TTC and endometriosis :(

Cool How are you doing in the TWW? Not too long to go, hope your hormones settle down!
Yearning how's things on the pill? I always found that stage really boring so I hope it's not too bad for you.

AFM, bad news. Egg collection was yesterday and only got 1 egg (apparently the other "follicles" were endometriomas and didn't have eggs). This morning I was told that the egg was immature and can't be fertilised. The last two cycles have been complete disasters. Feel really sad and not sure what to do next.

Gold :hugs: , I am so sorry. I have no words :cry: , God is so unfair to us. Please be strong. Maybe taking a break will help you.
Heart, wishing you all the luck. I hope you get a bfp this cycle :thumbup:
AFM, I did HPT and it was a BFN :cry: ,I knew it but just wanted to confirm. I don't know when I can go for my 2nd ivf. I would be lurking around now. I am planning about some alternative treatment for my endo. Maybe I should accept I might never have my baby. Life is so unfair and I hate it so much.
Cool so sorry to you too. Is it remotely possible that it's a little early (unlikely but I thought I'd ask anyway)? Are you still having beta next week? Life really is unfair at the moment but I do hope that you get to do a second ivf someday. more people have BFN than BFP after their first IVF and I really think that they should tweak your meds to make sure you make more eggs and have a better chance next time :flower:
Thanks Gold, I know life is so unfair......its not that i am asking for a jackpot :( I will be going for beta since my dh wants it. I feel so bad for my DH that he has to suffer with me (He has no ttc issue). The whole ivf process has been so intense,consuming and painful for me :( . What are you planning to do next ? What is your DH saying ?
:cry: Ladies I am so sad to hear the updates. I hope you can both be strong and get passed this. It is the troubles in life we face that makes us the strongest.

Gold - :hugs: I am so sorry to hear this news, I was hoping we would get good news from you. I just dont know what to say or what to advice. I hope that something very special awaits you and all this suffering and pain is all worth it in the end. Stay strong, dont look at those who are more fortunate than you, it breaks the heart. (I know this is easy said than done) xx

Cool - Im so sorry to hear that it was a BFN but I dont want you getting too stressed out, you still have your beta next week so have faith. I know its a killer but stay as strong as possible. xx
Thanks Heart, I was really hoping all of us would get a bfp this time :( . Was really hoping for a miracle. I am keeping my fingers xed for you.
Cool - When I had my first IVF, I read and was told that a lot of first round IVF usually fail, I dont know why. Maybe the body trying to get used to it, many are lucky next round or few. I hope you get a BFP whatever method you wish to next take. Do you have any plans? Take care. xx
Cool I'm not sure what to do next. we will definitely do IVF again but not sure when yet. Possibly going to try taking some supplements to try and improve my response. Dr suggested goIng on the pill to try and calm the endo down but that didnt work out last time - my endometrioma was still around the same size!
Yearning hope you're doing ok and not letting our bad news get you down. The chances of the first IVF working are only around 30%, maybe a bit more if the clinic is good. It's often used to gauge the patient's response so they can optimise it for second round - hope this second time is your lucky time.
Hi all. I hope you don't mind if I join in. I just went in this past Friday for a lap and hyst to find out that I have severe endometriosis. Though my tubes are open, I have the endo everywhere including my bowels. The doctor didn't remove any as he stated that there was so much I would have a lot of scar tissue from the laser and that would decrease my chances of conceiving through IVF. Now I feel like I'm just not sure which direction to take. Have any of you changed your diet to see if that helped with endometriosis?
Gold - I just wish you all had BFP :(
I hope your next IVF works out. Its so nice to see you sounding positive, try not to stress over the past and find ways that can help you improve the next round of IVF. Dont give up.

Swtshae - Hi and welcome to the forum. Hope you doing well. Sorry to hear about the endo, sorry I can not give advice, I dont have knowledge on endo. I hope someone can help you with the diet. x
My beta came back negative. I am planning to consult different RE for my next step . But I don't think I can go for the second ivf this year. The most difficult part is that none in the real world knows what pain I am going through. My cousin had called(he does not know that I am ttc) and asked me when I am planning for a baby and that I should think about it soon.
Swtshae, I have endo and my doctor adviced me against lap saying it will effect my ovaries. I am planning to start an alternative treatment for my endo and change my lifestyle and diet. I wish you all the luck.
Coolstar, what alternate treatment and diet change are you making if you don't mind me asking? I've done some research and found the endo diet and an anti-inflammatory diet. I'm going to ask my doctor at my post op his thoughts on diet change but I figured it couldn't hurt to begin my diet change now.

Good luck with everything.
Cool - :hugs: I am so sorry to hear that. I dont know what to say to make you feel better, I hope and I wish that you have a BFP soon and whatever route you decide to take works out for you. Thinking of you! xxxxxxx
swtshae hello! Are you definitely doing ivf straight after your lap? if not I'd suggest going for gold naturally for the next few months since they've found your tubes are open! Ive read about that endo diet too, but I haven't done it myself though as there's sooo many things to cut out - no dairy, no red meat, no gluten etc etc. I have cut out alcohol, caffeine, tofu and really minimised sugars but it hasn't seemed to help - I still have endo on both ovaries that just grow fast. I can't give up dairy because I need the protein for my low egg reserve!
Yearning I fluctuate a lot between despair and optimism! I'm determined to give IVF another go, feels like I still have it in me to go again. maybe I'm nuts but not ready to give up yet.
Cool :hugs: It's so hard when people ask when you're going to have a baby, as if you could just magic one up. Sometimes wish I could just say "if things had worked out like I planned I'd have 1 kid and 1 on the way by now". BTW I'm planning on taking supplements soon, let me know if you're interested too
I'm not sure about the IVF until I have my post op on the 29th. I'll know which direction to go from there, but my husband mentioned that the doctor recommended going on birth control for at least 3 months which is the same approach they'd take if I want to begin the IVF process.
Gold - I agree with you there, It is annoying when people ask when you are going to have a baby. I like that you are strong and not giving up. Its a motivation for others.
Hi Ladies, the last few days have been very very tough for me. Hasn't been a single day when i have not cried :( . I did consult 2 different RE. All of them is telling me to think about DE because of my low ovarian reserve. My endo has reduced a lot but they say it might relapse any time coz endo can never be cured.
Gold, i think both of us are in near about problem. What supplements are you planning to take ?Did your doctor say about DE ? I am planning to go for 2nd ivf next year but now i am confused whether i go directly for DE IVF or do one fresh cycle of ivf and if it fails then go for DE IVF. Its such a difficult decision to make to let go of your biological link. They say success with my own egg is very very less. Also that with each IVF the AMH value drops down. Did that happen to you ? I am planning to check my AMH after 1 month. Also they asked me to go for Hysteroscopy.
Heart, when will you start with your stims ?
Swtshae, by diet change i am thinking of cutting down on processed/ frozen food. Cut down on alcohol, start exercise and yoga. Like Gold mentioned even i will suggest to go for 3/4 months of natural cycle before you move to IVF since your tubes are open. About alternate treatment i am doing some research and let you know soon.
Cool It is really tough to get bfn after ivf, but I promise you that it will feel better with time. I have had many many days of crying when I thought my heart would break but time is a great healer. I still have sad days but the awful crying has eased. After my first ivf fail, the dr mentioned donor eggs and said I have a very low chance of ivf working. that's when I decided to get a second opinion - the second clinic said if my body can produce more eggs the higher my chances are especially since I was only 34 at the time (unfortunately I'm 35 now!!). so second ivf I was on slightly different meds and I managed to get 5 eggs; it didnt work but it gave me so much hope to go from 2 eggs to 5 eggs. that's why I'd suggest that you try ivf again with your own eggs, perhaps on slightly different stim meds or protocol to try and optimise your response. Some months are better than others - you have a better chance if it's a cycle with more antral follies at baseline before starting stims.

As for AMH levels, I had mine tested in early 2013 before I did my first ivf and it was extremely low. I never had it tested since as it doesn't really matter - i have low AFC, and am a poor responder after 4 rounds of ivf.

Supplements that ive just started taking now are ubiquinol (antioxidant) and bee propolis (supposed to be anti-inflammatory). Oh and of course still taking preconception vits, which I've been doing for years. there's a bunch of other stuff to take but I haven't researched it all yet - too many!!
Cool - Heeyyy how are you? I hope you are doing well and mind is fresh and ready and not give up, I wish I had words to motivate you and make you feel better, all I can say is dont worry, stay strong, this time will pass and hopefully one day will be your special day and when that special day comes you will forget the struggle. I feel so bad to speak about my IVF but I dont want to ignore you either, I start my stims from Friday hopefully after my scan.

Gold - Its so nice to read how strong you are, Your so motivating that no matter what life gives you, you can pass it. Its true though I do agree, I too had my tears and times where I feel I cant take it no more, I guess we all do. Then after we have overpowered those emotions we get ready for next try and thats it I guess. We just have to keep trying. Never give up. (I remember after my 1st IVF fail I cried so much and said I cant go through it again! but now Im up and ready for 2nd round of IVF)
Gold, I totally agree with heart. You are so strong, I really admire you a lot. Is ubiqnuoil same as Coq10. Never heard about it. Will you start your next round of ivf soon.
Heart, keep us updated. I am wishing you all the luck . Fxed for your scans.
About me, I am much better now. I have started meditation ( never knew it is so tough), started walking for 20 mins each day and little bit of yoga. I did consult with diff doc. My simple cyst is gone and much of the endo gone. Since I cannot go for another round of ivf this year so she suggested 3 months of suppression (I have already taken one injection) to reduce my endo even more and then she will give me some meds and next 3 months try naturally. I am not expecting much but instead of just sitting I thought give it a try and pray for a miracle to happen. Till then it will be mid of Oct and then I wait for 2 more months. And then around Jan go for my next ivf. I have to decide then whether I go for DE IVF or my eggs ivf. She told me I have a good chance to conceive with de. Dh wants me to keep my options open for DE ivf as I have very little chance with my egg. The doc also told me to think about DE and that it will be at least 50% biological. I am totally confused. I want to try once more with my eggs and if that fails go to DE Cycle but then have to think about finance and all.

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