Think Harper is going through the 6 week growth spurt. She's sleeping pretty much all day.. and is HORRIBLY cranky when she is awake. I hope it passes soon. I miss my smiley baby.
We are doing good. Things actually got better after having lux which is unusual since usually things get harder for couples after having a baby. But, we're still stressed financially with him not working :/ he's trying to find a night job so he can watch her in the day while I'm at work then I'll be with her at night. I'm back at work though so that's helped a little
Nothing ever happened with his sickness. Ugh. He's still sick. They're still trying to figure out what is wrong with him. Totally TMI- but his bowel movements are like 90% blood. They've scheduled him for an endoscopy and if that doesn't show anything then they're scheduling him for a colonoscopy. Multiple family members on his dad's side of the family had stomach cancer apparently so they're checking for that and polyps. So frustrating we're still dealing with this after over a year.
No updates here as far as the labor front goes. I just want her to come already.
Ash, that's good news that things are better with you guys!
Bb, that sounds fun.
We ended up going for breakfast, a couple garage sales, and to a couple local Amish type stores. Then a longgggg nap, and grocery shopping. Got a great deal in Huggies wipes -- 99¢ each when you buy 5 packages so got 5a packages to start stocking up. The sale is going for 2breakfast weeks so I will get more
Your poor DH Cassidy, that's awful! Hope you have answers soon!
Ashlee glad to hear things are better between you both. I hope he managed to find a job soon.
AFM - It's my gender scan in 5 hours. I've been up most of the night. Can't sleep. Not sure whether it's excitement or fear!
bb-Exciting! Can't wait to see what you are having!
Cassidy-I can't even imagine how frustrating that is...I really hope they find out what's going on soon.
Zuri is going to be here anytime now! So exciting!
Bb it's morning! How'd it go.
Cassidy I hope they find d answers soon.
Ashlee I'm glad things are going better.
Afm up early to go to the fair, if only Dh would get up I'm ready to leave.
BB, anxiously awaiting your baby's genderrrr! I say girl. I was super super super nervous at every ultrasound until I felt him moving all the time. I was always afraid something would be wrong. I totally understand.
Katrina, I hear you. My hubby likes to sleep later than I can, too. I'm leaving him sleep today though. I slept til 8. That was like way late for me. Haha. Have fun at the fair!
PS: Sorry my phone sticks in random words sometimes.. like "2breakfast weeks". What the heck!? Lol
Congrats Bb! Lol Sandy I see it too.
Fair was fun ate to much got to hot. Mission accomplished we stopped at an outlet mall on the way home and I got some stuff for Friday!
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