Kara- that is kinda what we do.. Alia goes down at 630pm (she begs to, Id keep her up if she wanted it) then DH dream feeds at 10pm. However, she wakes at 430am... I would love for 530am since that is when we get up from work. I think I need to figure out how to change that time an hour later. At her 6 month check up on Thursday (WOW!) Im going to ask to sleep train.
I had a crazy day. I went to the doc at 1030am... to her admitting me into the ER because she was worried it is meningitis. ER doc said it could be viral meningitis, but they don't do anything for it ... its similar to treatment for the flu... just rest. He said if it was bacterial meningitis, I would be dead by now. He said it could also be westnial virus. However, we aren't sure which virus (doc said probs not flu because I had the shot and because its not season), but he knows its a virus. After a long list of bloods and a bag of fluid he sent me home with pain meds to help with the pain... he said in 3-5 days I should be better. On top of it all he found that I have a UTI, I didn't even know. However, after birth I thought I had one, but I just blamed it on my catheter.... I wonder if it has just hung out since then. Lastly, Alia's day care calls to tell us Alia wasn't feeling well and wouldn't eat for them our go to the bathroom. So DH went over there and got her at 230pm (once I was released from the ER) and as soon as he got there he took her bottle and she ate it for him without any problems... I guess she just didn't want to eat for the teachers there. She has peed and pooped since, but not tons... Im keeping any eye on her, but she ate for me fine (from a bottle, she wont eat off my boob). I also gave her a little bit of water (maybe 2 oz) in a sippy today, she loved playing with it, but don't know how much she really drank. I still have a 101-102 temp when Im not doped up on meds. I hope I wake up feeling better!! My 85 year old grandma will be in town Sunday, doc said if I still have a temp within the past day I shouldn't be with her until I am 24 hr temp free. However, he thinks ill be fine by then.