Katrina-I second what the other girls said, we are here for you no matter how long it takes! Like Morgan said, your charts look like you are ovulating, so hopefully you might just need a boost or something.
Sandy-Great news! So glad LO is ok
Colette-I forgot to say congrats! That test looks nice and dark!
Nikki-How is Alia today? I'm glad she doesn't seem to be in pain, that's got to be a big relief.
Kara-Yay for passing!
Morgan-It is crazy that we will be popping babies out left and right in just a month or so!
Britt-Yeah, totally normal. That early I had days where I didn't feel as much or almost nothing and that was with 2 in there. Even a few weeks ago (incase you forgot my freak out lol), Olivia was barely moving. I can put my phone on my belly and get them to kick it but she wouldn't even do that. I was totally freaked out. She has definitely made up for it since lol
Sarah-Maybe you'll go into labor on your own and can labor at home for a little while. I don't understand why they think they need to monitor every second...Even if it's walk down the hall, monitor, move around the room, monitor...Moving will help labor progress, so making you lay in a bed just seems stupid.
Cassidy-We haven't changed detergents either, but I've noticed for a little bit now that my maternity pants tend to make my belly itch. When I do laundry I fill to the 1 line. DW did laundry the other night and said she fills it almost to the 3! That's a lot more than me lol So I'm wondering if that's why. I'm really, really hoping switching to free and clear will solve the problem! I also put the washer on to do an extra rinse, so maybe that will help too.
I think the 3rd tri has greeted me with exhaustion. I'm back to feeling like I need naps again. I have too much to do to nap all the time! lol
Is anyone else slacking on finding a pediatrician? I need to call my doc and get the names she recommended so I can start setting up meetings, I am just being lazy...lol