Nikki, I totally would. Haha. I am SO dreading that part of it. I cried and cried last time! I had leaky boobs, a bleeding hooha, a c-section slice, I couldn't get in the tub to shower without help, and no baby to show for it. I laugh now, but it was no laughing matter then. Lol.
Katrina, I bet it's the hormones.

Sorry! Hope it gets better!
Britt, glad you are well! And Harper, too!
Rachel, sorry Ellie didn't like the fireworks.
Afm, stilll sick! Three days into my antibiotic and still feeling lousy. My head is killlllling me! My cough is disgusting and makes me pee, AND my feet and ankles are so swollen! I'm trying to watch the salt, but it doesn't seem to br helping. Just must be that time.