TTC and Beyond!

Hugs Molly, Fx that little guy stays in a cooks for awhile longer. I'm sorry your in pain..
ouch, Molly! That sounds awful! Rest up so that babe stays in there for a bit longer!
Sarah - Happy Due Date Day! Hope he makes his appearance soon.

Molly - Ouch :( Sounds awful. If it makes you feel any better (being dilated already), I was dilated to a 3 and 60% effaced for 3 weeks lol. Never went into labor on my own (when I'd gone into labor on my own well before my due date with both previous pregnancies.) So hopefully baby stays put awhile longer <3

I'm pretty sure I posted it here last night or early this morning --- how we haven't had a blowout (diaper) yet & that I hoped I didn't jinx it. Well, we had a blowout diaper earlier today... straight up her back lol. So I definitely jinxed it but glad we got it out of the way and were at home when it happened lol.
Molly- so sorry you are going through all the pain. Hopefully being on bed rest will help!

Amanda- Big hugs to you!

Waves- you totally jinxed yourself!!
LOL I so did. It was gross. And leaked through onto my pants. Oh well though lol. It'll be the first of many, I'm sure.

I just feel bad because she's pooping SO much (literally every diaper has poop in it) that her bum is red, rough and raw so diaper changes are painful for her. If we don't use wipes but instead use a wet washcloth, it helps but still bothers her. None of the ointments or creams have helped so I'm using baby powder right now. They say you can mix Aquaphor & Maalox for the really bad rashes but I don't know if there are different kinds of Maalox/which kind to use.
Julie- Yea, I know it can happen to anyone, just know that with her being overweight she has a higher chance. Her midwife was actually happy with the fact that she had lost 5lbs because she'd like her to stay between 15-20lbs overall this pregnancy. She's only about 15 weeks pregnant now. Awesome that you got such a big discount at target!

Amanda- Thanks, I hope she doesn't either! So sorry everything is so hard for you right now :( I can't imagine how confusing and stressful and upsetting it must all be. I hope that things settle down soon and you can start to feel good again.

Katrina- Woohoo for no side effects!!

Molly- Ugh I'm so sorry that you're experiencing so much pain! That really sucks :( Hoping that your little bun stays in the oven longer than 35-36 weeks!!

Amanda- Sucky that you jinxed yourself on the blowout! I'm sure that there will be more in the future though so best to just get the first out of the way lol
Julie- they have THE CUTEST "twin apparel" sale on Zulily today, you've got to check it out!!
Molly, so sorry you're in pain. Put your feet up for a few weeks while you wait.

Rr, OH and I work at the same company. He's in engineering, I'm in r&d. Opposite ends of the building, so maybe a four minute walk. We used to eat lunch together every day, but now I work out too much.

And OH felt baby K kick tonight! Nice solid punches. Finally.
Robert- so sorry babe. Anything u can do to mend things ...if that's what you want.

ashlee- hope your sis is ok!!

molly- rest up hun! Sorry ur hurting.

well, experiment looks awesome. I put it inside out to get the inside. I'll take a pic tomorrow.

well Alia has fully found my hair! Both hands pulling like they r horse reins.
Amanda, so sorry things are so tough! Praying for you.

Waves, ugh! Thank goodness you were at home. Lol

Katrina, yay! Fx!

Molly, so sorry to hear all tbat! Feel better soon. Hope resting helps and he stays put awhile longer!

Nikki, how frustrating! I vote just say no! Crazy rude..

Mirolee, yay for OH finally feeling something! :)

Sarah, happy due date!

Brittney, sorry puppy training is so rough!

Anyone heard from Morgan?

Julie, how did your appointment go?

Ashlee, hope your sister is ok!

I'm sorry if I missed anything! Another long crazy day. Hubby was home.. and had tp go back to work. :( Oh well. Hopefully see him in a few hours. For now though, I am snguggled up in bed with the dog and my hot rice pack on my sore back! Gotta order new scrub pants. Mine are tooooo tight! Yay but yikes. I'm ready to feel more of baby squirms, too. None since last Thursday ..
Britt- Ugh puppy potty training sucks! Crate training was the only thing that worked for us.

Sooo, was talking to my sister today. She had her apt this morning and her BP is kinda high which she said the midwife is concerned about. I asked her if she's had any swelling or headaches and she said that yea she's been having both. Hoping that she isn't developing Pre-e. I know it's more common in women that are overweight, which she is but she's actually lost 5 lbs so far.
Ash, when you were crate training, did you put anything down in the crate like a blanket and how long did you keep the dog in there? We've been crate training at night so its probably about a 6 hour stretch that she's in there. I put a towel down and she usually pees right before I get out there (I can tell bc its really hot when you touch the spot). Two nights ago she woke me up at 2am and had peed so i took her out and got her to pee on her pee pad and put her back in without any blanket or towel and at 4 am she woke up again and had peed AGAIN in her this normal?

Also, hope your sister is ok and its not pre-e...Ill keep her in my prayers

Afm no side effects today temping and poas will commence tomorrow.
Yay for no more side effects...can't wait to see how the rest of your cycle pans out...hopefully ending in a BFP!

So I went to my midwife appt this morning and left not going back to work until after the baby! I am dilated to 1, and have a very soft cervix :( I knew it, the pressure has been so heavy lately. I am MISERABLE from a (TMI ALERT) anal fissure AKA a painful opening/cuts up in there that make me cry daily, and feel like im crapping shards of glass. Hows that for lovely!? It's seriously debilitating because I have no appetite, and lost wait from last time (which I cant afford). I so wish I were farther along so I could be trying to induce birth. These will be the longest weeks of my life. Oh and she said she is hoping I just make it to 35-36 weeks, so I PRAY I last even longer!
Aww, sorry Molly. Rest up and hopefully your baby will realize how cozy the womb is and stay in there a little longer :)

Waves, aww poor thing has a sore bum, nothing worse than raw when you have a runny nose and feel like you can't use tissues anymore...I don't know if this will help at all but when my nose get raw like that I use Kleenex cool touch tissues and they are seriously AMAZING. Maybe you could use those a little to sooth her, I really have no idea since I have no experience with poopy diapers lol but just thought I would share what popped in my head!

And OH felt baby K kick tonight! Nice solid punches. Finally.
That's so exciting! I can't wait to be able to share that moment with my hubby :)

I'm sorry if I missed anything! Another long crazy day. Hubby was home.. and had tp go back to work. :( Oh well. Hopefully see him in a few hours. For now though, I am snguggled up in bed with the dog and my hot rice pack on my sore back! Gotta order new scrub pants. Mine are tooooo tight! Yay but yikes. I'm ready to feel more of baby squirms, too. None since last Thursday ..
Rest up Sandy, hope your back feels better and I bet you'll be feeling more squirms in no time!

Oh an Nikki, I agree with the other ladies, boundaries definitely need to be set. Like you said this originally was supposed to benefit YOU and allow for Alia to have time with Dh's family, if that is not the case anymore you should say something. I find it incredibly rude that they would allow his siblings to bring friends without letting you know!

Morning to the rest of you ladies! Is anyone in labor yet...I'm getting a little impatient lol

Another sleepless night for me and hubs...we we're pretty grumpy to each other this morning but Zara is seriously getting the best of us. I think I'm going to take tomorrow off of work so I can spend the day with her since I won't be able to give her my normal Saturday attention bc I'll be so busy (mechanic appt for my car, dentist appt, sister's going to prom so we'll be taking pics, then I'm hosting a pampered chef party)
Lol about the horse reigns Nikki!

Just wanted to pop in while I'm waiting for yet another doc to come check me. I've been in and out of L&D 4 times this past week, all bc my contractions were back to back (& still are!) during NST's and I've dilated to a 3, so made some progress but 1 cm short of staying the night :/ I was at L&D for 9 hours yesterday and they wanted me back again this morning to check me and give me a sweep since things are moving along. This is so frustrating. They won't even let me EAT THE ENTIRE TIME I'm stuck in L&D bc I am a vbaccer and they have to "take precautions" for if my CS scar ruptures.. They monitored it closely yesterday bc the contractions were so strong. So today I hoarded a banana and granola bar in my purse for when they (most likely) send me back up there again to waste my day.

What ticks me off is that I'm not the idiot calling in or wanting to come into L&D for monitoring every day.. They "have" to send me since I'm high risk, contracting every 2-4 min, and they're worried about my scar since it was only 12 mos ago. So dang frustrating ladies, I'm ready to meet my babe and these doctors are making these last weeks suck! It was in the 70's the last few days and I'm stuck inside being told I might need an EMCS :/ guess I'm more "high risk" than I thought. I am ready to quit doc appts til my water breaks so that they can't steal me away to L&D all day everytime I come here. And I'm sick of peeing in a cup for them 3x a day.. How much pee do they need?!?!!!

Lol sorry rant over, this is just frustrating and I hate wasting my time here when I don't think I need to be here. I just have a stupid uterus lol.

Hope everyone is doing well! Mirolee yay for DH feeling kicks!! :)
Brittney- we crater trained our dogs. The rule of thumb is a dog can hold its bathroom 1 hr per month old it is. So if she's 3 months old then she can hold it for about 3 hr. Does that make sense? Is she within the "bell" curve? So even though ur crate training, doesn't mean they can hold it the full night. For my pups we either put nothing in their crates with them or a rag towel. Depended on if they chewed it up. As they got older and proved they didnt chew anymore, they got a bed in the crate. If they chewed it then they got nothing. My 4 year old husky still chews ger bed... So she doesn't get anything in her crate.
Hugs Morgan.
I create trained Sandy as well.
Now on to the fun part of my cycle :haha:
K, go get 'em! or maybe i should say, "have him get you, and frequently!" (but seriously, dont stress too much over timing - since he has a good count, every or EOD day is fine, so if you miss a night, it's FINE.)
We are aiming for eod. At least for now, the thought of every day stresses me out.
Ugh I'm in such a crappy place mentally/emotionally. It's part postpartum hormones, mostly lack of sleep and part OH's fault.

I posted the other night how he offered to take all the feedings so I could get a full night of sleep. When I climbed into bed I double-checked he was still ok taking the feedings and he said yes, I deserved a break. First feeding came around, I woke him up & he got out of bed to get the bottle ready. He left Leah in the room (which I do when I get the bottle ready, before taking her to the living room to feed her) and she was super fussy so I was awake rocking her while he got the bottle ready. After he brought her back to bed, she was still fussy which woke me up. He tried rocking her back to sleep but she just kept fussing so I said she probably needed another ounce since she slept longer than usual before the other bottle. He just kept rocking her because he didn't want to make another bottle so I got angry, got out of bed and started the bottle myself. He eventually came out and fed it to her himself. She went back to sleep after that no problem.

6am came around and she woke up for another bottle so I woke him up. He looked at the time and realized he had an hour before his alarm for work went off so he started huffing and puffing. He was taking forever to get up and Leah was getting more and more fussy so I finally just got up and got the bottle ready myself. He had started to get out of bed but I told him not to even bother. When I went back in to get Leah once her bottle was warmed up, I flipped out on him saying not to bother offering to help if he's not actually going to help because the whole point was so that I could get more sleep yet I was up with him/Leah half the night anyway. He wound up apologizing after work and that was that.

This morning she woke up for a bottle at 7am when he was getting up for work. I asked if he would get the bottle ready & change her diaper for me so I could get an extra 5-10 minutes of sleep and he said he would. He went to get the bottle ready with Leah still in our room and she just kept getting fussier and fussier so I obviously couldn't rest/sleep those few extra minutes. He just let her go so I finally just got up and brought her to the living room to change her diaper myself and snapped at him. When he left for work I didn't even say bye. I was just so tired and angry.

He's normally pretty good about helping just not when it comes to the middle of the night stuff but that's the part that is hardest on me. The lack of sleep has me feeling like total and utter crap all day long.

His mom and grandma are coming into town this weekend (they live in Virginia) to meet Leah and visit everyone which means no chance for a nap all weekend. And then next week he works 10-7 so he'll be gone literally all day long. I just can't wait for Leah to start sleeping through the night. She went nearly 7 hours last night between feedings but fell asleep before Hannah did so I couldn't go to bed when she did. And then I wanted to watch the Indians game and expected Leah would wake for a feeding near the end of the game (because she usually wakes for a bottle at that time.) Of course she decided to sleep another 2-3 hours instead.

Also I wish she could just keep the pacifier in her mouth already. She's still learning and the muscle control is still developing and all that jazz so I get WHY she keeps spitting it out unintentionally... but she apparently has a hard time sleeping during the day without it right now (I'm assuming because of the noise Hannah makes while playing) so I have to keep putting it back in her mouth or she gets ultra fussy.

On the plus side, I managed to do 3 loads of laundry yesterday and get most of the dishes done (though the sink filled right back up already.) And as much as I don't want to, I think we're taking Leah to the ER tonight for her belly button. Those of you that saw the picture on FB, the little nubby part inside has grown outward some more (after friends who had a similar experience told me that couldn't happen...) so we're just going to take her in and get it taken care of. I don't really want to go the ER route because I know it's not an emergency & I don't want to waste their time, I figure it'll be a quick visit so it won't be too bad and it needs taken care of before it gets worse.

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