TTC and Beyond!

My DH just got super lucky bc his brother works there.. Last year he was working random warehouse jobs, too :P

Oh and girls!!! I forgot to tell you.. I came up with Marley Jaye instead of Willow bc of Jaxon. I wanted it to mean something extra special, but DH hated it. So after muchhhhh contemplating we came up with Jemma instead, so we can still call her Marley "J". I just wanted something that had a cute nickname and with a J for Jaxon.. And Marley willow is such a mouthful, no matter how much I love it. So Jemma, instead of Gemma so that it's J. And I think that's final! We are keeping it a secret til birth so that we don't get any negative feedback. I love it.. And that DH picked it, he hated all the other ones, so that makes me feel better..

Marley Jemma White :)
Aw cute and what a sweet story behind it. I'm sure she'll love knowing that once she's older.

You could always go with Jane ;) My middle name of course lol.
I do LOVE Jane but then the whole marijuana thing comes into play.. I have a c-section scheduled for 4/20.. Bob MARLEY, MJ, Marley Jane (maryjane) was just pushing it lolol. Or so MIL said.. She said plzzz no that poor child, but it was #2 on my list :)
Food stamps sound like a great idea. Over here you get given money hence why so many people refuse to work and spend it on beer, fags, flash TVs etc. I'd rather benefits be paid in vouchers etc.
Well unfortunately a lot of people abuse the system here too and the system is overworked & overloaded with lots of people who don't bother to try and work and just want to live off the benefits.

On the plus side, food stamp money is loaded onto a card they issue you and it only works on grocery items. Some things like candy and gum are (mostly) excluded. And then with WIC, it's a voucher program where you get paper vouchers/checks to use only on specified items, totaling a certain amount.
Ash-that stinks its an afternoon appt but soooo nice that DH will get to go!! It's a long US so it's nice for bonding with baby and getting to see every little piece of LO! Plus, just think that 4:00 there is 7:00pm here lol!! So i have to wait way longer ;) so excited for you!

Loveeeee the middle name choice Morgan. I loved willow too but Jemma is just as pretty and has a special meaning too!!

DH hates May for a middle and I've been contemplating suggesting Isabella instead but I don't want to suggest until Im sure I love it! I'm pretty sure he would like anything other then May and I'm not sure it matters too much to me!

Makayla May
Makayla Isabella
What do you girls think??

I'm soooo lazy today. Like so lazy. It's cold and windy and rainy so I'm posted up watching food network listening to the pup chomp his bone while DH is out watching football :)
I think I'm just very hormonal today.

Back in high school there was this big group of kids I hung out with. Dated one of them during 10th grade, friends with various "members" of the group throughout high school. We graduated 10 years ago this year and while I haven't really hung out with anyone, we've sorta kept in touch through Facebook. Over the years, I've seen some of them out in public and we'd stop to catch up, things like that. Most of the kids stayed very close through the years though.

Anyway, last weekend one of the guys in the group (he graduated my year) wasn't feeling well. Sunday night he took medicine for a headache, went to bed and never woke up. He was seriously friends with everyone. He & I weren't particularly friends but we hung out occasionally when our group of friends would get together. I probably haven't talked to him since high school (so 10 years ago) but today is his funeral and seeing all our mutual friends posting things, sharing old pictures and stories, talking about how they can't believe it (I can't either... so sad) is really hurting my heart. I contemplated going to the services but felt it might be weird since he & I weren't friends the way he was with everyone else in the group. In the end it doesn't matter because OH had the car helping friends move today anyway but the funeral starts in 20 minutes and various friends are posting things on FB about him/the funeral and it just got me really upset. I can't imagine what his closer friends and even family must be going through right now. Life is seriously so short.
Ash-that stinks its an afternoon appt but soooo nice that DH will get to go!! It's a long US so it's nice for bonding with baby and getting to see every little piece of LO! Plus, just think that 4:00 there is 7:00pm here lol!! So i have to wait way longer ;) so excited for you!

Loveeeee the middle name choice Morgan. I loved willow too but Jemma is just as pretty and has a special meaning too!!

DH hates May for a middle and I've been contemplating suggesting Isabella instead but I don't want to suggest until Im sure I love it! I'm pretty sure he would like anything other then May and I'm not sure it matters too much to me!

Makayla May
Makayla Isabella
What do you girls think??

I'm soooo lazy today. Like so lazy. It's cold and windy and rainy so I'm posted up watching food network listening to the pup chomp his bone while DH is out watching football :)

I like may. Because Isabella seems a bit of a mouth full.
I do think May flows a little better than Isabella, but I love both of the names!

Love Marley Jemma, Morgan! Gemma has always been on my name list. I LOVE IT.
Waves, I'm sorry you're in such a tough situation. It's hard when you don't have people to fall back on.
Morgan, I loved willow and now love jemma. Seriously, though, you could call her princess banana-hammock and she would still be so loved and taken care of! ;)
Julie, enjoy and tell us about your shower!
And i'm sorry gals, but this part of the post is totally selfish - just putting that out there. ;)
First, I'm so congested and have been having a hard time breathing all week. Can't tell if it's a cold or pregnancy thing, but either way, it's making it hard for oxygen to get from the air to my cells. OH agreed to a humidifier which I purchased, but now I'm looking at the box and just so tired just thinking about assembling it. On top of that, I had three CRAZY dreams last night. First, my ex got me to meet up with him (he's been asking me for a while for coffee, and I've always said no) and we were hanging out and he threatening me with these really long scissors. He kept saying "Mirolee why can't we hang out? Be friends? You're blowing everything out of proportion!" and I was like "'cause you're threatening me with fucking scissors!". Second: about kids I went to grade school with, who I have not seen for.... Twenty years. Third: very sexual and weird and graphic. Ugh, did not sleep well.
On a positive note, I started my registry today - eeeee! Spent two hours with my mom going thru the store. I put a bunch of things on it that I need to research, and other things that I don't want that brand/style, but want to remember to get later. She was 1% annoying regarding bottles and pacifiers - I don't friggin know what I want. I want to ask a couple people what worked for them first, and then maybe make better decisions. But it was fun, and tiring, and I was able to put my hands on some stuff - like trying out different jogging stroller setups, different pack and plays, etc. After making the registry, i obviously started thinking that's I've jinxed the pregnancy and next weeks scan will have no heartbeat, or a third eye, or no brain - or half a brain because twice I used salicylic acid and I drink coffee every day. I just can't believe it's real yet. Then I met up with a gf and we drove an hour to a mall and I got a couple new tops. She got some work clothes. Then we drove back home, I stopped at panera and got food, and now ion the couch wondering if it's acceptable to go to bed at 730pm. Oh, and I feel solo lazy. I want to go for a run, or a spin class, or something where I sweat and I'm out of breath and feel like I'm moving. But then I get all paranoid about am I cooking the baby? Can the baby breathe? Then I think, this is only temporary, and I can totally get back into good exercise habits post partum, and don't become too psycho Mirolee because you put on more weight than (insert everyone's name). And OH is it of town tonight, I'm tired and needy, getting weepy because I don't know why, I'm constantly thirsty p, and just whiny in general, which I'm sorry about. I'm going to go have a cookie. That should cheer me up ;) thanks for listening. I feel stupid complaining about such petty things, but I just feel so out of sorts, and no one else I feel comfortable admitting this to.
Aw haha Mirolee! Well I can assure you every single thing you listed is totally normal and something we've all dealt with during pregnancy to some extent or another. I'm sure baby will be just fine at your scan, no third eye or anything :) ALL I drink is soda/caffeine and Leah was totally normal at her scans.

So my friend that was being induced last night at 34 weeks due to severe preeclampsia - it's been roughly 24 hours since they started her on induction meds. She couldn't remember the name of it but it's similar to Cervidil - inserted onto/near the cervix to ripen it. She's had 4 doses of it so far and her cervix hadn't even changed. Finally after the 4th dose she started having contractions but they're not enough to do anything to her cervix. They said next step would be Pitocin but told her "Using Pitocin with an unfavorable cervix would be like ramming the baby's head into a brick wall" so they're hesitant to start it. However Pitocin will strengthen the contractions so hopefully that plus the cervix meds will work together and she'll start to dilate or efface or something.

However because of the pre-e and magnesium she's on to prevent seizures caused by severe pre-e, she's got massive headaches that aren't going away with pain meds and has now started throwing up (side effect of pre-e.) She said they weren't going to talk about a c-section until after the 4th dose of induction meds and I guess after they try Pitocin. She's having such a horrible birth experience, I feel terrible for her. I'm not a c-section fan at all but at this point I think that's the best thing for her and the baby. She's miserable and stressed and sick, how's that doing any favors for her high BP or the baby, you know? So uh... fingers crossed and say some prayers for them please :)
Mirolee - I love option #4. Also, like Amanda said, all that - totally normal. I totally whimpered as I was walking to my car bc the ems that was bringing in a respiratory distress passed me with lights and sirens on. Wtf? There's no rhyme or reason for our hormonal outbursts.

Waves - your poor friend. Is this her first baby? I would totally go preg-zilla on them if I were in her shoes.

Morgan - I love Jemma too. I've always loved that name

Kara - what if you spelled it Mae? It's a little more feminine. I think Makayla Isabella is a mouthful honestly. What about Rae? Or Rhys/Reese? Harlow? Henley? Hayden?

Hmm hope I didn't miss anyone but sorry if I did.
Waves - your poor friend. Is this her first baby? I would totally go preg-zilla on them if I were in her shoes.

Yeah, it's their first :/ Totally ruined the experience for her and she made comment to a relative (via FB) that she doesn't want to think about having another baby right now because of everything going wrong. I don't blame her but I hate that this whole experience isn't a happy one for her anymore.

She just posted, "I've had my 7th dose of induction meds. My cervix isn't budging because my body knows Logan isn't done cooking. No dialation & minimal contractions. Vomited really hard, twice. So nothing new really.. same as 30 hours ago when this all started." And then in the comments said that she can go another 24 hours with induction meds before they'll move to a c-section. Before then the only reason they'd do a cesarean is if the baby were breech, in distress or something was wrong with her.

............... I'm pretty sure they induced her at 33w6d because there's something wrong with her. If it could have gone another 2 days on bed rest and pre-e meds, they should have just waited and monitored her some more. I mean, I'm not her doctors so I don't know what I'm talking about but I just think about the stress this is putting on her physically and mentally which will TOTALLY hinder her body from progressing as it needs to. And then I think about what stress the baby must be under due to her pre-e, all the meds, the fact that she's basically not been allowed to get up and out of bed all week (which is also going to prevent her body from progressing since she can't walk around) and of course, the stress she's going through is likely passing onto the baby. I know she's getting regular NSTs to monitor him but still... it's just a shitty situation all the way around and agreed - if I were in her shoes, I'd be raising hell and I'm not one to do anything like that. But in this particular situation, I'm not seeing how any of this is benefiting her OR the baby.

But the fact that she can go until 8pm tomorrow (it's 10:30pm where she's at now) is ridiculous.
Yeah that is insane. In the end she will prob end up with a CS so why not just do it. I don't get it. My doc is ready to book mine now just based off my size lol. I guess that just shows how different each doc can be but also that it doesn't have to follow the same protocol for everyone.
So I just went to scratch my leg through my pajama pants and realized my calf felt HUGE. I roll up my pant legs and sure enough, my calves are freaking massive. It's definitely swelling but my ankles/feet/hands/face are fine... (actually just took off my socks and my ankles are a little swollen too) it just totally caught me off guard because I don't remember them looking this way before. I can't stop staring at my legs now lol.
Ash-that stinks its an afternoon appt but soooo nice that DH will get to go!! It's a long US so it's nice for bonding with baby and getting to see every little piece of LO! Plus, just think that 4:00 there is 7:00pm here lol!! So i have to wait way longer ;) so excited for you!

Loveeeee the middle name choice Morgan. I loved willow too but Jemma is just as pretty and has a special meaning too!!

DH hates May for a middle and I've been contemplating suggesting Isabella instead but I don't want to suggest until Im sure I love it! I'm pretty sure he would like anything other then May and I'm not sure it matters too much to me!

Makayla May
Makayla Isabella
What do you girls think??

I'm soooo lazy today. Like so lazy. It's cold and windy and rainy so I'm posted up watching food network listening to the pup chomp his bone while DH is out watching football :)

I love may! If Evan had been a girl then he would have been Emma Mae. Very classic but different!
My calves have been swelling too and I had no idea until I went back to work and had huge indents from my socks. I just try to keep my legs elevated at work which seems to help! It's crazy how quickly you go from no swelling to cankles!
Mirolee, I like #4. It's totally normal to feel that way. I say go to bed at 7:30 if you want! Your body is makin a baby! That takes lots of work and energy! Glad you had fun today. Don't worry about jinxing it. It's hard, but it will be okay!

Morgan, I like Marley Jemma. :) Cute thought behind it.

Amanda, so sorry about your mom and your stress level. UGH! Hope it gets better soon!! I can't imagine being in your friend's shoes. I can't understand the thought behind it unless they are just trying to let baby stay in as long as possible, but then why induce.. doesn't make any sense. What an awful experience!

Julie, hope your shower went well!!

Kara, You're entitled. Like I told Mirolee, you're body is makin a baby! That takes so much energy. You have every right to be lazy if you want! :) I'm feelin so lazy and exhausted today, too. I hope it's first trimester tired and not just a long week at at work tired. haha! :) I like May. Isabella is a mouthful, but I still like it, too. You'll figure out one you both like. We went through 23,098,234,098,324,098 names to find a girl name.. and didn't even end up needing it. Haha! Then my ex-boyfriend and his fiancée just recently named their baby our favorite girl name. We considered using it if we get pregnant with a girl. Back to the drawing board if we have a girl! :)

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