Waves- they say baby's that aren't head down cause alot of pain...sry. Just so you know my doc discouraged me from lots of dilation checks because it will cause infection...so id be careful with how much you check.
Waves-I say the one from last night definitely looks like a mucus plug based on pics I've google. The first one could've been too, they say they can regenerate themselves.
I agree w Nikki about checking yourself, be careful of infection. Not checking a woman so often is common practice on midwifery to avoid infection as well. Especially if that was your plug, there's nothing there to keep the bacteria out now!
Thanks ladies

To be honest, the way I look at it is my washed finger is so much more sanitary than if OH & I were DTD to try and encourage labor or anything like that lol. I don't try measuring dilation because I don't know what I'm feeling for and don't want to stick my fingers IN there.
Waves- no idea on the plug but hope you can get some relief today. Maybe a nice bath?
Amanda, so sorry she didn't flip

Hope you get some relief soon. I didn't go check out your pic because I have no idea what I'm looking at/for. Sorry!
Waves, I checked out your pic and then googled mucus plug pictures and it looks just like this lady's mucus plug (https://www.cafemom.com/group/pregn..._GRAPHIC_PIC_WARNING_edt_had_him_that_evening), so I'm thinking 'mucus plug'. ETA1: Sorry you are in so much pain and discomfort!

Today wasn't so bad. She must have shifted a little while I slept but in the last half hour or so, she feels like she's wedged down in there more. Same pain I felt last night but I guess I'll just be grateful I had some relief for most of the day lol. Lost more plug when I woke up or shortly after. Haven't really felt much so I'm not going to read too far into it.
Emailed back & forth a little with our photographer last night. We were initially going to do our maternity pictures on Tuesday but it's supposed to be bitter cold so she suggested Wednesday or Thursday. I said either one works for me, whichever will be warmest. I'm so happy she suggested it because I wanted to ask but at the same time, I didn't because of all the changes we've made since we first contacted her. She was initially our wedding photographer and we signed contract, gave our deposit but if you recall, we postponed the wedding and she's allowing us to use our deposit for this maternity session. Since we've already been such a pain, I didn't want to ask about changing days but like I said, SO happy she suggested it first lol.
Got more things taken care of in preparation for Leah. Rearranged our (tiny) living room to accommodate the baby swing, just have to wash the seat/cover. Hannah keeps trying to play with it and swinging the seat violently... poor Leah is going to have such a rough big sister lol.
And in the most exciting news - I'm almost positive I mentioned OH applying for a full-time job at an auto body shop and interviewing last week. He found out yesterday that he got the job! He's giving his 2-weeks notice at his current job on Monday morning and I imagine is just going to ride those 2 weeks out, then starts the auto body shop as a full-time porter (40 hours a week.) Best news EVER.