We are TTC and each month is so disappointing, I get so down. We have not told anyone we are trying (thankfully as I dont think i could deal with people asking every month). Although this also means that i dont have anyone to discuss this with. My partner is great, but he doesn't seem to get so disappointed each month, he says things like "don't worry we will try again next month" and "oh well...at least you can have a glass of wine now" or even worse makes some joke about all the BDing still to come. I know he is trying to be supportive, but it dives me mad! Also since we have been trying (6 months) 8 or our friends/family have announced their pregnancy, which after the first few, i find hard to deal with. Again my partner is completely logical and says "that doesn't make it any less likely to happen for us" and i know he is right, but i feel like he doesn't understand how it feels every month to be disappointed. Sorry to rant! AF just arrived and feeling low again.