Um I don't know, maybe this weekend. Depends on how long I keep the frers away from sight. I have a blood test on the 19th and will stop progesterone then if it's negative.
This is one of my favorites from this weekend! All tired of from the festivities!
Nikki-I'm not sure if we've decided yet. I thought I was getting AF but it was just like pink CM for a few days then nothing. If my cycle comes back we are talking about "trying" in aug/sept but if it doesn't happen no biggie!
Britt- Evan has hated the car since about three weeks. He just hated being strapped in it. In the past few weeks he has gotten better but it is still hard.
Ugh I spoke too soon, yesterday must have just been a good day because today she is back to screaming bloody murder for no apparent reason. So much for my sanity
Got our shots this morning
Doctor said she might get a fever/be extra fussy. He said to give her Tylenol preventatively so hopefully that heads it off!
Baby girl is 9lbs 11oz-still 5th percentile for weight, 23inches-50th percentile for height! My skinny little peanut!
Doctor said we better stop going in at the 3am wake up and giving her the paci unless we want to do that forever. He said to just let her cry-going to be a hard couple of nights
Kara we have to stop that too...this weekend we r doing sleep training
Rachel- what puffs did u get? Alia choked on we ask day care and they said there r puffs made for babies and we were trying bigger ones made for 9month olds.
We got both. The little ones that are the size of cereal and the ones that look like Cheetos. The Cheetos looking ones are for when they get older. That sucks she choked. How scary.
Kara - have you been feeding her at 3 am? That seems like a long time to go without eating for a 2 month old. I guess doctors know best. Ellie has her 4 month appt on Friday. Interesting how all of our drs are so different.
Sorry some of you are struggling right now! Hope ityou gets bstterbetter! I'm reading and sympathizing, but not doing a good job at responding. Just not feeling super.
No Rachel-we feed her at 10:30 and then again at 6am. She doesn't cry at 3am ever, just wakes up and fusses and rolls around till we put in her paci. And then conks out the minute it's in. She's 12 weeks today
Hannah gagged with all puffs and some of those dissolvable foods meant for babies at first. It was a few months before she could eat them without gagging.
Hi ladies! I am still following a long, just being horrible at replying. We've had A LOT going on in our family lately. Getting the nursery all together, running around like chickens with our heads cut off realizing that there's only 3.5 weeks left until my due date.. possibly less until she's here depending on when she wants to make her appearance. My little sister went to the hospital last night with contractions and was treated for preterm labor, they stopped the contractions though and gave her steroid shots for Carter's lungs and she was discharged this evening. My older brother quit his job and admitted to my mom that he has a horrible addiction to pain pills (already knew this) but has now admitted to going so far as to smoking heroin. So I just feel like my head is going to explode at the moment, but I am reading along daily- LOVING the pictures of all of our thread's gorgeous babies, and am hoping to be able to sit down and truly comment/reply some day soon. Can't wait to join you mommies and be able to ask for advice, etc. Sending lots of love to you all!
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