TTC buddies turned Mommies thread!

I know, we all used to chat daily, and now life and babies have kind of taken over I guess. Xx
yeah I miss the others too... I am sure it's just life outside of the internet is so much more interesting now! lol! I'm still here most days though. :p
I must be a boring person LOL. I'm totally addicted to BnB. :haha:
Woop Woop!! Can not believe I have found you guys!!!! Can not also believe I remembered my password after all this time especially with my mashed mummy mind!

How are all you lovely ladies and how are your little ones?

I'm well. loving being a mummy (ive been soooo busy hence why I've been missing some time!!)

James is 8.5 months old now it's gone solo fast! He's a little sweety and such a good happy smiley boy.
Had a few scary moments along the way so far but we are doing fine now.
He got referred to the hospital by my doctor (she's young, only just qaulified and has no experience of babies at all). He wasn't sitting up without cushions and she said that she thought there could be a problem with his spine. We were worried out of our minds!!

We saw the hospital specialist who assured us after checking James over that he was fine. She said that because he was very small a birth (5lb 6oz) and still a petite little one that he would just take a little longer to develop stronger muscles. Hes doing great now thou and finally able to sit. It does mean thou that he's not yet crawling (but again a lot of baby's aren't at this age anyway). Just glad he's ok!

He's ahead in other ways thou so I've stopped following baby milestone charts etc as they are completely wrong for us. I've decided he will do it all when he's ready.

At the moment we are still trying to master using a tippy cup and get off bottles which is proving tricky! Eating is going fab thou!

How are you all doing?
turtle!!!!! :hi: missed you!!

OMG, I can't believe James is already 8.5 months old. Wow! Bonnie is 6 months old and I can't believe how time is flying.

I have stopped following milestone charts too, they just stress me out! We just tell the doctor what she is and isn't doing at each of her checkups, and so far she's on schedule :)

Will upload Easter pics later :)
Hi turtle! :wave:

Glad to hear that things are going well for you, and glad you're following you're own intuition with regards to James's milestones, we're doing that with Poppy after all the hoo ha with her weight. I just trust my instincts and we seem to be getting along just fine.

Tonight is the first night we have put Poppy up in her cot before going to bed ourselves. Put her up there at half 8 as she was getting cranky (after a fun filled Easter day with lots of family).

Normally I let her fall asleep on her nest bed in the lounge with me, then take her up when I go to bed at about half 10, get her changed, give her a feed and then she goes down for the rest of the night til about 8am.

I think I need to do this, or I'll never be able to move her into her own room, but I hate not having her with me, it just feels wrong! :cry:

I know it'll get easier, and I've just been to check on her and she's already fast asleep, but that doesn't help me at the moment! My little girl is growing up!
:hugs: MissSazra! It will get easier, I promise. I have never really coslept with Bonnie, unless you count the few weeks she wouldn't sleep anywhere except on my chest...

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!
She's been in the cot since about 8 weeks, just last night was the first night of putting her up there before we went up.

It was actually ok. I went to bed at about half 10 and she was still sound asleep, then she woke by herself at around 11 and had her bottle then went back to sleep.


She woke at 4 and wanted a feed! This never happens, she has slept through for a good 10 hours every night since about 10/12 weeks. I'm worried we've hit the dreaded 4 month sleep regression phase. I thought perhaps it would pass us by (ever hopeful!), but now I'm starting to worry! I know it's only 1 night so far and may have been a blip, so we'll have to see what happens tonight.

Ooooh Sideways, just saw your 'Mommy of 1 & WTT May 2012', that's so exciting that you're gonna be trying again as of next month! I would love to have another close to Poppy but we're gonna wait 2 years to make sure we're back in a financially stable place. I wish we were able to try again sooner though. Xx
Bonnie did the same thing when she was Poppy's age. But, after maybe 3-4 nights, she was back to normal. And, Bonnie has also been STTN since she was 8 weeks so we were nervous that she was reverting back to her newborn days! lol Hopefully Poppy (gosh I love that name!!) will not make this a habit! ;)

Yes ma'am, I have some issues with my cycle ever since having her. Well honestly, I had the issues before I had her... not sure if you remember but I had to get progesterone treatments to force-start my cycle after 70+ days of no ovulation. The same thing is happening again, and DH and I really wanted to NTNP in May, but it's kind of hard to NTNP when there's nothing to try for or prevent since you're not ovulating!! So the plan is, May 1 I call the doctor's office, regardless of where I'm at in my cycle and get some things planned. If I've started another cycle by then, I am to schedule CD21 bloodwork. If I've not started my cycle, I'm to get a script for progesterone called in. So, this means we're moving right into TTC come May. Exciting!!
Wow, that's so exciting. I know it was a hard slog at times in the whole TTC game, but I do kind of miss the excitement of it.

Last time for us was so hard as I thought I'd never be able to get pregnant, so it added to all of the stress. The next time though I'm hoping I can be a bit more laid back about it, as I now know that it's possible.

Poppy is asleep on her little nest bed again at the moment, but I think I shall try and put her up in the cot again at 8ish. I really hope she sleeps through tonight, but am a little apprehensive that's she's going to wake during the night. Hopefully she'll sleep through as her day wasn't half as exciting as yesterday! Xx
My poor baby is unwell! She only has a cold, but I feel terrible for her. She's been coughing and sneezing all day. I've bought a plug in to help her breathe better, have got a saline spray for her nose (although I'm too scared to use it) and a nasal aspirator if she needs a good clear out!

She's just fallen asleep in her seat which I'm pleased about as she looked so tired so hopefully being a bit more upright is helping her. She had such a bad night with it I think she needs all the rest she can get.

Sorry, bit of a pointless post, but I just feel so bad for her.
I think it's cos I think it'll be a forceful squirt into her little nose! It's a stupid reason I know but I just get so scared to give her anything in case it has an adverse affect on her. Have you used a spray with Bonnie before?

I've never even used one myself as the thought of spraying something up my nose weirds me out. But I guess if it helps her then I should try it.

I hate that she's unwell and this is only a cold. Nothing prepares you for this 'being a mum' job! Xx
Girl, I use the spray several times a week. It makes getting boogies out sooo much easier. If you have the kind of bottle I do, then you can also just invert it and it'll drip out like eyedrops would. Then you could just do that and let the saline drizzle into the nostrils.

The forceful squirt really isn't that bad, you don't have to squeeze it hard to get mist out. If you want, just practice squirting into the air so you can see how little it takes :flower:

But, no, you're not being silly for being afraid of that :hugs: Poppy may not like it, but at least a few seconds later she'll be able to breathe better and she'll forget all about it :) I really do hope she feels better soon. Keep an eye on her temperatures. And give her plenty of cuddles. :hugs:
She's had loads of cuddles, and she's still giving big smiles which is wonderful as she really can't be feeling that great.

She's coughed up milk with mucus twice this evening though and it's really scary cos she's brought up loads, so it's obviously going to her chest. People have said to raise one end of her cot, so I might try that, but only if it looks safe for her.

I shall take the saline spray up to bed with us, and if she's being chesty I'll use it as a last resort I think.

Thanks for your help, it's made me feel better about using the spray! Xx
No problem sweetie. It's scary when our LO's get sick. Bonnie's been sick twice, poor thing. I blame that on daycare though :|
aww poor sweety! It sucks to be sick, so it must suck to have a sick baby that doesn't understand it!! :hugs:
Well Poppy had another bad night, waking up crying or coughing, but by this morning she seems to be a bit better. She woke up and had a big smile for me, and she doesn't seem as snuffly, so hopefully it is on it's way out, although she has gone a bit grumpy now.

I was worried in case she brought up more mucus in her sleep, but she's gone over 12 hours without doing it, so I'm hoping she won't do that again, cos that was the scariest thing.

Thanks for helping us! Xx
Oh yeah, bringing up milk with mucous is scary!! I always worried that Bonnie wasn't getting enough nutrition when she did that, because I'd heard that FF babies need 24oz minimum of fluids per day. When Bonnie had RSV she had no appetite. NONE. So I had to "force" her to eat, which I dunno how you do with a baby but I just had to feed her an ounce or two every hour instead of her regular 7 oz bottles every 4 hours. And even when she would refuse milk, the doctor gave me the go-ahead to give her tiny amounts of Pedialyte to help her retain the fluids she was getting. It was awful.

I was bound and determined to keep her from getting dehydrated. Thankfully she had plenty of wet diapers to prove she was getting enough fluids.

Anyway, sounds like Poppy may be on the mend now. Poor baby girl. :hugs:

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