TTC and Beyond!

Sending strength sandy.

Waves so sry us hurting so bad. I think u should see a doc or psychologist. Becareful stress / depreasion can cause major health problems. When my mom was raising me and bro she had major stress/depression caused by my dad And ended up having seizers.

AFM, going to doc in 2 hr. However this is the first time Tylenol actually broke my feaver so I think I'm headed in the right direction. But since my body aches so bad it hurt to pump or feed alia so my boo s kill from over engalged ...pumping now...hopefully didn't hurt my supply. Do u all think since I had a temp of 103, that my milk was too hot for alia to drink? Ugh its so hard being a mommy when sick.
just pumped out 12 oz!!!! omg, no wonder my boobs hurt. on the positive... i feel like im SLOWLY getting better.
Holy cow lady! 12oz is a ton! I just pumped 7oz because I felt like my boobs were gonna burst so I can't imagine how yours were feeling
Wow Nikki.
My headache has finally subsided. This weekend is going to be busy. I pick out pictures tomorrow, working with the show heifers, selling calves, working and making hay.
Wow Nikki, 12 oz?! Hope it's just a short cold. Not sure on the temp thing. Prob not though.

We had another successful night 😊 she slept until 4:45 in her crib. When I went to get her, she had done a 180 somehow. Guess she liked all the extra room. She ate and went back to sleep until around 7 then we cuddled and fell asleep till DH got home. I thought the switch would be hard but she's doing great with it. Next task is to get her to nap in something other than her swing.
Nikki- hope you feel better soon and i don't think your temp would hurt allia. It is actually good to bf while sick then she cab get your antibodies.

Hugs Sandy!! You are doing great!

Rachel- do you still have her swaddled? Would love to get Evan to sleep! He wakes up every two or three hours? How much does she nap during the day?
Sarah - no I switched her to a halo sleep sack. She's been out of her swaddle for a few weeks now. I think the sack still gives her some security. She takes 3 naps during the day on a perfect day. One mid morning, after lunch, and again later afternoon. If she sleeps a few hours for her first nap, she will skip the lunch one. That's what she did today. She didn't fall asleep until 11 then slept for 2 hours so she just fell back asleep. I don't let her sleep past 6 at the very latest. I also make sure she is full before bed. Is Evan still in your room or in his own? My friend had to move her baby early on bc she wasn't sleeping. Once she moved her, she started sleeping better. I'm grateful that I've got a baby that loves to sleep
Oh yeah and I used the bedtime bath and I notice she's sleepier on bath nights
Bedtime bath is Ahhmazing! I did the things that you ladies suggested for sleep and we also started a little routine with bedtime bath and going on to bed where it's nice and quiet and dark and she's been doing soooo much better as far as going back to sleep after feelings and sleeping a little longer between
Glad to hear Ashlee! I think the quiet and keeping it dark during middle of the night feedings and diapers really helps. DH doesn't get it though so if she wakes up when I'm getting ready for work he talks to her and turns on a light and she won't go back to sleep for an hour or more.
Awesome job on the crib transition, Rachel!!

Nikki- I'm glad your fever is coming down, I wouldn't worry about the milk. Holy pumpage!!

We started a new routine-bedtime at 8pm, then I go in and feed her at 10:30 even though she's still sleeping(doesnt even open her eyes but chugs a bottle) and then sleeps until 5:30 (that will be our wake up time when I'm back at work so it's what works best for us). I'm loving the 10:30 "dream feed" instead of the 3am feed and fight to get back to sleep! Yay!

On a sad note-my post BF boobs are not so special. Like SOOO smooshie and not anything like they used to be LOL -bummer.
Awesome milk supply Nikki! Lol that's crazy for a pumping session! Glad your fever is going down.

Sending you lots and lots of love Sandy <3

Ashlee- Glad Lux is settling in to a better night time schedule! Love the pics on my feed, she's so cute!

Kara- I'm sure your boobs are still totally special in their own smooshy way <3 :hugs: Lol

Yay for successful nights of sleep Rachel! Can't believe Ellie is almost 4 months old already!

Sorry about the headaches Katrina. Hoping tonight is better!

Brittney- Hoping you get a suprise BFP that you're not expecting!

BB- Scan day is fast approaching! So exciting!
Kara- that is kinda what we do.. Alia goes down at 630pm (she begs to, Id keep her up if she wanted it) then DH dream feeds at 10pm. However, she wakes at 430am... I would love for 530am since that is when we get up from work. I think I need to figure out how to change that time an hour later. At her 6 month check up on Thursday (WOW!) Im going to ask to sleep train.

I had a crazy day. I went to the doc at 1030am... to her admitting me into the ER because she was worried it is meningitis. ER doc said it could be viral meningitis, but they don't do anything for it ... its similar to treatment for the flu... just rest. He said if it was bacterial meningitis, I would be dead by now. He said it could also be westnial virus. However, we aren't sure which virus (doc said probs not flu because I had the shot and because its not season), but he knows its a virus. After a long list of bloods and a bag of fluid he sent me home with pain meds to help with the pain... he said in 3-5 days I should be better. On top of it all he found that I have a UTI, I didn't even know. However, after birth I thought I had one, but I just blamed it on my catheter.... I wonder if it has just hung out since then. Lastly, Alia's day care calls to tell us Alia wasn't feeling well and wouldn't eat for them our go to the bathroom. So DH went over there and got her at 230pm (once I was released from the ER) and as soon as he got there he took her bottle and she ate it for him without any problems... I guess she just didn't want to eat for the teachers there. She has peed and pooped since, but not tons... Im keeping any eye on her, but she ate for me fine (from a bottle, she wont eat off my boob). I also gave her a little bit of water (maybe 2 oz) in a sippy today, she loved playing with it, but don't know how much she really drank. I still have a 101-102 temp when Im not doped up on meds. I hope I wake up feeling better!! My 85 year old grandma will be in town Sunday, doc said if I still have a temp within the past day I shouldn't be with her until I am 24 hr temp free. However, he thinks ill be fine by then.
Glad to hear Ashlee! I think the quiet and keeping it dark during middle of the night feedings and diapers really helps. DH doesn't get it though so if she wakes up when I'm getting ready for work he talks to her and turns on a light and she won't go back to sleep for an hour or more.

Tyler and my mom are the same way. When Leah is overtired or needing to settle down, they will talk to her and engage her no matter how many times I remind them to shut up and leave her alone lol.

And thanks ladies. I definitely have anxiety problems and I'm noticing it more and more lately. I'm going to try and remember to call tomorrow to schedule an appointment with my regular doc to have him test my thyroid and discuss anxiety meds. I had PPD with Hannah and he put me on Zoloft and all I remember is the first week being ridiculously tired to the point it was near impossible to stay awake and having bad headaches (which is all normal.) I honestly can't say it helped me or didn't because Hannah became a better/calmer/different baby around that time.

In "exciting" news (not really sure it's exciting but it's good news) I finally filled out my application for food stamps and Medicaid. I got the packet in the mail today to have my landlord and employer fill out and mail back with copies of a million different things and a date/time for my phone interview. After that, it takes about a month to hear back one way or the other so fingers crossed. Hannah needs insurance so bad because she hasn't been since since her 1 year check-up (she's 2 now) and I want her to be caught up on vaccinations.
So I told DH that we needed to get that mesh liner for Ellie's crib so she doesn't get stuck in the railing. He said "that won't happen, we don't need that..." So I said fine we will wait and see, knowing it would happen. Night #3 and she gets her legs stuck through the back railing. Hmmmmm. So I just texted him and he was like, I tried to tell you we needed that thing...boys. They don't listen. So looks like I'm going to babies r us today.

Waves good luck with the dr and the assistance. Question though - does your work insurance not allow family to be added?
Omg Rachel-DH does the same thing!! She's always like wayyy overstimulated whenever I go out and come back and if e takes her in the morning. I think he's working extra hard so she doesn't get fussy or something lol! I went in one night and he was changing a pee diaper in the middle of the night with the light on..."Nooooooooooooo!!!"
I still have Evan sleeping in my arms at night and in my wrap for his naps. I love snuggling with him but an getting tired of never having any alone time. He is so happy then just so fussy most of the day that it is tiring. I am going to try to get him to nap in the pack and play this weekend. Will see how it goes!

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