Thanks ladies! It was a big relief to hear how "big" he is (I use the term verrrrry loosely! lol!) and see him "breathing".
Rachel, I know! It's going so fast and slow.. lol. I'll get a bump pic up today or tomorrow for you!
Has anyone heard from Mirolee? Just wondering how she's doing? And Morgan, and Molly, and all of our other ladies!
Cass, any more progress?
Any big plans this weekend? I have housework and laundry and groceries on my agenda! Our grocery store is having a huge sale, I have lots of coupons, and I'm going to try to score some cheap stuff and stock up a little maybe I hope! And try to get everything ready for little guy just in case he decides he wants to come early. I was pretty swollen in the feet and leg and hand region last night. Just trying to anticipate anything happening, especially since I already have high blood pressure. I just have to finish sorting through and putting his clothes away (they're all washed and folded), and get his bassinette in my room and the pack and play and swing out and get him a diaper bag. Nothing like super major. I just feel unprepared yet.