TTC and Beyond!

Nikki, kudos to you for breastfeeding. I have thought about it, but it feeaks me out. I had no plans to do it last time, either because it freaks me out. Hubby and I will talk about it again though I am sure. Anyone plan not to breastfeed?

Thanks Mirolee! You are looking so cute!

I'm kinda queasy this morning. Surely it's too early to be pregnancy -related, right? I ate a half a PB sandwich when I got up, which helped. Idk.
Cassidy-My nipples are hard a lot too. They are so freaking sensitive. My areola is dry, so I've been putting lotion on them to keep them from itching but even that is painful!

Nikki-Maybe you could check around for breastfeeding support groups? Our hospital has one every week that is free. It's run by lactation nurses, so they help with any latch issues, etc. I know you aren't on fb, but there is a breastfeeding page I follow and women are always asking questions and getting support on there too. I've definitely heard how difficult it can be. My friend said it looked like her nipple was going to rip off bc it got so sore.
That's awesome she's letting you sleep in your bed! I hope she keeps it up so you can get some rest!

Sandy-Definitely feel you on the being scared...DW thought I was crazy bc I would still use the wondfo tests for at least a week after the initial bfp lol Now that I can feel them I feel better, but I still worry. The day of my baby shower I didn't feel as many kicks and was starting to worry, but my uterus was hard all day bc I was up so much and I was busy and probably didn't notice the kicks as much. Hang in there!

BB-Yeah, that's what a friend said. She said her nipples would tingle when her milk was coming in. It's just weird bc so far no milk and obviously I haven't had the babies yet lol I just assume they are getting prepped.

Doc apt today, excited! I love getting to see the babies :) This morning they were kicking around and had kind of stopped. I set my phone on my belly and all of a sudden they both started kicking it. lol Made me giggle. My phone is so light weight, it's amazing they can even tell.
Julie, I used Eucerin cream on my boobs and nipples last time. It wasI very helpful with itching/tightness.
Sandy- I don't think it's too early to have some queasiness.. Your body is going through some SERIOUS hormone surges so I don't see why it's not possible!

And THANKS GIRLS! You always make my day with your positivity during these sticky situations!! <3

They did say they saw black spots of blood around the placenta still, which is most likely where it came from. They said I could continue to see blood up until delivery, but as long as babe is holding on then we're golden. I also got to speak with my doctor about delivery today at my monthly! Oh my goodness it was so exciting.. we talked for over an hour (he was an older man and talked very low, so low hubby fell asleep in a chair :dohh:) and he gave me everything I need to know and more! It was awesome and I feel SO at ease. He said EPO is a wonderful way to bring on labor too.. said he's not supposed to recommend home remedies like that but "*WINK WINK* Sounds like you've done your research, it's a wonderful natural way to ripen the cervix!" I feel so much better after that appt. Glucose test sucked (lemon-lime is WAYYYY BETTER THAN ORANGE! fyi) but I'm sure I'll pass.

During ultrasound (I'll be having one at every appt to watch for IUGR due to the bleeds) hubby and I got to see some crazy things.. She's always so active but today was insane. DEF still a girl, she checked again. And Marley was EATING HER TOES!!! Hahahah the MW said well guys check this out- it was amazing, she was holding her feet/toes all the way up by her face.. and then we watched her mouth open up wide in attempt to eat them!! It was hilarious.. definitely made my MONTH lol. Guess that's about all, this is me today ----> :cloud9:


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Awwww Marley is so beautiful!! It's so amazing when they are bigger and look just like babies. I cannot wait for my 20 week scan!!!
Still sick today (just nausea) and i've been burping and hiccuping all morning. It all went away when the MS stopped. Why has MS come back?? *cries* LOL
Julie- my nips are hard all the time too, and for some reason when I wake up in the middle of the night my jubblies feel SO heavy and hard. There's weird stuff going on in there! Lol

Morgan- marley is beautifullllll!! I looked at your pic and pretended it was Makayla since we are so close lol! I can't believe how big she is! They truly are little miracles!

Nikki- you can do this mama! I can't imagine how frustrating it must be at first but I have faith in you! Kuddos on the weight loss too! How much had you gained before delivery?

I'm never too hungry either. I have to remind myself to eat a lot of days! My new Preggo lunch obsession is tomato, fresh mozz, chick peas and avocado with balsamic and evoo! Sooooo yum and packed full of goodness!
Also chiobani with a handful of granola in the morning has like 576755 grams of protein in it and keeps me full until my 10:30 snack! :)
Thanks girls!!! I think she's pretty darn cute, too ;)

And OH YEAH..... I'm 5'7 and started at ~110 lbs, and as of today I'm 130. I've got to make sure I'm being healthier.. I haven't done my workout DVDs in weeks. I'm putting this out here publicly so that maybe, just maybe I'll stick to something for once! It's so strange to have to work hard to stay in shape.. I've always done/eaten whatever the heck I wanted and this is HARD. I wish eating carrots made my cellulite go away... LOL. Urrgh- trying. harder. from here on out..!

Kara I love Chobani and tomatoes & mozz!! Ohmagawsh I hate when I read BnB cravings and am stuck at my desk with tuna salad! Lol not cutting it!!!

Thissssss.. lol ---->
Morgan, she's beautiful!

I love Dannon Light'N Fit Greek yogurt with walnuts and/or ground flaxseed. Yummm! Protein &5-12 fiber. That's my go-to breakfast and snack. I just don't like Chobani.
Morgan, her toes are too damn cute!

Not preggo, but I pay a lot of attention to what I eat. I LOVE greek yogurt. Trader Joes and Chobani are my favorite. I am not a big breakfast person, I have a soy latte (lots of protein) and then a mid morning snack, generally a chobani with about 1/2c. of cut up fruit. So much protein and little fat :)
Morgan love love love your scan pics...lil Marley is glad everything is fine with u and babe...but hey on the gud side u get to c her in every app now...:winkwink:

Sandy...i think it fine tht ur alil nauseous...i think it also has to do with thte head...i guess we tend to feel more symptoms a day after we get our least tht happened with all 3 of my bfps :haha:

Julie all the best for the app..:thumbup: sorry yuo r still sick hun...i know how horrible a feeling tht can b...i used to make myself feel gud by just sayng this proves alls well bcos u know we never stop worrying right :winkwink: .... i was puking in my 18th weeks too...hopefully ull b fine realll sooon

Mirolee gud way to keep your sanity by repeating your mantra :thumbup: i did tht ALOT too :flower:

Kara im like never really very hungry...i look at the clock at times and im like whoa its been a while since ive eaten and then i start to wonder wat i feel like eating...hahahah...

AFM im alil worried today...havent felt my lil girl move since last afternoon.....shes usually very active at ard 10pm -2am and then again very active after i have my breakfast but so far nothing...have u girls had this of not feeling movement for a whole day??? do u think i shud call my dr today give baby sometime????
Sooo glad to hear from you Sonia :)

I say try something sugary and wait.. My babe usually moves the most when I'm lying flat (well with a pillow, but mostly flat on my back) in bed. Try that and see if you feel anything.. or run around and do busy things for a while (the moving rocks them to sleep) and then lay down and see if she wakes up once you quit moving. Give it a while to try different things and give her the chance to kick you.. but I'd say if you don't feel anything AT ALL in the next few hours to go ahead and call in just to be safe!

I know they can be very quiet during growth spurts.. mine was very still for most of week 22, but I think she was just growing a bunch! Try not to worry <3
I would go get some orange pop and if it doesn't work soon I would call.
Ya usually after i have a fruit or my sweetened oats i can feel her all i think i feel something but defly not as strong as i usually do...also i think because im concentrating soo much on the movements tht im confused whether it is gas or her... :shrug: i think im going to give her some more to act up...common baby girl,gave mama something
i do not like yogurt. or fruit. so fruit with yogurt would be a no-go for me. my morning breakfast, every week day, is a bowl of extra thick slow cooked oats with extra sharp shredded cheddar cheese in it and a cup of coffee with vanilla almond milk. normal mirolee = make it to lunch. mirolee + alien child eating all her nutrients = makes it to 10/1030am. same thing in the after noon - i can usually make it from 12-4 (lunch to snack time): now i know it's 230 because my belly is all "ROWR, i havent eaten in 2 hours, whaddya trying to do to me?!". i stocked up on some protein LUNA bars and cottage cheese, i'm hoping that helps. plus, i realized, that monday i'll be at 12 weeks, so, technically, it's ok for me to be adding a few more calories to my diet. i'm still under 160lbs (my goal weight for first tri), so i'm trying not to be too psycho about eating itself, but trying to be concious of what i'm eating. (i will say, though, that i've been giving in to many more impulses than i have ever done before: example: someone brought in munchkins. i had one, without a second thought!) i'd also like to start making smoothies again in the morning, but it's just so cold/dreary/rainy out that having that makes me cold.
today, OH had to be at work at 7am. i knew there was no way that we could both get ready and have breakfast/coffee and make it to work by 7am, so i packed a bag last night and got ready at work (we have a wonderful gym/locker room facility). what i didnt realize: the jeans i packed It just happened so gradually..... luckily, i had a hairband and belly band, but i feel a little sad - not my favorite jeans! ha! so i guess i'm gonna have to go thru my closet this weekend and pick out the pants that still zip at least, and also try on the maternity clothes i've been gifted. i cant wait to take my 12 week pic sunday - i think i had a growth spurt this week (could also be in my mind!).

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