TTC and Beyond!

Morgan, I'm thinking of you guys today. You are so strong, and I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you right now. I know my day is coming, and soon.. but I just want you to know that I'm sending positive thoughts your way. I hope you guys were able to do something nice and remember Jaxon today. Know that he is looking down on you, and he is waiting on you in Heaven with my little guy for their mama's. Hugs!

Julie, I can't believe you are still totally shut up tight. Those babies are gonna be so big and strong and healthy when they come out! :) I can't imagine how miserable you must be. My goodness.. I love DW's grandma's comment! That cracked me up!

Rachel, I'm glad you were able to get so much sleep! Yay for figuring out what that beautiful little girl likes as far as sleep!

Britt, your wedding sounds great. What a good idea. We didn't spend tons of money on our wedding either, and we had a great time all the same. :)

I have seriously had a headache all day. I took some Tylenol earlier, which was helpful for awhile, but it's back and it's just nagging and miserable. Blah. I'm also having some like.. aching, almost burning pains across where I had my C-section. I'm thinking scar tissue stretching? It's not crampy.. sore, dull, ache kinda pain. We are having a baby shower for a girl at work tomorrow. We are getting pizza. I opted to get stuff to make a yummy salad so I can have a bit of dessert. I can't eat pizza, and dessert, and cupcakes, and punch unfortunately.. so I hate to be a party pooper, but I feel like it's what I need to do. Does that sound dumb?
That's true I'd rather go with friends then people I don't know.
Amanda our wedding was relatively inexpensive considering we had a lot of people. All of the decor I made or borrowed. I say do what you want. My friend got married at a courthouse then had a friend's dinner. Her step mom made the cake and mints. Her coworker made the barbeque.
Rachel glad you slept better. Loved ellies pictures.

I'm with you. And I would much rather sleep at my own house. Haha. I did mention earlier that camping was okay, but that's because we have our own camper which is still our own space. And even then, I'm still ready to go home after a few days! And I hate being away from hubby. I'm such a weenie!
Sandy, not dumb. You do what you have to for that baby - people can suck it if they say anything, just tell them you're making choices for more than just you.
Thanks girls! I'm struggling, but I'm trying. I can usually make pretty good choices, but I'm still learning what works and what doesn't. Obviously, soup, salad, & breadsticks doesn't. Arby's doesn't work for me. Pizza doesn't work well. Oranges aren't my friend. Haha. I appreciate the support!
I think I'm taking my heating pad, headache, and Tylenol PM and going to bed. Hopefully tomorrow morning will feel better. Good night ladies!
Morgan- Grrrrr OMG her comment pisses me off, especially after you'd been trying to email her all day! She's just throwing a pissy fit about everything because she can't be in the room it seems. She needs to realize it is NOT about her!!! Rest in peace to beautiful baby Jaxon, and sending you sooo much love today!

BB- ugh at that hospital! A test messing up and then not even knowing why you're there! WTF! Glad to hear progesterone came back good! A lot of the other 'issues' are easily fixable too, so don't lose hope. <3 Sending you lots of love!!!!

Julie- That would piss me off honestly. If you want to save us money, just don't charge me!!! Lol. I would hate them having that control over me too!

Waves- immaculate conception, LOL! Like you'd lie about there possibly being another baby. Fingers crossed your levels drop quickly! Glad they figured it all out <3 If I was picking out of those two choices I would go with scenario #1.

Katrina- FX for O soon!!! All those positives must be a little confusing.

Sonia- You look soooooo stinking cute!!!!

Sandy- Don't be down on yourself, I honestly think if I had GD i'd be soooo horrible at staying away from certain foods! I've always been able to eat what I want when I want! Yay for little bubbles that are only gonna get stronger!! I'm sorry you have a headache <3 <3

Julie- Those babies LOVE it inside you!!! Lol. You're doing so good mama! Can't believe that all of these babies are so close to being born! Holy crap.

Kara- Haven't heard from you, how are things lady?!?!?!

Rachel- You totally have to sleep and honestly I feel like mamas just have that sixth sense when their babe is on them not to move. Ellie is adorable!!!!

AFM, I wish I felt Zuri more! I hate my stupid anterior placenta. I really don't feel her much at all and when I do it's very rarely a big kick. I just wanna feel her wiggling all over!!! My uterus is feeling extra sore today though, like i've done a whole bunch of sit-ups or something lol. I wonder why.
I'm here :) Always reading along, just waiting for this baby to make her debut. Starting to get a little anxious but very excited! Lots of swelling going on so hoping that's the beginning of the end! Lol

Morgan- thinking of you today and always sweetie!! Rest peacefully baby Jaxson xo

Cass-probably just a growth spurt/stretching. I used to get that for a few days at a time and then it would go away.

Ashlee-yay for another boy, that totally sucks about the water birth class! Did you call them and see what they're going to do?

Julie-that's crazy! Like nice that she wants to help-but the "saving" the money for you is a little ridiculous. You girls are old enough to manage your own finances I think!

Sandy-I hope you feel better soon Hun! Take it easy!

Waves-glad you're okay and that all the retained product is out, that must have been awful!

Katrina-fxd for you. I'm sorry you're so anxious-I really wish the TTC part wasn't so tough. Hugs xx
HIV gals. Work has been stupid busy, and I've been staying off theinternet so as to not look bad.
Baby K is a crazy mover - it's ridiculous. And today I had three major kicks that made me gasp - strong little guy. I feel the kicks way to my right side, where probably oblique muscles used to be, and way up high on my left side, above my belly button/below my ribs. OH can now consistently feel him, and I had a friend at work feel him kick also. Six months pregs is great - I feel and look pregnant, I walk belly forward, no one wonders anymore, and I have so so many clothes to wear and try out. Thanks for the input on the dresses also btw! I'll try to post a pic when it arrives.
Ok, off to bed. Will try to check in more frequently, but I'm thinking of you gals.
Rachel- yes sleeping that much is normal. Alia still sleeps a ton!

morgan- sending hugs on thus hard day. Rip Jaxon
Rachel-We have a double bassinet pack n play for the twins. I'm a bit worried about it bc I've heard they roll towards the middle. One girl just told us her twins won't sleep in it. Apparently it's not just twins though! Everyone keeps saying the rock n plays are really good.
We don't even have sheets for the pack n play yet...We got some from Target and they are a little too small. We'll just be playing it by ear lol
Glad she's letting you sleep though!

Sandy-Nothing wrong with making salad to go with everything. It's always good to have a healthy choice anyway.
If that headache doesn't go away, you better call your doc! Or at least double check your blood pressure...

Cassidy-My uterus feels like that a lot. It gets really sore at night. My doc said it's normal, just from the stretching and working to hold baby.

Kara-My swelling has been increasing too...luckily we'll both be done soon! Less than two weeks now, I just have to keep reminding myself lol

I'm glad you guys understand how crazy MIL is...she always does this, especially when it comes to money. DW just bought a car a few months ago. Her parents offered to pay for it and she could just pay them so that she wouldn't have to pay interest...really?!? We aren't 16 year olds who need help with our money. I know they have good intentions, but we don't need help and have never asked for it. I hate owing them anything and I hate them knowing anything about our finances...I feel like this is just one more way to have control.

Thanks for the kind words girls...I can't believe these babies have stayed in so long. I thought for sure I'd have had them by now. I'm ok with them cooking a bit longer though. It's getting really hard to move around at all, but I can handle it for a few more weeks.

Made some "slutty brownies" tonight (layered cookie mix, oreos, and brownies). The babies are now going crazy. I may have given them a sugar high! Whoops!
bb-That is so annoying! Sorry your hospital is sucking it up so bad...what were your progesterone levels? What day did they do it again?

They didn't say. Just said it was normal. I think it was 8DPO.
Julie I was using just the large waterproof pads in both pack n plays. I just got sheets. Either way I suggest using the pads to protect the mattress from spit up. I was going to put the pad under the sheet but I change it often so I just keep it on top. I use the large bru ones
How much should she be sleeping during the day at 5 weeks? She is only awake for an hour or two at a time then sleeps all day, only waking to eat or get changed.

She's only 3 days older than Leah and Leah's the exact same. Awake 1-2 hrs at a time. I try to engage her a little more during the day without letting her get overtired but it's not long before she falls asleep or gets fussy because she's tired.
Thanks Nikki and waves. I was just curious if she should be doing more at this point. She's def more alert each week and she's staying awake longer but she sleeps soooo much. She's such SA diva too. It's so funny. She has to have her arms out when she's swaddled. But you have to unwrap the swaddle part before you feed her or she freaks out. I had to pad her bed for her so she would sleep at night. The list could go on lol. She's a diva. And kind of bossy. And ahhh I feel good. Two nights of decent sleep. Ellie and I went to bed around 11:30, she woke at 2:30 ish to eat, then slept till 6. Doesn't sound like a lot but she was up every hour. I felt like a zombie.
Julie are the sheets circo brand? I was going to buy some next time I go to target but I guess I won't. I got graco ones and they fit fine.
I should get sheets for our pack n play...thx for the idea.

rachel- Alia hated her arms swaddled... Dh said she looked like Houdini trying to get out of a straight we just wrap her under her arm pits. Its interesting how much their personalities show threw already. And good observations mommy on what she likes vs. Don't like...sometimes that can be hard to figure out.
Rachel, I think I got sheets for my pack'n play at Walmart. Glad she is letting you sleep!

Julie, I thought of that, too. I feel much better today though, despite not sleeping well. Sorry you are so miserable!
Well I adjusted my o date on ff it tried to tell me I od on day 13, so I over rided it and over it to 16. Even though I don't have 3 temps. Have a nice weekend girls! I'll talk to you Sunday
I am SO glad today is Friday! We are going to a baseball game. I hope I have the whole weekend off.

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