Morgan, sorry about the leaky boobies. I seriously hope I don't have that issue too. I'm leaning towards formula feeding. Not wanting to deal with that at all. That article is so funny! I totally read that before.
Ash, glad you're feeling better!!
On the exercise topic, I'm glad it should be warming up in the next month. I HAVE to walk this time and keep the weight gain under control. Walking is my exercise of choice. I also have to get to the grocery and get healthy food. Tonight we just came home. I had worked til noon yesterday, ran home, showered, packed, went to the doctor, went back to work, stayed there last night, tossed and turned for about 4 1/2 hours, worked all day and headed home. I'm beyond exhausted. I'm probably headed to bed shortly.
Was Ramzi's theory accurate for any of you?