I definitely agree with Rachel. When mine broke, I said "I think I just peed my pants" , but immediately I knew. And for me it was blood and lots of it. I was also sitting in the hospital bed. I didn't ever lose the mucous plug that I was aware of. I had no warning. It wasn't during a contraction, but I was finally starting to have them 5to minutes apart but not hard. It never hurt more thsn mild cramps for me. I had nothing pain medicine-wise. It was a disgusting feeling. I pray to never experience it again. That's what I am most afraid of as far as going into labor.
Rachel, so scary! Glad everything turned out ok! I think your idea to try to lower it during skin to skin is great. I hope it works better for her.
Bb, hoping for good news!
Waves, that incision looks great!
Whoever asked about pain, I remember it being internal more than at the incision except for being sore/pulling at the staples.