Britt- it all really depends on the baby and is trial and error. Makayla never slept too much during the day until about 10 weeks she started taking very scheduled naps 7am-9:30am, a cat nap from 11-11:45ish, 1:00-3:30, and then another cat nap 4:30-5:30ish. She goes down for the night at 7:30, dream feed at 10:30, wakes at 6:00 like clockwork. It took a long time and A LOT of trial and error to establish that though. I have no doubt I had a fourth trimester colicky baby. Would she be happier if you wore her? That really helped me a ton. Also, I kind of had to force the nap schedule. Swaddle, paci, sometimes let her cry a bit. Swing? Stroller? What calms her the best? Makayla has always been happier moving. But I truly don't think there was much I could have done in the first weeks to really establish wake/sleep times. Like Ashlee said-a louder, brightly lit environment during the day and dimly lit and quiet at least an hour before bed can do wonders.
Nikki-have you tried to cut the dreamfeed yet? That's our next hurdle. Problem is I feel like makayla wants to go down earlier that 7:30 but I'm scared if I bump up her bedtime anymore, when I cut the dreamfeed she'll start waking in the middle of the night. DH is always up at 10:30, so if much rather him feed her at 10:30 then me have to get up at 1:00am!