Nikki-I can't believe she's already a month old!!! Holy crap time goes by too quickly...
Cassidy-My last apt was at 24 weeks and the next one isn't until Feb 17th. It seems so far away! At this point there is no reason to think I won't make it to full term. My cervix has been thick and closed the whole time and I haven't had any contractions (besides bh), so everything looks good. I'm just getting uncomfortable for sure. I'm sure I'm either measuring full term or really close to it by now.
Sandy-That is kind of weird that they would have you do a glucose test now, but like you and Nikki said maybe they are testing as a baseline to make sure you aren't already diabetic. That's amazing she said you could call her with anything. It's so reassuring to have someone you can talk to and will give you reassurance instead of making you feel like you are overreacting.
Waves-Speaking of laundry, I made a spreadsheet of all the clothes we have for the twins and what we still need. lol I'm a bit of type A all the clothes are separated into piles for washing, so that's what I'll be doing today or tomorrow!
It seems like it won't be too much longer before you get to meet better get that bag packed!
Welcome back Amanda! Your pics on fb look amazing! I definitely need to make a trip to Hawaii sometime!
We got our cribs the other day and DW put them together. I'm so excited that the nursery is coming together! Now we need to pick out a dresser, get mattresses, get pictures to hang and have my mom make curtains for the closet...then it will basically be together! Well, I need to organize all the clothes and such too lol
Here are my 27 week pics although they were taken a day late. I can't believe how much I've grown in 10 weeks...I'm scared to see how big I am in another 10 weeks! (ignore my dumb face lol)