TTC and Beyond!

Bb sounds like RLP to me.

Kara, Lux rolls to her side pretty much every night. She's only 3.5 weeks and already prefers her side to her back. I know they say that it increases risk of SIDS, though still not as much as tummy sleeping but if they do it on their own what are you supposed to do? She cosleeps with us so I know that there's no pillows or blankets in the way and we're both there but still freaks me out a little some it's supposed to be such a "no-no"
Ellie used to sleep on her side all the time. Now that she's in her crib she sleeps on her back but will occasionally go on her side. If she's fussing in the middle of the night, I put her on her side. I think it makes her feel snuggled
My boob is killing me. Ellie slept 10 hours last night and I think I pumped around 9 or 10 before bed. So I went around 7 or 8 hours without emptying and woke up in pain. Not totally abnormal if I get engorged but usually the pain goes away. It still hurts. And it feels like there is a golf ball in my boob. I've got a hot pack shoved in my bra in case it's a blocked duct or something....not sure if that's the right thing to do but it feels good lol...
Thanks girls-I put Kay down on her back and she struggles until she positions herself on her side, it's awkward looking to me. She won't let me put her on her side though, she has to finagle it herself. Little diva!

Rachel-massage it in a hot shower or massage that area while pumping until its gone. That's what happens when weaning too. SOOO painful!
Ugh mine usually are super tender even after I pump when they get engorged like that. Hope it goes away soon rachel!

So, the last few days lux has been soooo fussy and she's had really bad gas poor thing :(. Really hoping that she doesn't have colic, but she seems better today, a lot less fussy. But, she's decided that I'm the only one that can calm her down and even if she's in a deep sleep if I put her in her swing or give her to daddy so I can get food or go to the bathroom she wakes up minutes later screaming and stops as soon as pick her up and cuddle her and goes straight back to sleep. Anyone else have this happen? I'm gonna have to start wearing her or I'm never going to get anything done
If you have to give her to your husband, try taking off your shirt and putting in across his chest while she holds her.
Even though we talked about it yesterday, OH & I totally spaced out on the fact that Leah turned 4 months old today. I got out of work at 12:30pm so today would have been a perfect day to take her picture in the rocking chair too :/ Oh well. It'll have to be done tomorrow.

I hope everyone had a good 4th of July. We spent most of the day at home and I was nursing a 2-day headache. That afternoon we went to my mom's for a cookout and later on my sister came by with her friend. My parent's got a new swing set and it has a pair of rings on it. We were trying to flip on them like we would when we were kids. Apparently I'm not used to holding my own body weight because I propelled myself too much and totally wiped out. I let go, mid-flip, unintentionally and slammed to the ground. I felt fine for the rest of the evening but yesterday and especially today my arms and shoulder (the one I landed on) are killing me. Whenever I have to use my muscles in anyway, it just kills. I'm hoping it goes away quickly though lol. It hurts to pull my right arm back/parallel with my body though so I'm hoping I didn't do any actual damage. That's the side where I broke my collarbone a few years back. I just need to remember I'm not as young as I think I am lol.
Hope it's better today Rachel!

My swelling is better this morning, but I spent the majority of yesterday with my feet up so today oughta be cute cankles. Lol. Can't wait to see oure little man Friday!
Ashlee-Makayla did that in the beginning too with me. I was the only one that could console her. Then all of a sudden DH was the only on that could put her to bed. Then she decided only I could put her to bed. This week, when she cries, she stops the minute DH picks her up. LOL, it seems like it changes as soon as you get used to something.

She definitely had been a fourth trimester baby all the way-the only way I could get stuff done during the day was wearing her. Hated the swing, won't take a paci-loves stroller and going for walks though. Just about two weeks ago she started going in her swing/bouncy seat and occupying herself for extended periods of time, thank goodness!!

It's very hard when you're the only one they let feed/console/put to bed. It will pass though! ...then when it's DHs turn you feel rejected LOL
Ash- Harper is two weeks old today and she's getting like this. She won't stay asleep very long, and is eating less more often. She's been so cranky. As soon as we put her in the car, she screams bloody murder. I'm not sure what that's about. As soon as she's out of the car (still in her carseat) she's fine. This is kind of inconvenient. I feel like I have to be holding her constantly and I can't get anything done around the house. My mom gave me a carrier yesterday, so I might have to strap her on!
Thanks. My boob is much better. I kept heat on it then pumped the hell out of it. It must've been a clogged duct bc I massaged it and I pumped 2 oz out after I fed Ellie. And the lump went away. Ouchie though. It hurt.

Ellie was just as y'all are describing. Except the car. I used to be able to rock her to sleep and lay her down but then she started waking up when we'd lay her down. Then we tried the swing. Now she's addicted. I guess I shouldn't complain bc she is sleeping but I don't want her to grow out of the swing then be a nightmare to get to sleep. At night she falls asleep in my arms, I lay her in her crib and she sleeps no problem. During the day she wants to go in her swing then fall asleep swinging. Don't dare try to rock her, she freaks out. I'm going to attempt to get her taking naps in her room the next time I'm off for a stretch.
Yeah, I think my car problem is rare. LOL. Most babies love the car. This little girl hates it. If shes fast asleep before we put her in, she's okay, but if she wakes up, it's end of world blood curdling screams the entire time we are driving. I get anxiety even going somewhere because I feel helpless when she screams.
Yeah, I think my car problem is rare. LOL. Most babies love the car. This little girl hates it. If shes fast asleep before we put her in, she's okay, but if she wakes up, it's end of world blood curdling screams the entire time we are driving. I get anxiety even going somewhere because I feel helpless when she screams.

Hannah was like that for several weeks. Coincidentally she'd also have a huge dirty diaper while screaming in the car seat. I don't know if they were related to each other but she hated being in the car seat in the car. As soon as you picked up the car seat though, she was content. She outgrew it though once she was older and able to entertain herself with the little toys I put on her car seat handle, or to look out the window.
Amanda- there is seemingly no reason for the crying.. when we get home, she's not dirty, and not hungry! I don't get it. We checked everything to make sure she's not being pinched or anything. My mom just keeps telling me "babies cry, Britt. It's okay" but when we are in the car (and i'm in the backseat with her) she just WAILS. Nothing will make her stop, and she gets so worked up. I really don't even want to get in the car with her. It just makes me feel awful that I can't comfort her.
If you have to give her to your husband, try taking off your shirt and putting in across his chest while she holds her.
Never thought of that, might have to try it!

Ashlee-Makayla did that in the beginning too with me. I was the only one that could console her. Then all of a sudden DH was the only on that could put her to bed. Then she decided only I could put her to bed. This week, when she cries, she stops the minute DH picks her up. LOL, it seems like it changes as soon as you get used to something.

She definitely had been a fourth trimester baby all the way-the only way I could get stuff done during the day was wearing her. Hated the swing, won't take a paci-loves stroller and going for walks though. Just about two weeks ago she started going in her swing/bouncy seat and occupying herself for extended periods of time, thank goodness!!

It's very hard when you're the only one they let feed/console/put to bed. It will pass though! ...then when it's DHs turn you feel rejected LOL
She likes her swing and takes a paci usually but for those 3 days if he wasn't sleeping, she was screaming. And she would only sleep in my arms and as soon as she was put down or handed off to DH she was wide awake and screaming again yeesh. I've just kinda gotten to the point where sometimes I have to jut let her cry it out because fter feeding her, burping her, changing her, rocking her and giving her the paci or gas drops I just get to the point where I'm at a loss and there's not much else I can do to help her.

Ash- Harper is two weeks old today and she's getting like this. She won't stay asleep very long, and is eating less more often. She's been so cranky. As soon as we put her in the car, she screams bloody murder. I'm not sure what that's about. As soon as she's out of the car (still in her carseat) she's fine. This is kind of inconvenient. I feel like I have to be holding her constantly and I can't get anything done around the house. My mom gave me a carrier yesterday, so I might have to strap her on!
I think that it must be a growth spurt because this sounds exactly like Lux. She's not as cranky now, it was just about 3-4 days of screaming to get here. Crazy that Harper hates the car so much though. Car rides are the best/easiest way to get Lux to sleep.
Thanks. My boob is much better. I kept heat on it then pumped the hell out of it. It must've been a clogged duct bc I massaged it and I pumped 2 oz out after I fed Ellie. And the lump went away. Ouchie though. It hurt.

Ellie was just as y'all are describing. Except the car. I used to be able to rock her to sleep and lay her down but then she started waking up when we'd lay her down. Then we tried the swing. Now she's addicted. I guess I shouldn't complain bc she is sleeping but I don't want her to grow out of the swing then be a nightmare to get to sleep. At night she falls asleep in my arms, I lay her in her crib and she sleeps no problem. During the day she wants to go in her swing then fall asleep swinging. Don't dare try to rock her, she freaks out. I'm going to attempt to get her taking naps in her room the next time I'm off for a stretch.
Lux normally naps in her swing all the time, except she has to already be asleep when you put her in it. But like I said, she's not having it this week :?. Getting her to transfer to the crib is probably going to be no fun at all
Girls I think we need some baby pictures from the holiday weekend.
Afm I'm grumpy again, mostly because I am going to end up fencing again. I hate fencing.
Alia doesn't like car rides either unless its longer then an hr. However I think she's growing out of that stage...iv found her napping a few times recently.

Alia was also a side she will only sleep on tummy.

Rachel if had those lumps too...they kill, but go away with a good pump session. If been procrastinating stop pumping because I fear the pain!!

Katrina-fx! When u testing?

Kara u TTC?

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