Ashlee-The itching sucks! I itched so bad for a few weeks but I think mine was sensitivity to our detergent. I switched to free and clear and was fine. The good news is that you are very close to having Lux, so the itching shouldn't last much longer! I know it sucks though. A coworker of DW's was telling her how she would scrub her belly in the shower and it would bleed sometimes bc it just itched so bad. Apparently the scratching felt so good that she had an orgasm from it once or you could hope for that! lol
Sorry about you and DH...Hopefully you guys can get things worked out.
Sandy-I hate dreams like that! It's such a horrible feeling to wake up and be so freaked out you have troubles going back to sleep...not fun!
bb-Hopefully everything is ok. It sucks you have to worry so much
Nikki-Boo for pink eye!
For those of you at home with baby while DH works, how did you guys handle that? How did you split up feedings and such? DW is back at work, so I've been trying to let her get more sleep at night. She helps with the feeding before we go to bed (around 10/11), then I let her sleep. She usually helps again in the morning before she goes to work (around 6/7).
So far it hasn't been too bad. I don't mind getting up with them at night and it hasn't been too hard during the day either. Last night really sucked bc as soon as I finished with one, the other woke up. I only had about 3 hours of sleep total. DW slept from around 10/11 until I got her up and made her take over around 7/8 while I went to bed. I was so exhausted.
Sunday night she told me she would let me sleep but I'm pretty sure I only got to sleep through one feeding (Olivia wakes up every 3 hours on the dot...sometimes we get luckily and it's 4). Since she doesn't work today, I figured I'd get to sleep more tonight as well. I haven't slept through a single feeding...she keeps bringing me babies. I'm kind of pissed. I don't think she's even trying! It's like she just gives up. I am with the two of them by myself all the time and she can't handle even one feeding all of a sudden? It's hard for me to sleep for too long anyway bc I need to pump (I've been giving bottles at night bc it's faster, otherwise I really wouldn't get any sleep), but even missing one feeding helps me out a lot. I just feel like she's being selfish. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I'd like to kick her in the face right now lol
She keeps saying how I almost have it easier bc I can take naps during the day...really?! I only get to sleep in 1-2 hour increments anyway, a nap in the middle of the day can't always happen and I'm not a nap person anyway. It's hard to get that time when I breastfeed one, bottle feed the other (sometimes at the same time, but not always), then I have to entertain them and then get them to sleep. After that I still have to pump and not much can get done while I'm pumping, especially not a nap! I am lucky if it isn't time for the next feeding by the time all that happens. Plus there's stuff to do like showering or laundry.
She does so much to help, but it's so frustrating that all I want is to sleep for 5-6 hours straight for one night and I can't even get that!
Anyway, had to vent for a minute and wanted to see what system everyone else has set up...