TTC and Beyond!

Loving preggo sex, but DH has been feeling like crap this week which has put a damper on things, so now i've been dreaming of sex. LOL.

BUT I did have another dream about baby Byrd last night. Weird preggo dreams. My fetal doppler turned into an x-ray machine. I could scan it and see my baby inside me (but it wasn't just bones like an x-ray, idk it was weird) and he (yes, it was a boy, again) was curled up underneath my ribs and looked identical to his daddy. And then his heart stopped beating and I was freaking out, but then it started beating again and all was good. Lmao.

Amanda- That's honestly BS. If you can't work, you can't work. They shouldn't screw you out of payment for that. Grrrrrrrr.

Sonia- So glad she moved for you! These babes sure do like to scare us, little buggers!!!

Mirolee- Eeeeeep I can't wait until you announce :) :) :)
Thanks Cassidy, we'll see! I vented about it in a local mom's group on FB because many women go to the same office as I do. One woman commented that she sees my same doctor and thinks she'll sign the paperwork for me tomorrow. Said she's never turned down any request this other woman has made. So I'm hoping she's right. I'm sure my BP is going to be elevated when the nurse checks it at the appt because I'm panicking over the whole thing lol.
Sandy, I believe if ur 37 + weeks they consider you full term and won't stop your labor, but your doc can't induce u or do a c section before 39 weeks. Unless there is a major medical reason.
I never started any threads and got my BFP in October.

Morgan- marleys newest pics are adorable!

Cassidy- I dream about sex almost every night! Lol not a bad way to spend my dreams I suppose ;)
Nikki- she seems to be doing good! Just busy with two little ones! :) :)

This was her most recent post-

"Gabriel "One Sock" Becerra: won't catch this guy with two socks!"

And yesssss Morgan- Marley's new pictures are so freaking cute!! Her trying to eat her lil toesies!!! Squeal worthy cuteness!


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Happy 19 weeks Ash!!! Holy shit almost half way there already!!!
Happy 19 weeks Ash!!! Holy shit almost half way there already!!!

Thank you! I know it's so crazy! Chads so excited, he wants to spend this weekend starting on her room. And he got a little photo book that matches the baby book I bought because he wants to take pictures of us while we're getting stuff ready for her to put in there for her. It's so cute
Oh btw I saw Cara today and she was saying that she swears you're having a girl too and that she knew it before you announced to them lol
Hahahaha yes omg. Cara is hilarious. When we told her she was like "Uh, yeah, I already knew that." And then makes her husband come in and vouch for her. She's like, "Honey what did I tell you I thought about Cassidy like 3 weeks ago?" and Erik goes, "Holy shit no way!" so apparently she told him she thought I was pregnant weeks before we told them lmao. And EVERYONE in my family, AND Kevin's family thinks it's a girl. Kevin's the only one saying boy lmao. But i've dreamt of a boy twice, so i'm confused :/ lol

Love that Chad is so pumped :) That's awesome!!!
Hahahaha yes omg. Cara is hilarious. When we told her she was like "Uh, yeah, I already knew that." And then makes her husband come in and vouch for her. She's like, "Honey what did I tell you I thought about Cassidy like 3 weeks ago?" and Erik goes, "Holy shit no way!" so apparently she told him she thought I was pregnant weeks before we told them lmao. And EVERYONE in my family, AND Kevin's family thinks it's a girl. Kevin's the only one saying boy lmao. But i've dreamt of a boy twice, so i'm confused :/ lol

Love that Chad is so pumped :) That's awesome!!!

Lol yea, she was there to pick up something for a shadow box we framed for Jazmine and ended up being there for like 30 mins talking lol. She said she had told Erik around New Years that she thought you were haha! She seems excited though :) I've read plenty of times that people dream of it being one sex and it being another though.i mean, look at me, the only baby dream I ever had was a boy right before our scan and we're having a girl lol.
Cassidy, I dreamed girl a few times, and had a boy. I dreamed girl after I knew it was a boy for 100%.

AF is officially late! Yay! I temped one last time this morning. It was good. I needed to see if it dropped before I got up to face the day. I dreamed I was bleeding a little earlier so I woke up in a cold sweat an hour before the alarm went off. I have a new reason to love Friday's -- swing day! :) 4 weeks. I know, so early, but can't help but be excited!! Baby shower for someone at work today.. first one I've actually been truly okay with in 6 months. So excited for them. They had 2 m/c's after in-vitro and then miraculously got pregnant on their own. Definitely deserve it. And I must say, I have been starving for about 3 days. It's crazy. I could eat something about every hour or two. At that rate, it's gonna be hard to keep the weight off. I'm only looking to gain 11-15 pounds. I've actually lost 7 since last week somehow. Metabolism increase and food intake not increased all that much and water weight combination?? I try to eat healthy stuff though and drink lots of water. If they refer me to a dietician, I may just go this time.
Aww little Gabe is just adorable!

Cass- I can't wait to see if your dreams are right! Onlyy a month to go :)

Sandy- Yay for no AF ;) this babe is super sticky, no worries!!
Oh and I was starving from implantation on, too. LOL before my BFP I remember thinking WOW I am extra hungry today! Crazy..

Omg Ash you are halfway!! Time is flyyyingg now..!

I'm so terrified to give birth now after having to stay in L&D for hours on those monitors Weds.. it felt so real and they've got me pre-registered and my glucose test is done and omg things are just chugging right along! I hope my VBAC goes as planned.. jeesh I've been waiting for this moment (it seems like for 2 years now) to finally give birth and now that it's creeping up on me, I'm becoming more and more terrified! I know it will be amazing but I'm so not mentally prepared for this!! Lol. The fact that January will be over soon is just crazy to me.. it was just thxgiving/xmas yesterday!! 8-[
this morning i found a pair of jeans that still button, yay! then i put my new sweater on - um, nope. not til next week when i'm "out" - becuase the bump is bumpin'. it's crazy - monday i put the belly band on and it smoothed everything out. friday i put the band on and it's SUCH a difference - it's like it's happening very gradually, but also overnight. i LOVE it. i absolutely am loving being pregnant. and having a bump. and i cant wait until people know next week and i can wear semi-fitted shirts again without office gossip. so excited!
this morning i found a pair of jeans that still button, yay! then i put my new sweater on - um, nope. not til next week when i'm "out" - becuase the bump is bumpin'. it's crazy - monday i put the belly band on and it smoothed everything out. friday i put the band on and it's SUCH a difference - it's like it's happening very gradually, but also overnight. i LOVE it. i absolutely am loving being pregnant. and having a bump. and i cant wait until people know next week and i can wear semi-fitted shirts again without office gossip. so excited!

This post brought me to tears. So freakin happy for you, Mirolee! You deserve it all, and i LOVE that you're loving being pregnant.
you girls are so sweet. i havent forgotten how my heart has broken over the years, but being pregnant has certainly made me forget how fast the time (my life) passed by. i remember how slowly every 2 week cycle seemed to go.... for a looooong time i thought i wanted to have teh first grandchild (THAT went out the window 5 years ago with my nephews birth!) but now i'm feeling excited that we'll always have "the baby" of the family. i feel like i'm right where i should be all along!
i think i will need to buy some new bras. cheap ones, to get me thru. i also feel like i get out of breath walking 100 feet. i do not feel like i will need to buy new shirts quite yet as OH observed this morning "you already have a lot of maternity type shirts in your closet" - um, those are empire waists and very fashionable for preggos and non-preggos alike. and i'm fairly confident that until now, and perhaps even now, people have not been secretly thinking "is she pregnant since she's wearing a flowy shirt!??!!" But thanks for the fashion advice. ;)
i believe we're telling OH's bio-mom tomorrow - she's going to be so excited and on the next plane here from Russia! oy! ;)
did someone ask about this weekend? we have a friend coming to stay with us - actually, it's the groom of the wedding that OH is in, April 26. and OH just found out he's the best man, which i think is hilarious. OH hates the spotlight, and i told him he has to do a speech, and he grooooaned! i have 2 steaks marinating for dinner for tonight, so we'll have to pick up a third (oh, didnt i tell you? Friend decided yesterday to come today). Saturday night we're going out to dinner - dim sum! although i am a little bit worried that i will not be able to over-eat like i normally do, hehe. omg, dim sum so good (said in inappropriate asian accent). i have a few other errands to run, and i've been so busy at work that i'll have to bring some of that home (oh, and also i'm on BnB instead of crunching data, but who's counting my hours?). and i believe i will be making chicken piccatta for dinner sunday, but i still need to nail down this week's menu. and maybe a movie (netflix/pj style, not the theatre style).
Morgan-I love docs like that! My doc is like that too, she's pretty supportive of trying a more natural approach as long as it isn't harmful. Marley is adorable in those pics! And don't say that about he orange drink...that's what they gave me, I didn't have a choice! lol
I agree, it's amazing how quickly time is passing! Our doc won't let us go past 39 weeks and today is officially 100 days from that point...

Sonia-I was the same way about kicks! I had a day where I couldn't remember if I'd felt anything and was freaking out, but shortly after they reassured me they were there...Even now if they aren't up at their normal time I'm wondering if everything is ok. It usually doesn't take long before someone kicks the crap out of my cervix though lol

Sandy-I think you asked about the belly band? I like my belly band. I'm not in love with it by any means, but even being this far into the pregnancy I still use it to cover my support belt or to help with shirts that aren't as long as I'd like them to be. I had to wear mine with my maternity jeans bc they were just lose enough that without the band I was pulling them up every couple of minutes.

Cassidy-Aren't preggo dreams the best lol Most of mine involve seeing full body parts protruding from my stomach or having one twin and not the other lol Funny thing is, I think the only gender I remember from a dream is the one I had where I forgot I was still preggo with 2nd twin and had also forgotten to feed the 1st twin...I think the 1st twin was a girl which would be accurate actually lol No other gender specifications though.

Mirolee-So glad you are loving being pregnant :) You fought long and hard for it, you deserve to be enjoying it!

On the topic of hunger...I'm usually not very hungry. I have to remind myself to eat. Then randomly I will be starving. The other night we had baked chicken wrapped in bacon and veggies. I couldn't even finish my chicken I was so stuffed. Then about 45 minutes later I was starving lol

I definitely did not get preggo the month I started the thread...I think I got my bfp in Morgan's month of starting it. Didn't 4 of us get preggo that month? She was a lucky charm! lol

Funny you all should be talking about what is considered full term...My doc apt went well yesterday. Both babies are breech and were facing my back, so we didn't get very good pics lol We were hoping for profile pics.
Olivia weighs 1lb 7oz (20th percentile) and Grayson weighs 1lb 10oz (50th percentile). She said that was healthy for both of them, but the percentage between them has increased a little since last month (9% to 12% I think), so that's something to watch bc we don't want them to get too far apart.
Doc said if they stay breech then we are looking at a c-section around April 21st bc that would be 38 wks which is full term for twins. If Olivia turns around, but Grayson is very much bigger than her then that may mean a c-section as well. (Usually if baby A, Olivia, is head down then they don't mind delivering baby B breech bc the pathway is all opened and ready to go lol)
I lost a pound since last week, so she wasn't too happy about that. Wants me to make sure I'm gaining weight even though babies are looking good. I'm sure I'm probably not meeting my calorie goal since I just don't feel super hungry most of the time and have to remind myself to eat. So, I need to start tracking calories again.
Got my wonderful orange glucose drink for my next apt...Oh, and I'm measuring 35 weeks! I'm huge! lol

Olivia facing downward

Grayson facing downward

Olivia's cute little butt

And our first piece of furniture in the babies' room. DW is so excited to get cribs and get it all set up lol
Julie, your babes are so cute! I can't believe how soon they will be here! Love their room. Have you already picked out cribs? I love nursery furniture :)
So cute Julie! How exciting!

Alia pictures...


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