May112 UK residents who pay tax get access to the National Health Service (NHS), and if you have been TTC for a long time or if you have a condition that may cause fertility issues, have not had children before and aged under 40 (I think, or it could be under 42?) - then you may be able to get free IVF. Depending on the area you live in and its funding, you can get 1, 2 or 3 free. I got 1 for free and paid for the others myself.
Cool well done, you're PUPO!!! Chin up, your embryos sound like theyre excellent quality!
Yearning yeah it's so expensive, but I think you could prob get it a bit cheaper at other clinics. Plus I'm on one of the highest doses of stim meds so that really adds up; if I had normal AMH or was a good responder I'd be on half the stim dose that I'm currently on now! Yay for starting the pill soon, won't be long before you're on your way to injecting again!
AFM, I had my stim scan today and there were 4 follicles. Just so glad there were some (at least more than 1 anyway!) as I was scared I wouldn't respond again and would have to cancel. Lining looking good as well. I have another scan on Friday and hopefully egg collection early next week!