TTC and Beyond!

So sorry Katrina!!

Ultrasound was great! Got a 4d picture! ! He's measuring 50th percentile at 2#14 oz and all is well! Appointment went well. No weight gain so total of 13 pounds and BP and sugars are acceptable.
Sorry Katrina. Hopefully it's just too soon.

I wanna see Sandy!

Happy bday Cassidy!

Nikki - what brand are they? I don't know about in laws bc we have no family here but I want to smack DH upside the head sometimes. When I have Ellie, we follow a schedule and it works. When he has her he doesn't do anything he is supposed to. He lets her sleep past 6 pm all the time which pisses me off bc I have to get up with her when she's up all night. Then today I told him give her Tylenol between 7:30 and 9:30. Did he? Nope. I told him give her a bottle then cereal. Did he? Nope. No cereal. Said she fell asleep. Which means he put her in her swing. Just pisses me off. He blatantly doesn't listen. This morning I was getting ready for work and I told him if she wakes up to just rock her. In the 10 min I was in the shower, he had her downstairs with the lights on, making her a bottle bc she was crying. This is after he stayed up all night long after I told him to go to bed so he would be rested. I'm so irritated with him bc he doesn't listen. This isn't something you can just ignore me on. It's a human life and I've worked hard to figure out how to sustain it. He doesn't do tummy time with her either. Grrrrrr.
Ashlee- that totally stinks about the lip tie. If you google image it, is say that's definitely the issue. Did you call the doc or are you going to wait until her 2 week appt? I'm sorry that this must be making BF so much harder, it's already hard enough in the beginning!! EPing really worked for us, if you're considering that, don't give up mama!
Yea I posted that pic in the support group on fb and they all said it was a lip tie as well. Also I had read that if the gums blanched when you lift the lip then the frenulum is too tight. Her next apt actually isn't until August when she gets her shots but from what I've been reading, most peds just brush ties off as no big deal. I'll probably have to take her to a pediatric dentist or ENT if I want it taken seriously. But will probably have to see a lactation consultant for a referral first. I'm using a shield right now but it's annoying and I don't really care for it. But it beats having my nipples gummed until they're raw.
Happy Birthday Cassidy!

Katrina hopefully it's just to early! FX!

Sandy so glad your appointment went well :)
My lower legs and feet feel weird. Kind of pins and needles but kind of not if you know what I mean? They kind of ache too. Any ideas please?
Katrina- I am soooo ready for your bfp! Enjoy your wedding.

Cassidy- happy bday!

I have gone 11 hours without pumping/feeding!!! OMG... my goal is 12 hours... so just 45 min left. Then I HAVE to pump at least a little to release the pain. Then Im not sure my next step.
Thanks ladies wedding was fun. In spite of having pregnant intuition. I danced had some alcohol and ate ton.
Ashlee I think the dentist might be worth it, but call you Dr first see what they offer.
Bb I don't know. Is it in the ligaments or muscles.
Ash, I agree with Katrina -- check with the doc, and if he doesn't want to do anything, go with the dentist.

Nikki, how awesome! It sucks, I know. Hope it gets better soon.

Rachel, that would be incredibly frustrating!

Kara, I don't blame you at all!

Katrina, FX it was just too early. With your temps being wacky, it's possible. Don't worry about drinking. I did it with my first, and everything was fine with him -- what happened had nothing to do with that. We just had no idea I was pregnant.

I'll try to get a picture on. I haven't ben able to get it to work yet. Lame. Yesterday we went garage saling and got TONS of stuff for him for $15. Feeling a lot more prepared for him now. Just gotta get it all folded and put away.. it's in the dryer right now. When it rained after the first hour, we decided to have a fly by the seat of our pants day and just did a whole bunch of random things. It was fun. Today, I'm not feeling great, and I'm really tired. I slept in, and have been to town for a few things. I'm trying to do 208234098 loads of laundry and clean the house and such. It's hard to stay caught up lately because by the time I get home from work, I'm exhausted. Gotta do better or something though. It's sad, I clean for awhile, then get tired and sit down for a rest. It takes much longer to get things done that way. Ugh. Lol.
Sandy, how are you possibly almost 30 weeks? That blows my mind.
Thank you for the birthday wishes everyone! :)

BB- I agree with the ladies in your journal.. sounds like restless leg syndrome, no fun at all!!

Glad you had fun at the wedding Katrina! When is AF due?

Ash- I'm sorry you're having to deal with this but at least you seem to have gotten a lot of input from other mamas with similar experiences and it sounds like it's a very simple procedure to fix it <3

Sandy- I ditto Mirolee, time is flying by!!!

Mirolee- Speaking of time... holy crap our babies could be here literally at any time! AHHHH!

Nikki- How did swimming class go? Alia is getting to be such a big girl! She's so beautiful! I'm excited for you guys to start TTC #2! Lol

Kara- Speaking of TTC... any update with that spotting??
I'm on progesterone so it will delay af. But if I did o on CD 12 af would be due Tuesday/Wednesday, but I'm on progesterone until Friday then have a blood test, Saturday.
Cassidy-nothing ever came...I had 3 days of a tiny bit of pink CM and then nada...weird. A lot of non fertile CM this week-so maybe it was O? I'm not sure how long after weaning I should wait for AF before I call the doc and see if she'll do progesterone to jump start. As much as I like not having AF, I'd also like my body to get back on track!

First day of daycare tomorrow, back to work on Tuesday. It's a little surreal that's she's 3 months already and my weekday-all day time with my baby girl is over :(
Mirolee, I KNOW! It is crazy! I can't believe your baby could be here any day now! So excited to see him! :)

Cass, happy birthday! Hope it was great! I know. I can hardly believe it! It is, but not fast enough. I just want him to get here, on the outside, safe and sound in one piece so I can have a moment of relief before I find something else to worry about about him. ;)

Kara, I can't believe it's already time for you to go back to work! I'll be thinking of you!

Today was a very productive, unproductive day if that makes any sense? I got a ton done, but still not enough. I think we have decided to skip a baby shower and have something more like a "Meet The Baby" party after he's here a month or so. On the one hand, while we want to celebrate him, we really don't need much at all. We have to get a carseat and stroller, which we have picked out already, a few more wipes, a play mat for the floor which can always wait a bit if needed, and I want a special going home outfit. Beyond that, we have a ton of clothes and diapers, blankets, bibs, bottles, burp cloths, toys, furniture like swing, pack'n play, etc., monitors, swaddlers, lotion, soap, and every other thing I can possibly think of.. so no real "need" for a shower. We'll just celebrate him when he's here safe and sound. I'm starting to get REALLY anxious/nervous/scared/terrified/panicked. I hope it gets better soon.
Alia loved swim class!!! Can't wait til sat for more swimming!!

my boobs r on fire and hard as rocks.... Attempting to stop the milk.
Hope it gets better Sandy. I think a meet the baby gets better soon.
Nikki I'm glad she loved it.
Kara good luck tomorrow, I'm sure she will have a blast.
I took a long nap today, I was tired out of no where. In spite of me having to cappuccinos today and I rarely have caffeine. Add that to my "progesterone effects" since I'm trying not to ss.:haha:
Thanks Cass. It seems like a pretty quick and easy fix, the only problem is finding someone around our area that does it, closest seems like baby area, and figuring out how to pay because I'm sure medi-cal probably won't cover it.

Okay, not trying to freak out any future mommas on here, I just thought it was a crazy story and wanted to share. So, my friend had her son on Friday. She apparently was in labor for 36 hours and they decided to have her get a c-section(the hospital she delivered at has a very high c section rate) well they gave her the epidural and it seemed like it was working then one they started the procedure I guess she could feel what was happening. Well all they did was give her the gas and air and have her take a pill that caused her not to remember what as happening. Meanwhile her husband was there listening to her say how she could feel it and she wanted them to stop and feeling helpless because there was nothing he could do. theyre both so traumatized by the experience that she's decided she doesn't want to have anymore children. Then, to top it off, she has a spinal headache from the epidural that didn't even work and had to have the blood patch today. I feel so unbelievably bad for them.
Omg- who??? That's insane and scary :/ obviously a rare occurance but still!!!!
That sounds awful Ashlee. Was she just awake saying she could feel it and freaking out or screaming bloody murder? Just seems insane that all they would do was give her gas and a pill. I have heard where people they had that were freaking or couldn't get numb, they put under general. Any way you cut it, what a terrible experience for them!

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