like I've lost weight even though my belly has gotten bigger. I'm pretty sure I have since I've gained less than a pound this whole time...I haven't had a lot of swelling yet, so I hope it stays that way!

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