TTC and Beyond!

Also, my friend shared this on FB and thought some of you may find comfort in it or at least get some understanding into your babes, if it applies:
Ash- have you meet with a lc yet? I would recommend it since she might have good ideas for helping baby eat better. Also have you tried side nursing? I think that can really help babies eat more efficiently. It gets so much easier after 3 or 4 weeks!!!

I haven't yet. We've been busy the last couple days with some other things. I've started pumping in the day and feeding her the previous sessions milk and then side nursing during the night. It seems to be the only position that doesn't hurt quite as bad. I just any wait for her little mouth to get bigger so that she can fit more into her mouth.
Ashley what size shield did you get?

Sucks about the allergy waves. She looks like she's thriving very well though!

Not sure if I posted Ellie's weight from her appt. she's 12 lbs 13 oz and 24 inches long. She's doing great for her actual and adjusted ages.
We are getting her ears pierced at her 6 month check up. Her pedi does them. Unless I change my mind...
Today we went to the water park for the first time with Ellie. She did great. Cried at first but then she was fine.
I've been cutting back bf/pumping to every 6-8 hours and doing more formula. I'm hoping that my boobs just dry up so I don't have to deal with pain and engorgement.
Ellie's been waking up in the middle of the night every night since Friday. Last night she was screaming like she was in pain and arching her back. I changed her, fed her, rocked her...nothing worked. Ended up giving her Tylenol and she fell asleep so I guess something was bothering her. Tonight I gave her the teething tabs before bed in case it's her teeth and I put an extra 2 oz in her bottle. Hopefully she sttn. Doc said once she starts waking up again in the middle of the night that she's ready for more food and to give 2 meals a day. I guess once we finish up fruits we will add "dinner" with veggies. We just have mangoes and apples left on our list. Oh and avacados but I'll prob give that as a dinner.

Well hope you all are doing well. I'm off to bed. Fx I get some sleep.
Waves- what a healthy baby!! She's almost Alia size.

Thanks :) Oh wow! I was thinking I should pull out her 6mth clothes to see how they fit but I'm not mentally prepared for that yet lol.

Sucks about the allergy waves. She looks like she's thriving very well though!

Doc said once she starts waking up again in the middle of the night that she's ready for more food and to give 2 meals a day. I guess once we finish up fruits we will add "dinner" with veggies. We just have mangoes and apples left on our list. Oh and avacados but I'll prob give that as a dinner.

Thanks. Indeed she is which is crazy considering how much she spits up every day lol. How crazy you guys are already on fruits and moving to veggies and I haven't even given cereal yet. No judgment by any means, I'm just saying. I'm procrastinating because I'm not ready for her to grow up yet lol.
Leah is so stinking cute! I love her chub <3 Sorry about the allergies but other than that she seems like a totally healthy, happy babe!
Rachel I got the 24mm shield but I'm thinking now that I may need to get the 21mm shield and also the 21mm pumping shields. I've been reading more on correctly fitting them and I think mine are too big
Leah is so stinking cute! I love her chub <3 Sorry about the allergies but other than that she seems like a totally healthy, happy babe!

Aw thanks :) The only downside to the allergy is that Alimentum is ridiculously expensive for a tiny can. WIC will cover it with a prescription but I imagine her doc would want to wait a month until he gets the next stool sample to see if it works before writing a prescription and $60+ a week on formula for a month makes me want to vomit lol.
Wow Amanda that's expensive formula. Hope you get it something sorted.
Ash sounds like you're having a rough time feeding. You are doing so well to stick at it though. I gave up last time as it just didn't work but hoping I can this time.
Just starting to decorate Elliott's new room. He's so excited for his big boy room to be finished. I'll post a piccy when done.

Has anyone else on 2nd pregnancy think you're bigger this time ? I'm worried I'll give birth to a turkey as my bump is massive for 27 weeks!
Ashlee - I use the 20 mm one by medela bc it's smaller and easier for Ellie. That's what the lc fitted me for. Then I used the 27mm shields for pumping bc that's what they fitted me for. Totally different. Your pumping shields should take in your whole nipple without it rubbing on the sides. Does your pedi have a lc you can go meet with?
Nice to have you back Colette :)

I actually think I'm smaller this time round! I had a proper bump at 16 weeks last time so I guess we will see then!
Waves, can you tell them yoy NEED WIC to cover it? Surely they would write a script to trial it. She's adorable!

Rachel, hope last night went better.

Collette, I definitely think I am bigger and have gained less weight so far.

I've been feeling kinda loysy lately between hurting ligaments and sciatic nerve, heartburn, and exhaustion. A friend gave me a pregnancy pillow, and I tried it last night. More comfy but still awake a lot, even with a benadryl so I think it's just that point. Oh well I guess. Just thankful for this lil guy! My hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelets are low so maybe some iron will help.
Ahh sandy, it isn't nice being so uncomfortable . I just can't get comfy in bed at all. Not long left to go and it will be so worth it in the end &#128512;
I think I look like I'm carrying triplets, I hope there aren't more humans hiding in there &#128563;.
Bb how's the injecting going ? Has your sickness calmed down? Mine started again last week, we were on a bus on the way to the dolphin show and I was sick , Elliott then announced it to the whole bus! Cheeky little man !
Injections are fine. Just get on with it now :lol: Still throwing up daily but nausea doesn't seem to be as bad. Thanks for asking :)
Last night was great. She slept from 8ish till 4:45. I think I'll keep giving her a bigger bottle at bedtime to see if it helps
Harper slept last night from 10:30-4:30am. A nice chunk of sleep for her! However she woke us up a few times making noise. One of them sounded like she was gasping for air. It actually scared hubby so bad he jumped out of bed and ran over to her. I'm not sure what it was, but she seemed fine. Of course I felt like I couldn't sleep after that.

DH and I got in our first baby related fight last weekend. I had a horrible day last friday where she was awake all day, and I got no sleep the night before. I told him that he could do her middle of the night feedings for one night so I could get some sleep. He was like "is this something you expect me to do every weekend?" i'm thinking "what?? be a parent!?" Yes. It is. Sunday night through Thursday night I do it ALL. He goes to bed at 8pm and i'm with her ALONE until he gets home the next day at 4pm. So yes. I don't think it's too much to ask for me to get ONE night of uninterrupted sleep. He had the balls to say to me "well i'm working!" UHHH. Like taking care of a newborn isn't work? It really insulted me and pissed me off. He has no idea how hard this can be. He gets frustrated in ten minutes if she's crying and he can't figure out why. I can't imagine seeing him handle her ALL day like I do with NO help. When he gets home from work I hand her off pretty quickly and he acts pissy. Now he comes home, changes, needs to use the bathroom, do the dishes.. ect. It's like he doesn't want to deal with her. We had a talk about this before she was born and he acted like he knew, but now he's acting like an ass and it's getting to me. He's got it easy right now, because when I go back to work, the nightly feedings are going to be 50/50 and he will be getting a lot less sleep than he is used too.
Ahh Britt they are all the same. They don't realise how hard it is for the first few months and seem to think its easy being at home all day with baby. Arguments always happen when you're sleep deprived. You're doing great

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